Browsing Department of Government by Title
Now showing items 512-531 of 587
A tale of two cases – investigating reasoning in similar cases with different outcomes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Why is it that some care order cases result in the child being removed from parental care, while in others she is not, despite the cases being similar? This paper investigates how decision-makers reason and justify different ... -
Task Uncertainty and Mission Command in a Naval Context
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Mission command is a leadership philosophy that was designed to ensure that military organizations could operate effectively in uncertain situations. It has become the exemplar of military leadership. This study explores ... -
Terra Incognita - A comparative study of Vik and Hemnes and the strategies to rebuild trust after the Terra-scandal
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)This master thesis aims to answer the following research question: To what extent did Vik and Hemnes develop a strategy to rebuild trust after the Terra-scandal and what are the differences in these potential strategies ... -
Terrorism and Political Trust. A study of the relationship between terrorism and political trust in Europe in the time period 2002 to 2016, and a causal exploration of the relationship between the two phenomena
(Master thesis, 2019-07-16)This thesis explores the relationship between terrorism and political trust. This is done in two ways, by two sub-studies, in order to get a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the two phenomena. ... -
The Coffee Machine Factor: Unraveling the Significance of Knowledge Transfer in a Modern Engineering Organization
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis explores knowledge sharing between younger and older employees in a Norwegian engineering organisation facing an aging workforce. Using a sequential mixed-methods approach, it investigates preferences to knowledge ... -
The Effects of Corruption Scandals on Public Trust: An Empirical Study of Two Municipalities in Eswatini
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02) -
The Fellowship of Acceptable State Interventions : Knowledge, Norms, and Justifications in Norwegian Child Protection Care Order Cases
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-03-31)I denne avhandlingen undersøker jeg statlige ingrep i familien, og spør hvordan statlige inngrep i familien begrunnes, hva egenskapene og kvalitetene ved disse begrunnelsene er, og hva den norske befolkningens holdninger ... -
The Liability of Adolescents: Isomorfi og homogenisering blant norske barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner.
(Master thesis, 2023-06-03)Denne oppgaven undersøker hvorvidt teori om institusjonell isomorfi kan forklare en potensiell homogenisering blant norske barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner. Caseutvalget for denne studien består av fire norske frivillige ... -
The Norwegian regional government reform – a two-case study comparison of regional merger processes
(Master thesis, 2022-06-15)This thesis looks at the 2020 regional government reform in Norway, studying the processes in two merger cases of two former regions each. Qualitative interviews with regional politicians involved in the merger processes ... -
The transformation of union power and politics: a case of COSATU and the textile industries in South Africa’s post-apartheid regime.
(Master thesis, 2018)This research explores the transformation of union power and politics using COSATU in South Africa as a case Study. The argument is that, the political, economic and global conditions under which COSATU operated in erstwhile ... -
The Use of Distinct Frames by the Netherlands in Relation to EU Foreign Policy Coordination. A Case Study of the Enhanced Accession Methodology of the European Union.
(Master thesis, 2022-06-15)This thesis examines when, how, and why the Netherlands uses distinct frames during internal and external coordination in relation to European Foreign Policy. Building on an extensive discussion on the theoretical ... -
Theories and theorizing in public administration: A systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Theories and theorizing are central to scholarship on public administration (PA). Only a few attempts have been made to review the theories applied in PA broadly and systematically, to take stock of the theoretical repertoire, ... -
Theory as guide to the analysis of polygyny and conflict: A response to Ash (2022)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Ash (2022, "Ash" hereafter), in this journal, re-assesses our 2020 article “Polygynous Neighbors, Excess Men, and Intergroup Conflict in Africa.” The article analyzed the relationship between polygyny (one man marrying ... -
There is a Spy on the Campus: Academic Freedom Under Zimbabwe's Watchful Government
(Master thesis, 2020-08-11) -
Tillit i turbulente tider - Endres mål- og resultatstyring i Forsvaret av tillitsreformen?
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne oppgaven omhandler tillitsreformen i Forsvaret og dens innvirkning på mål- og resultatstyring. I tillegg vurderer oppgaven hvor mye hendelser i omgivelsene (mer spesifikt krigen i Ukraina og to kommisjoner) innvirker ... -
Tilpasning til klimaendringer - Organiseringen av det nasjonale koordineringsansvaret
(Master thesis, 2016-05-31)Denne studien tar for seg organiseringen av sentralforvaltningen for klimatilpasning i Norge. Studien er en prosesstudie som strekker seg fra 2004, da klimatilpasning for alvor kom på dagsordenen, og frem til i dag. Prosessen ... -
Tilsyn og tillit – i tid og over tid Tillitsreformen og statlig tilsyn med kommunene
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Oppgaven tar for seg utviklingen i tilsynsfeltet, her avgrenset til statlig tilsyn med kommunene, og regjeringens kobling av tilsyn og tillit i tillitsreformen. Den viser handlinger i tid og utvikling over tid. Studien tar ... -
Tilsyn uten ansvar - En studie av offentlige myndigheters regulering av Vest Tank før og etter eksplosjonsulykken ved bedriften den 24. mai 2007
(Master thesis, 2010-03-05)Denne studien utforsker følgende: (1) Hvordan offentlige myndigheter regulerte bedriften og sjøtransport til bedriften i forkant av ulykken. (2) Hvordan offentlige myndigheter i etterkant av ulykken fulgte opp hvilken drift ... -
Time, institutional support, and quality of decision making in child protection: a cross-country analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-04)This paper examines perceptions of time and institutional support for decision making and staff confidence in the ultimate decisions made—examining differences and similarities between and within the service-oriented Nordic ... -
Tipping the scales: The power of parental commitment in decisions on adoption from care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This article studies how three groups of professional decision-makers – child welfare workers, experts on children and judges – exercise discretion in decisions on adoption from care in the Norwegian child welfare system. ...