• Depresjon, dyspné, lungefunksjonsmål og fenotyper - en eksplorativ studie på søken etter varianter av KOLS 

      Klemmetsby, Margrete (Master thesis, 2009-11-16)
      Dyspnoea and depression are among the novel symptoms in COPD patients, especially in severe stages of the disease. Knowledge on pulmonary function or phenotypic classifying of patients is limited concerning whether presence ...
    • DNAH5 is associated with total lung capacity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 

      Lee, Jin H.; McDonald, Merry-Lynn N.; Cho, Michael H.; Wan, Emily S.; Castaldi, Peter J.; Hunninghake, Gary M.; Marchetti, Nathaniel; Lynch, David A.; Crapo, James D.; Lomas, David A.; Coxson, Harvey O.; Bakke, Per; Silverman, Edwin K.; Hersh, Craig P. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-08-20)
      Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by expiratory flow limitation, causing air trapping and lung hyperinflation. Hyperinflation leads to reduced exercise tolerance and poor quality of ...