• Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs 

      Huber, Christoph; Dreber, Anna; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Weitzel, Utz; Abellán, Miguel; Adayeva, Xeniya; Ay, Fehime Ceren; Barron, Kai; Berry, Zachariah; Bönte, Werner; Brütt, Katharina; Bulutay, Muhammed; Campos-Mercade, Pol; Cardella, Eric; Claassen, Maria Almudena; Cornelissen, Gert; Dawson, Ian G J; Delnoij, Joyce; Demiral, Elif E.; Dimant, Eugen; Doerflinger, Johannes Theodor; Dold, Malte; Emery, Cécile; Fiala, Lenka; Fiedler, Susann; Freddi, Eleonora; Fries, Tilman; Gasiorowska, Agata; Glogowsky, Ulrich; M Gorny, Paul; Gretton, Jeremy David; Grohmann, Antonia; Hafenbrädl, Sebastian; Handgraaf, Michel; Hanoch, Yaniv; Hart, Einav; Hennig, Max; Hudja, Stanton; Hütter, Mandy; Hyndman, Kyle; Ioannidis, Konstantinos; Isler, Ozan; Jeworrek, Sabrina; Jolles, Daniel; Juanchich, Marie; Kc, Raghabendra Pratap; Khadjavi, Menusch; Kugler, Tamar; Li, Shuwen; Lucas, Brian; Mak, Vincent; Mechtel, Mario; Merkle, Christoph; Meyers, Ethan Andrew; Mollerstrom, Johanna; Nesterov, Alexander; Neyse, Levent; Nieken, Petra; Nussberger, Anne-Marie; Palumbo, Helena; Peters, Kim; Pirrone, Angelo; Qin, Xiangdong; Rahal, Rima Maria; Rau, Holger; Rincke, Johannes; Ronzani, Piero; Roth, Yefim; Saral, Ali Seyhun; Schmitz, Jan; Schneider, Florian; Schram, Arthur; Schudy, Simeon; Schweitzer, Maurice E.; Schwieren, Christiane; Scopelliti, Irene; Sirota, Miroslav; Sonnemans, Joep; Soraperra, Ivan; Spantig, Lisa; Steimanis, Ivo; Steinmetz, Janina; Suetens, Sigrid; Theodoropoulou, Andriana; Urbig, Diemo; Vorlaufer, Tobias; Waibel, Joschka; Woods, Daniel; Yakobi, Ofir; Yilmaz, Onurcan; Zaleskiewicz, Tomasz; Zeisberger, Stefan; Holzmeister, Felix (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Does competition affect moral behavior? This fundamental question has been debated among leading scholars for centuries, and more recently, it has been tested in experimental studies yielding a body of rather inconclusive ...
    • Competition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certificates? 

      Brekke, Kurt Richard; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin; Straume, Odd Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Competition among physicians is widespread, but compelling empirical evidence on its impact on service provision is limited, mainly due to endogeneity issues. In this paper we exploit that many GPs, in addition to own ...
    • Competitive effects of Airbnb on the Norwegian hotel market 

      Ytreberg, Nora Svarstad (Master thesis, 2016-12-01)
      The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the growing literature on the competitive effects of P2P sharing platforms on existing markets, in particular their effect on incumbent firms. I study the case of Airbnb and its ...
    • Competitive effects of cross-ownership in the Norwegian publishing industry 

      Waldrop, Audun Steinson (Master thesis, 2021-06-15)
      The aim of this paper is to contribute to the growing literature on competitive effects of overlapping ownership. Overlapping ownership means that competing firms have ownership in each other, this is known as cross-ownership, ...
    • Consumer Privacy and Product Steering versus Price Discrimination in the Online Market 

      Daae, Erica Daniella (Master thesis, 2023-06-02)
      The following master thesis aims to study consumer privacy, where I focus on price discrimination and steering in the online market. I look closer at whether consumers will benefit from revealing their preferences or not ...
    • Costs and consequences of abortions to women and their households: A cross-sectional study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 

      Ilboudo, Patrick Christian Gueswende; Greco, Giulia; Sundby, Johanne; Torsvik, Gaute (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      Little is known about the costs and consequences of abortions to women and their households. Our aim was to study both costs and consequences of induced and spontaneous abortions and complications. We carried out a ...
    • COVID-19 and mental health: a longitudinal population study from Norway 

      Hvide, Hans K.; Johnsen, Julian Vedeler (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Existing research has found adverse short-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, but longer-term effects have been less documented. Using newly released register data on all general practitioner consultations ...
    • Dagens og morgendagens konsumenttilpasninger i veitransporten: En analyse av erstatningsbeslutningen for bil 

      Guttormsen, Andreas Jahnsen (Master thesis, 2022-06-01)
      Elektrifiseringen av den norske bilparken har økt markant det siste tiåret som følge av målrettede politiske og økonomiske virkemidler. Dette inkluderer blant annet en rekke avgiftsfritak og ikke-monetære elbilfordeler for ...
    • Danmarks fastkurspolitik: ERM2 

      Jacobsen, Kasper (Master thesis, 2018-06-23)
      Formålet med denne masteropgave er at redegøre for og analysere den danske pengepolitik, såvel som at undersøge betydningen af fastkurspolitikken. Med fokus på valutakursændring og spændet mellem danske- og euroområdets ...
    • De baltiske staters valg av valutakursregimer 

      Sjursen, Helge (Master thesis, 2006)
      Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å beskrive en del sentrale problemstillinger i forbindelse med at enkelte sentral- og østeuropeiske land (CEEC) skulle gjennomgå en overgang fra planøkonomi til markedsøkonomi (transition ...
    • Den norske skjermingsstøtten og konsekvenser for konsum av frukt og grønt 

      Sandboe, Erlend Øseth (Master thesis, 2022-12-01)
    • Den Norske Typen. Sammenhengen mellom avdekkede samarbeidstyper; demografi, tillit og meninger om klima- og miljøspørsmål 

      Bjørnevik, Tord Lauvland (Master thesis, 2020-09-16)
      Tidligere eksperimentelle studier har vist hvordan deltakere i Sosiale dilemma spill har heterogene preferanser for samarbeid. Et flertall av deltakerne viser en villighet til å prioritere fellesskapet fremfor seg selv, ...
    • Den samfunnsøkonomiske effekten av markedsføring - anvendt i den norske kosmetikk- og toalettartikkel bransjen 

      Visic, Aida (Master thesis, 2009-06-02)
      I denne oppgaven utdypes aktiviteten markedsføring og dens betydning som en konkurransevariabel.Den norske kosmetikk- og toalettartikkelbransjen er anvendt som et eksempel på en bransje som aktivt bruker ulike markedsfør ...
    • Det svensk-norske elsertifikatmarkedet: Hva blir konsekvensene? 

      Ueland, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2012-05-31)
      I denne oppgaven skal følgende problemstilling besvares: Hvordan vil en introduksjon av elsertifikater i Norge slå ut i engrospris, sluttbrukerpris og ny fornybar kraftproduksjon i et felles marked med Sverige? Flere land ...
    • Determinants of child mortality in Angola: An econometric analysis 

      Sjursen, Ingrid Hoem (Master thesis, 2011-11-30)
      The aim of this thesis is to investigate determinants of child mortality in the regions of Luanda and Uíge in Angola. The country has one of the highest child mortality rates in the world. The literature on the subject has ...
    • Determinants of Chinese FDI in Africa: An econometric analysis 

      Breivik, Anne-Lise (Master thesis, 2014-02-03)
      The aim of this thesis is to examine the determinants of Chinese FDI in Africa over the period from 2003 to 2011. The investigation is based on a sample of panel data from 49 African countries, using aggregate Chinese ...
    • Determinants of Health and Labor Market Outcomes : Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics 

      Breivik, Anne-Lise (Doctoral thesis, 2020-04-24)
      This thesis consist of four chapters: One introductory chapter and three chapters that each includes the three papers that are the main part of this thesis. The introductory chapter provides an overview of the determinants ...
    • Differential Information Economies and Incomplete Markets 

      Pronin, Kira (Master thesis, 2008-05-26)
      In a pure exchange economy with differential information, there may be ex-post Pareto-dominant core allocations which are not attainable as Rational Expectations Equilibria because of information verifiability issues. On ...
    • Digital Health Transformation of Integrated Care in Europe: Overarching Analysis of 17 Integrated Care Programs 

      Baltaxe, Erik; Czypionka, Thomas; Kraus, Markus; Reiss, Miriam; Askildsen, Jan Erik; Grenkovic, Renata; Lindén, Tord Skogedal; Pitter, János György; Rutten-van Molken, Maureen; Solans, Oscar; Stokes, Jonathan; Struckmann, Verena; Roca, Josep; Cano, Isaac (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background: Digital health tools comprise a wide range of technologies to support health processes. The potential of these technologies to effectively support health care transformation is widely accepted. However, wide ...
    • Do actions speak louder than words? - Communication and partner choice in the prisoner's dilemma game 

      Steine, Frøydis Sæbø (Master thesis, 2018-06-28)
      Communication has been shown to enhance cooperation (Dawes, McTavish and Shaklee 1977; Isaac and Walker 1988; Sally 1995; Bochet, Page and Putterman 2006). But do all people benefit equally from communication? This thesis ...