Department of Information Science and Media Studies
Nye registreringer
Audience Experience Design for Film
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)The digital era has had a transformative impact on the film industry. The industry grapples with three major disruptions: the marginalization of independent film in theatrical markets, rapid technological advancements, and ... -
Mediert politiker i kortformat En retorisk analyse av Simen Velles kommunikasjon på sosiale medier.
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)I en tid der sosiale medier fundamentalt endrer betingelsene for politisk kommunikasjon, representerer FpU-leder Simen Velle en ny generasjon politikere som har vokst opp med - og mestrer - digitale plattformer. Denne ... -
Wizards, Controversy, and Cancel Culture Dynamics: Player Decisions, Community Shifts, and the Impact of Cancel Culture on Content Creation During the Release of the Video Game Hogwarts Legacy
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)This thesis examines how “cancel culture” affects online communities, specifically within gaming and content creation spaces, using the controversy surrounding Hogwarts Legacy as a case study. By using a mixed method ... -
Defending Democracy: Prioritizing the Study of Epistemic Inequalities
(Journal article, 2024)Digital media have fundamentally altered how knowledge is produced and distributed, often being blamed for contemporary democratic problems. This short essay examines recent contributions to normative democratic theory, ... -
Jürgen Habermas Den nye offentligheten: Strukturendring og deliberativ politikk
(Journal article, 2024) -
Det skal skje
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)Brann gjennomførte i årene 2021 til 2024 en reise fra moralsk og sportslig forfall, til å bli et samlingspunkt for byen Bergen. De har blitt et fotballag som innbyggerne kan være stolte av. Denne masteroppgaven er en skisse ... -
Platform paradoxes and public service media legitimacy: a cross-national study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The intricate relationship between public service media (PSM) andsocial media platforms has emerged as a critical factor significantlyimpacting the legitimacy of the PSM institution. This study adopts adiscursive ... -
A Model-Based Framework for Exploring Conflict Dynamics
(Chapter, 2024)This paper introduces a novel framework for conflict analysis that leverages advanced visual modeling techniques. By employing comparative analysis, key variables influencing armed conflicts are identified and analyzed. ... -
Dynamic Epistemic Logic of Resource Bounded Information Mining Agents
(Chapter, 2024)Logics for resource-bounded agents have been getting more and more attention in recent years since they provide us with more realistic tools for modelling and reasoning about multi-agent systems. While many existing ... -
A Blackboard Model for Flexible and Parallel Text Annotation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Creating rich semantic text annotations is a complex process that involves combining multiple natural-language annotation approaches. This annotation process is often approached sequentially and includes pre-processing ... -
Observing quantum matter-wave diffraction in the energetic He2+-He collisions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We present an experiment combined with numerical simulations to study single and double electron capture processes induced during the collisions between the He target and the He2+ projectile in the energy range 2–20 keV/u. ... -
Embrace or leave social media? On the viability of public service media organizations’ strategies facing platform power
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article addresses the question of whether a withdrawal from social media platforms represents a viable strategy in the ongoing relational power negotiations between public service media and platforms, and if so, under ... -
«Learning by diving» – innovasjonspedagogikk i praksis. Mediestudentar på gyngande museumsgrunn
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Kvar skjer når mediestudentar blir utfordra til å formidle kulturarv på nyskapande måtar? Artikkelen presenterer ein empirisk eksempelstudie blant studentar som har vore med på prosjekt der innovasjonspedagogikk er brukt ... -
Examining the merits of feature-specific similarity functions in the news domain using human judgments
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Online news article recommendations are typically of the ‘more like this’ type, gener- ated by similarity functions. Across three studies, we examined the representativeness of different similarity functions for news item ... -
Ultra-short-term global horizontal irradiance forecasting based on a novel and hybrid GRU-TCN model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The need for energy is increasing globally due to a several factors, including population growth and economic development. Achieving this energy demand in the face of global warming and the depletion of fossil fuels requires ... -
Digital Flux: The Process of Youth Disconnection in an Ambivalent Digital Modernity
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-28)Denne avhandlingen undersøker fenomenet digital frakobling blant ungdom, med vekt på dets prosessuelle natur og hvordan det formes av den iboende ambivalensen i dagens digitale moderniteten. Hovedforskningsspørsmålet som ... -
Psychologically Informed Design of Energy Recommender Systems: Are Nudges Still Effective in Tailored Choice Environments?
(Chapter, 2024)Studies in psychology have shown various ways how humans can be influenced in their choices and behavior. Many of these persuasive strategies and nudges are now also used online, affecting how digital choice environments ... -
Human Factors in User Modeling for Intelligent Systems
(Chapter, 2024)In the current digital landscape, humans take center stage. This has caused a paradigm shift in the realm of intelligent technologies, prompting researchers and (industry) practitioners to reflect on the challenges and ... -
Action Models for Coalition Logic
(Chapter, 2023)In the paper, we study the dynamics of coalitional ability by proposing an extension of coalition logic (CL). CL allows one to reason about what a coalition of agents is able to achieve through a joint action, no matter ... -
Trustworthiness: Public reactions to COVID-19 crisis communication
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In an unprecedented situation of uncertainty, the COVID-19 pandemic tested the public crisis communication capacity. Using focus group data, this study analyzes public reactions to COVID-19 policies in Scandinavia. In line ...