Now showing items 34309-34328 of 35872

    • V2 i norsk arvespråk i Latin-Amerika 

      Melvær, June Osland (Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      I dette masterprosjektet har jeg undersøkt V2, med særlig fokus på ikke-subjektinitiale helsetninger til norske arvespråkstalere i Latin-Amerika. Jeg har samlet inn data fra 19 norske arvespråkstalere fra Argentina, Ecuador ...
    • va d sje øving m s i dag? Om påvirkningen fra sosiale medier på ungdommers skriving i fritids- og skolesammenheng 

      Hjørnevik, Helene (Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      Denne undersøkelsen tar sikte på å utforske ungdomsskoleelevers evne til å tilpasse språkbruken mellom ulike skrivesituasjoner. For dagens ungdommer spiller digitalt sosialt språk en stor rolle i hverdagen, samtidig som ...
    • Vaage og kunstnerromanen 

      Jensen, Pål Thrana (Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
      Masteroppgave i nordisk litteratur Institutt for lingvistiske, litterære estetiske studier Universitetet i Bergen Våren 2024 Student: Pål Thrana Jensen Veileder: Jørgen Magnus Sejersted Tittel: Vaage og kunstnerromanen U ...
    • VACCELERATE Site Network: Real-time definition of clinical study capacity in Europe 

      Salmanton-García, Jon; Wipfler, Pauline; Valle-Simón, Paula; Merakou, Christina; Kopsidas, Ioannis; Bethe, Ullrich; Steinbach, Angela; Spivak, Orly; Součková, Lenka; Mendonça, Maria Amélia; Koniordou, Markela; Hellemans, Margot; Frías-Iniesta, Jesus; Davis, Ruth Joanna; Barta, Imre; Azzini, Anna Maria; Askling, Helena H.; Argyropoulos, Christos D.; Álvarez-Barco, Elena; Akova, Murat; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Cohen-Kandli, Miriam; Cox, Rebecca Jane; Flisiak, Robert; Husa, Petr; Jancoriene, Ligita; Koscalova, Alena; Launay, Odile; Lundgren, Jens; Mallon, Patrick; Marques, Laura; Nauclér, Pontus; Ochando, Jordi; Pana, Zoi-Dorothea; Tacconelli, Evelina; Tóth, Krisztina; Trelle, Sven; van Damme, Pierre; Zaoutis, Theoklis E.; Zeitlinger, Markus; Albus, Kerstin; Stewart, Fiona A.; Hofstraat, Sanne H.I.; Bruijning-Verhagen, Patricia; Cornely, Oliver A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background: The inconsistent European vaccine trial landscape rendered the continent of limited interest for vaccine developers. The VACCELERATE consortium created a network of capable clinical trial sites throughout Europe. ...
    • VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry: A European study participant database to facilitate clinical trial enrolment 

      Salmanton-García, Jon; Stewart, Fiona A.; Heringer, Sarah; Koniordou, Markela; Álvarez-Barco, Elena; Argyropoulos, Christos D.; Themistocleous, Sophia C.; Valle-Simón, Paula; Spivak, Orly; Součková, Lenka; Merakou, Christina; Amélia Mendonça, Maria; Joanna Davis, Ruth; Maria Azzini, Anna; Askling, Helena H.; Vene, Sirkka; Van Damme, Pierre; Steinbach, Angela; Shiamakkides, George; Seidel, Danila; Olesen, Ole F.; Noula, Evgenia; Macken, Alan; Luís, Catarina; Leckler, Janina; Launay, Odile; Isitt, Catherine; Hellemans, Margot; Frías-Iniesta, Jesús; Di Marzo, Romina; Carcas, Antonio J.; Boustras, George; Borobia, Alberto M.; Barta, Imre; Albus, Kerstin; Akova, Murat; Ochando, Jordi; Cohen-Kandli, Miriam; Cox, Rebecca Jane; Husa, Petr; Jancoriene, Ligita; Mallon, Patrick; Marques, Laura; Mellinghoff, Sibylle C.; Nauclér, Pontus; Tacconelli, Evelina; Tóth, Krisztina; Zaoutis, Theoklis E.; Zeitlinger, Markus; Cornely, Oliver A.; Pana, Zoi-Dorothea (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has evidenced the key role of vaccine design, obtention, production and administration to successfully fight against infectious diseases and to provide efficient ...
    • Vaccination coverage and timeliness in three South African areas: a prospective study 

      Fadnes, Lars Thore; Jackson, Debra; Engebretsen, Ingunn Marie S.; Zembe, Wanga; Sanders, David; Sommerfelt, Halvor; Tylleskär, Thorkild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-05-27)
      Background: Timely vaccination is important to induce adequate protective immunity. We measured vaccination timeliness and vaccination coverage in three geographical areas in South Africa. Methods: This study used vaccination ...
    • Vaccination prevents severe COVID-19 outcome in patients with neutralizing type 1 interferon autoantibodies 

      Wolff, Anette Susanne Bøe; Hansen, Lena; Grytaas, Marianne Aardal; Oftedal, Bergithe Eikeland; Breivik, Lars Ertesvåg; Zhou, Fan; Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Sjøgren, Thea; Olofsson, Jan Stefan; Trieu, Mai Chi; Meager, Anthony; Jørgensen, Anders Palmstrøm; Lima, Kari; Mohn, Kristin Greve-Isdahl; Langeland, Nina; Cox Brokstad, Rebecca Jane; Husebye, Eystein Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      A hallmark of patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS-1) is serological neutralizing autoantibodies against type 1 interferons (IFN-I). The presence of these antibodies has been associated with severe ...
    • Vaccination rates in Europe are not associated with online media intensity 

      Luís, Catarina; Di Marzo, Verónica Romina; Kaur, Mandeep; Argyropoulos, Christos D.; Devane, Declan; Stewart, Fiona A.; Antoniou, George; Hendrickx, Greet; Askling, Helena Hervius; Hellemans, Margot; Cohen, Miriam; Spivak, Orly; Damme, Pierre Van; Cox, Rebecca Jane; Vene, Sirkka; Sibia, Sofie; Pana, Zoi Dorothea; Olesen, Ole F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      To map the public information about COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine trials in Europe, we have compiled an inventory of online communication materials from official sources (e.g., governments, public agencies, and NGOs) via ...
    • Vaccination strategies based on graph centrality 

      Benning, Haakon Osmundsen (Master thesis, 2022-11-15)
    • Vaccination with adjuvanted recombinant neuraminidase induces broad heterologous, but not heterosubtypic, cross-protection against influenza virus infection in mice 

      Wohlbold, Teddy John; Nachbagauer, Raffael; Xu, Haoming; Tan, Gene S.; Hirsh, Ariana; Brokstad, Karl Albert; Cox, Rebecca Jane; Palese, Peter; Krammer, Florian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03-10)
      In an attempt to assess the cross-protective potential of the influenza virus neuraminidase (NA) as a vaccine antigen, different subtypes of recombinant NA were expressed in a baculovirus system and used to vaccinate mice ...
    • Vaccine Candidate Double Mutant Variants of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Heat-Stable Toxin 

      Zegeye, Ephrem Debebe; Diaz, Yuleima; Puntervoll, Pål (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) producing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains are among the top four enteropathogens associated with moderate-to-severe diarrhea in children under five years in low-to-middle income ...
    • Vacuolar ATPase Is a Possible Therapeutic Target in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Focus on Patient Heterogeneity and Treatment Toxicity 

      Bartaula-Brevik, Sushma; Leitch, Calum; Valladares, Maria del Carmen Hernandez; Aasebø, Elise; Berven, Frode Steingrimsen; Selheim, Frode; Brenner, Annette; Rye, Kristin Paulsen; Hagen, Marie; Reikvam, Håkon; Mc Cormack, Emmet; Bruserud, Øystein; Tvedt, Tor Henrik Anderson (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) is regarded as a possible target in cancer treatment. It is expressed in primary acute myeloid leukemia cells (AML), but the expression varies between patients and is highest for patients with a ...
    • Vagally mediated heart rate variability, stress, and perceived social support: a focus on sex differences 

      Kvadsheim, Elisabet; Sørensen, Lin; Fasmer, Ole Bernt; Osnes, Berge; Haavik, Jan; Williams, DeWayne P.; Thayer, Julian Francis; Koenig, Julian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Higher vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV), reflecting vagal activity as indexed by heart function and lower stress vulnerability, is associated with higher perceived social support. Seeking social support is ...
    • Vaginal colonisation of women in labour with potentially pathogenic bacteria: A cross sectional study at three primary health care facilities in Central Uganda 

      Tumuhamye, Josephine; Steinsland, Hans; Tumwine, James K.; Namugga, Olive; Mukunya, David; Bwanga, Freddie; Sommerfelt, Halvor; Nankabirwa, Victoria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-31)
      Background: Potentially pathogenic bacteria that colonise the lower genital tract of women in labour can be passed to the baby during birth. While many babies become colonised with these bacteria after delivery, a few ...
    • Vaginal Colonization and Neonatal Infections in Central Uganda : Etiology, Antimicrobial Resistance and Associated Factors 

      Tumuhamye, Josephine (Doctoral thesis, 2023-10-26)
      Bakgrunn: Bakterier som koloniserer fødselskanalen til fødende kvinner kan overføres til deres nyfødte, og noen av dem kan dermed utvikle tidlige infeksjoner. Infeksjon i navlestrengstumpen (omfalitt) er en viktig risikofaktor ...
    • Vaginal colonization with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria among women in labor in central Uganda: prevalence and associated factors 

      Tumuhamye, Josephine; Steinsland, Hans; Bwanga, Freddie; Tumwine, James K.; Ndeezi, Grace; Mukunya, David; Namugga, Olive; Napyo, Agnes Kasede; Sommerfelt, Halvor; Nankabirwa, Victoria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background According to WHO ( CISMAC. Centre for Intervention Science in Maternal and Child health), the antimicrobial resistant bacteria considered to be clinically most important for human health and earmarked for ...
    • Vague orientations and weak institutions. A study of students and apprentices in vocational education and training for retail and office work in Norway 

      Reegård, Kaja (Doctoral thesis, 2017-03-31)
      About two decades ago, Norway expanded its well-functioning system for vocational education and training (VET) to also cover the retail sector and office work, which have no tradition of apprenticeship training. The Sales ...
    • Vagueness in emergent levels 

      Waaler, Øyvin Higdem (Master thesis, 2017-06-22)
      I denne tesen, så skal jeg presentere filosfisk emergens, og argumentere for at det er for vagt. Jeg vil gi et overblikk i både vaghet og emergens, med fokus på teorier om emergente nivåer. Jeg vil så argumentere for at ...
    • Vaksinepåbud og Grunnlovens § 102 

      Stokseth, Bastian Brubæk (Master thesis, 2024-05-10)
      Avhandlingen tar for seg statens adgang til å påby vaksinering i lys av Grunnloven § 102
    • Vaksinering av berggylt (Labrus bergylta) mot Aeromonas salmonicida A-lagstype V og VI 

      Fløgum, Victoria Alice (Master thesis, 2016-06-09)
      Oppdrettet berggylt brukt som rensefisk for laks ble vaksinert med en divalent vaksine mot Aeromonas salmonicida A-lagstype V og VI. En uvaksinert negativ kontrollgruppe med samme opprinnelse ble fordelt på andre merder i ...