• The Worth of Nature: Valuations of Glaciers in Alaskan and Norwegian Media Discourse 

      Bruns, Catherine J.; Andersen, Ida Vikøren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This article presents a comparative case study of public valuation of glaciers in Alaska and Norway. The first case examines Alaska’s Mendenhall Glacier, which has been central in public debate over the US Forest Service’s ...
    • Wrestling between English and Pinyin: Language politics and ideologies of coding street names in China 

      Shang, Guowen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      This paper examines the code choice and contestations on street name signs in China to find out the dynamics of language politics and the language ideological debates. In China, Hanyu Pinyin and English compete for visibility ...
    • Writing on the wall: How the use of technology can open dialogical spaces in lectures 

      Ludvigsen, Kristine; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Timmis, Sue (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article discusses experiences using an online collaborative whiteboard to provide dialogical spaces (Wegerif, 2013) for students to reflect on their understanding of concepts in lectures in two higher-education courses: ...
    • The Würmian Late-Glacial and early-Holocene vegetation and environment of Gourds des Aillères in the Monts du Forez (Massif Central, France) based on pollen and macrofossil evidence 

      Bos, Johanna A.A.; Birks, Hilary H; van der Knaap, Willem O.; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F.N.; Janssen, C.R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Although there is a long history of palaeoecological investigation in the Massif Central, detailed reconstruction of the flora, vegetation, and environment in the Late Pleniglacial, the Würmian (Weichselian) Late-Glacial, ...
    • W±-boson production in p–Pb collisions at \( \sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} \) = 8.16 TeV and Pb–Pb collisions at \( \sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} \) = 5.02 Te 

      Acharya, S.; Adamová, D.; Adler, A.; Aglieri Rinella, Rinella; Agnello, M.; Agrawal, N.; Ahammed, Z.; Ahmad, S.; Ahn, S.U.; Ahuja, I.; Al-Turany, M.; Alessandro, B.; Alfanda, H.M.; Alfaro Molina, Molina; Ali, B.; Ali, Y.; Alici, A.; Alizadehvandchali, N.; Alkin, A.; Alme, Johan; Alocco, G.; Alt, Torsten; Anaam, M.N.; Andrei, C.; Andronic, A.; Anguelov, V.; Antinori, F.; Antonioli, P.; Anuj, C.; Apadula, N.; Aphecetche, L.; Appelshäuser, H.; Arcelli, S.; Arnaldi, R.; Arsene, Ionut Cristian; Arslandok, M.; Augustinus, A.; Averbeck, R.; Aziz, S.; Azmi, M.D.; Badalà, A.; Baek, Y.W.; Bai, X.; Bailhache, R.; Bailung, Y.; Bala, R.; Balbino, A.; Baldisseri, A.; Balis, B.; Banerjee, D.; Banoo, Z.; Barbera, R.; Barioglio, L.; Barlou, M.; Barnaföldi, G.G.; Barnby, L.S.; Barret, V.; Barreto, L.; Bartels, C.; Barth, K.; Bartsch, E.; Baruffaldi, F.; Bastid, N.; Basu, S.; Batigne, G.; Battistini, D.; Bauri, D.; Bazo Alba, Alba; Bearden, I.G.; Beattie, C.; Becht, P.; Behera, D.; Belikov, I.; Bell Hechavarria, Hechavarria; Bellini, F.; Bellwied, R.; Bencedi, G.; Beole, S.; Bercuci, A.; Berdnikova, A.; Bergmann, L.; Besoiu, M.G.; Betev, L.; Bhaduri, P.P.; Bhasin, A.; Bhat, I.R.; Bhat, M.A.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Bianchi, L.; Bianchi, N.; Bielčík, J.; Bielčíková, J.; Biernat, J.; Bilandzic, A.; Biro, G.; Biswas, S.; Blair, J.T.; Blidaru, M.B.; Bluhme, N.; Blume, C.; Boca, G.; Bock, F.; Bodova, Tea; Boi, S.; Bok, J.; Boldizsár, L.; Bombara, M.; Bond, P.M.; Bonomi, G.; Borel, H.; Bossi, H.; Botta, E.; Bratrud, Lars Karlot Stubberud; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Bregant, M.; Broz, M.; Bruno, G.E.; Buckland, M.D.; Buesching, H.; Bufalino, S.; Bugnon, O.; Buhler, P.; Buthelezi, Z.; Butt, J.B.; Bylinkin, A.; Bysiak, S.A.; Cai, M.; Caines, H.; Caliva, A.; Calvo Villar, Villar; Camacho, J.M.M.; Camacho, R.S.; Camerini, P.; Canedo, F.D.M.; Carabas, M.; Carnesecchi, F.; Caron, R.; Castillo Castellanos, Castellanos; Catalano, F.; Chakaberia, I.; Chakraborty, P.; Chandra, S.; Chapeland, S.; Chartier, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chavez, T.G.; Cheng, T.; Cheshkov, C.; Cheynis, B.; Chibante Barroso, Barroso; Chinellato, D.D.; Chizzali, E.S.; Cho, J.; Cho, S.; Chochula, P.; Christakoglou, P.; Christensen, C.H.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Ciacco, M.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Ciupek, M.R.; Clai, G.; Colamaria, F.; Colburn, J.S.; Colella, D.; Collu, A.; Colocci, M.; Concas, M.; Conesa Balbastre, Balbastre; Conesa del Valle, del; Contin, G.; Contreras, J.G.; Coquet, M.L.; Cormier, T.M.; Cortese, P.; Cosentino, M.R.; Costa, F.; Costanza, S.; Crochet, P.; Cruz-Torres, R.; Cuautle, E.; Cui, P.; Cunqueiro, L.; Dainese, A.; Danisch, M.C.; Danu, A.; Das, P.; Das, P.; Das, S.; Dash, S.; De Caro, Caro; de Cataldo, Cataldo; De Cilladi, Cilladi; de Cuveland, Cuveland; De Falco, Falco; De Gruttola, Gruttola; De Marco, Marco; De Martin, Martin; De Pasquale, Pasquale; Deb, S.; Degenhardt, H.F.; Deja, K.R.; Del Grande, Grande; Dello Stritto, Stritto; Deng, W.; Dhankher, P.; Di Bari, Bari; Di Mauro, Mauro; Diaz, R.A.; Dietel, T.; Ding, Y.; Divià, R.; Dixit, D.U.; Djuvsland, Øystein; Dobrin, A.; Dönigus, B.; Dubey, A.K.; Dubinski, J.M.; Dubla, A.; Dudi, S.; Dupieux, P.; Durkac, M.; Dzalaiova, N.; Eder, T.M.; Ehlers, R.J.; Eikeland, Viljar Nilsen; Eisenhut, F.; Elia, D.; Erazmus, B.; Ercolessi, F.; Erhardt, F.; Ersdal, Magnus Rentsch; Espagnon, B.; Eulisse, G.; Evans, D.; Fabbietti, L.; Faggin, M.; Faivre, J.; Fan, F.; Fan, W.; Fantoni, A.; Fasel, M.; Fecchio, P.; Feliciello, A.; Fernández Téllez, Tellez; Ferrer, M.B.; Ferrero, A.; Ferretti, A.; Feuillard, V.J.G.; Figiel, J.; Filova, V.; Fionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste; Fiorenza, G.; Flor, F.; Flores, A.N.; Foertsch, S.; Fokin, I.; Fragiacomo, E.; Frajna, E.; Fuchs, U.; Funicello, N.; Furget, C.; Gaardhøje, J.J.; Gagliardi, M.; Gago, A.M.; Gal, A.; Galvan, C.D.; Ganoti, P.; Garabatos, C.; Garcia, J.R.A.; Garcia-Solis, E.; Garg, K.; Gargiulo, C.; Garibli, A.; Garner, K.; Gauger, E.F.; Gautam, A.; Gay Ducati, Ducati; Germain, M.; Ghosh, S.K.; Giacalone, M.; Gianotti, P.; Giubellino, P.; Giubilato, P.; Glaenzer, A.M.C.; Glässel, P.; Glimos, E.; Goh, D.J.Q.; Gonzalez, V.; González-Trueba, L.H.; Gorbunov, S.; Gorgon, M.; Görlich, L.; Gotovac, S.; Grabski, V.; Graczykowski, L.K.; Grecka, E.; Greiner, L.; Grelli, A.; Grigoras, C.; Grigoryan, S.; Grosa, F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus, J.F.; Grosso, R.; Grund, D.; Guardiano, G.G.; Guernane, R.; Guilbaud, M.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gunji, T.; Guo, W.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, R.; Guzman, S.P.; Gyulai, L.; Habib, M.K.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamid, M.; Han, Y.; Hannigan, R.; Haque, M.R.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J.W.; Harton, A.; Hasenbichler, J.A.; Hassan, H.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hauer, P.; Havener, L.B.; Heckel, S.T.; Hellbär, E.; Helstrup, Håvard; Herman, T.; Herrera Corral, Corral; Herrmann, F.; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Heybeck, B.; Hillemanns, H.; Hills, C.; Hippolyte, B.; Hofman, B.; Hohlweger, B.; Honermann, J.; Hong, G.H.; Horak, D.; Horzyk, A.; Hosokawa, R.; Hou, Y.; Hristov, P.; Hughes, C.; Huhn, P.; Huhta, L.M.; Hulse, C.V.; Humanic, T.J.; Hushnud, H.; Hutson, A.; Hutter, D.; Iddon, J.P.; Ilyas, H.; Inaba, M.; Innocenti, G.M.; Isakov, A.; Isidori, T.; Islam, M.S.; Ivanov, M.; Jablonski, M.; Jacak, B.; Jacazio, N.; Jacobs, P.M.; Jadlovska, S.; Jadlovsky, J.; Jaffe, L.; Jahnke, C.; Janik, M.A.; Janson, T.; Jercic, M.; Jevons, O.; Jimenez, A.A.P.; Jonas, F.; Jones, P.G.; Jowett, J.M.; Jung, J.; Jung, M.; Junique, A.; Jusko, A.; Kabus, M.J.; Kaewjai, J.; Kalinak, P.; Kalteyer, A.S.; Kalweit, A.; Karasu Uysal, Uysal; Karatovic, D.; Karczmarczyk, P.; Kashyap, V.; Kebschull, U.; Keidel, R.; Keijdener, D.L.D.; Keil, M.; Ketzer, B.; Khan, A.M.; Khan, S.; Khatun, A.; Khuntia, A.; Kileng, Bjarte; Kim, B.; Kim, C.; Kim, D.J.; Kim, E.J.; Kim, J.; Kim, J.S.; Kim, J.; Kim, J.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kirsch, S.; Kisel, I.; Kisiel, A.; Kitowski, J.P.; Klay, J.L.; Klein, J.; Klein, S.; Klein-Bösing, C.; Kleiner, M.; Klemenz, T.; Kluge, A.; Knospe, A.G.; Kobdaj, C.; Kollegger, T.; Konig, J.; Konigstorfer, S.A.; Konopka, P.J.; Kornakov, G.; Koryciak, S.D.; Kotliarov, A.; Kovalenko, O.; Kowalski, M.; Králik, I.; Kravčáková, A.; Kreis, L.; Krivda, M.; Krizek, F.; Krizkova Gajdosova, Gajdosova; Kroesen, M.; Krüger, M.; Krupova, D.M.; Krzewicki, M.; Kučera, V.; Kuhn, C.; Kuijer, P.G.; Kumaoka, T.; Kumar, D.; Kumar, L.; Kumar, N.; Kundu, S.; Kurashvili, P.; Kushpil, S.; Kvapil, J.; Kweon, M.J.; Kwon, J.Y.; Kwon, Y.; La Pointe, Pointe; La Rocca, Rocca; Lai, Y.S.; Lakrathok, A.; Lamanna, M.; Langøy, Rune; Larionov, P.; Laudi, E.; Lautner, L.; Lavicka, R.; Lea, R.; Lehrbach, J.; Lemmon, R.C.; León Monzón, Monzon; Lesch, M.M.; Lesser, E.D.; Lettrich, M.; Lévai, P.; Li, X.; Li, X.L.; Lien, Jørgen André; Lietava, R.; Lim, B.; Lim, S.H.; Lindenstruth, V.; Lindner, A.; Lippmann, C.; Liu, A.; Liu, D.H.; Liu, J.; Lofnes, Ingrid Mckibben; Loizides, C.; Loncar, P.; Lopez, J.A.; Lopez, X.; López Torres, Torres; Lu, P.; Luhder, J.R.; Lunardon, M.; Luparello, G.; Ma, Y.G.; Mager, M.; Mahmoud, T.; Maire, A.; Malik, N.M.; Malik, Qasim Waheed; Malik, S.K.; Mallick, D.; Mallick, N.; Mandaglio, G.; Manso, F.; Manzari, V.; Mao, Y.; Margagliotti, G.V.; Margotti, A.; Marín, A.; Markert, C.; Marquard, M.; Martin, N.A.; Martinengo, P.; Martinez, J.L.; Martínez, M.I.; Martínez García, Garcia; Masciocchi, S.; Masera, M.; Masoni, A.; Massacrier, L.; Mastroserio, A.; Mathis, A.M.; Matonoha, O.; Matuoka, P.F.T.; Matyja, A.; Mayer, C.; Mazuecos, A.L.; Mazzaschi, F.; Mazzilli, M.; Mdhluli, J.E.; Mechler, A.F.; Menchaca-Rocha, A.; Meninno, E.; Menon, A.S.; Meres, M.; Mhlanga, S.; Miake, Y.; Micheletti, L.; Migliorin, L.C.; Mihaylov, D.L.; Mishra, A.N.; Miśkowiec, D.; Modak, A.; Mohanty, A.P.; Mohanty, B.; Mohisin Khan, Khan; Molander, M.A.; Moravcova, Z.; Mordasini, C.; Moreira De Godoy, De; Morsch, A.; Mrnjavac, T.; Muccifora, V.; Mudnic, E.; Muhuri, S.; Mulligan, J.D.; Mulliri, A.; Munhoz, M.G.; Munzer, R.H.; Murakami, H.; Murray, S.; Musa, L.; Musinsky, J.; Myrcha, J.W.; Naik, B.; Nair, R.; Nandi, B.K.; Nania, R.; Nappi, E.; Nassirpour, A.F.; Nath, A.; Nattrass, C.; Neagu, Alexandra; Negru, A.; Nellen, L.; Nesbø, Simon Voigt; Neskovic, G.; Nielsen, B.S.; Nielsen, E.G.; Noferini, F.; Noh, S.; Novitzky, N.; Nowakowski, P.; Nystrand, Joakim Ingemar; Ogino, M.; Ohlson, A.; Oleniacz, J.; Oliveira Da Silva, Da; Oliver, M.H.; Onnerstad, A.; Oppedisano, C.; Ortiz Velasquez, Velasquez; Oskarsson, A.; Otwinowski, J.; Oya, M.; Oyama, K.; Pachmayer, Y.; Padhan, S.; Pagano, D.; Paić, G.; Palasciano, A.; Panebianco, S.; Park, J.; Parkkila, J.E.; Pathak, S.P.; Patra, R.N.; Paul, B.; Pei, H.; Peitzmann, T.; Peng, X.; Pereira, L.G.; Pereira Da Costa, Da; Perez, G.M.; Perrin, S.; Petráček, V.; Petrovici, M.; Pezzi, R.P.; Piano, S.; Pikna, M.; Pillot, P.; Pinazza, O.; Pinsky, L.; Pinto, C.; Pisano, S.; Płoskoń, M.; Planinic, M.; Pliquett, F.; Poghosyan, M.G.; Politano, S.; Poljak, N.; Pop, A.; Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.; Porter, J.; Prasad, S.K.; Prasad, S.; Preghenella, R.; Prino, F.; Pruneau, C.A.; Puccio, M.; Qiu, S.; Quaglia, L.; Quishpe, R.E.; Ragoni, S.; Rakotozafindrabe, A.; Ramello, L.; Rami, F.; Ramirez, S.A.R.; Rancien, T.A.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Räsänen, S.S.; Rath, R.; Ravasenga, I.; Read, K.F.; Redelbach, A.R.; Redlich, K.; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Reichelt, P.; Reidt, F.; Reme-Ness, H.A.; Rescakova, Z.; Reygers, K.; Ricci, R.; Richert, T.; Richter, Matthias; Riegler, W.; Riggi, F.; Ristea, C.; Rodríguez Cahuantzi, Cahuantzi; Røed, Ketil; Rogoschinski, T.S.; Rohr, D.; Röhrich, Dieter; Rojas, P.F.; Rojas Torres, Torres; Rokita, P.S.; Ronchetti, F.; Rosano, A.; Rosas, E.D.; Rossi, A.; Roy, A.; Roy, P.; Roy, S.; Rubini, N.; Rueda, O.V.; Ruggiano, D.; Rui, R.; Russek, P.G.; Russo, R.; Rustamov, A.; Rybicki, A.; Rytkonen, H.; Rzesa, W.; Saarimaki, O.A.M.; Sadek, R.; Sætre, Jon-Are; Šafařík, K.; Saha, S.K.; Saha, S.; Sahoo, B.; Sahoo, P.; Sahoo, R.; Sahoo, S.; Sahu, D.; Sahu, P.K.; Saini, J.; Sajdakova, K.; Sakai, S.; Salvan, M.P.; Sambyal, S.; Saramela, T.B.; Sarkar, D.; Sarkar, N.; Sarma, P.; Sarritzu, V.; Sarti, V.M.; Sas, M.H.P.; Schambach, J.; Scheid, H.S.; Schiaua, C.; Schicker, R.; Schmah, A.; Schmidt, C.; Schmidt, H.R.; Schmidt, M.O.; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, N.V.; Schmier, A.R.; Schotter, R.; Schukraft, J.; Schwarz, K.; Schweda, K.; Scioli, G.; Scomparin, E.; Seger, J.E.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Sekihata, D.; Selyuzhenkov, I.; Senyukov, S.; Seo, J.J.; Šerkšnytė, L.; Sevcenco, A.; Shaba, T.J.; Shabetai, A.; Shahoyan, R.; Shaikh, W.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, D.; Sharma, H.; Sharma, M.; Sharma, N.; Sharma, S.; Sharma, U.; Shatat, A.; Sheibani, O.; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shou, Q.; Siddhanta, S.; Siemiarczuk, T.; Silva, T.F.; Silvermyr, D.; Simantathammakul, T.; Simeonov, R.; Simonetti, G.; Singh, B.; Singh, B.; Singh, R.; Singh, R.; Singh, R.; Singh, V.K.; Singhal, V.; Sinha, T.; Sitar, B.; Sitta, M.; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Skorodumovs, G.; Slupecki, M.; Smirnov, N.; Snellings, R.J.M.; Solheim, Emilie Haugland; Soncco, C.; Song, J.; Songmoolnak, Arnon; Soramel, F.; Sorensen, S.; Spijkers, R.; Sputowska, I.; Staa, J.; Stachel, J.; Stan, I.; Steffanic, P.J.; Stiefelmaier, S.F.; Stocco, D.; Storehaug, Ida Torkjellsdatter; Storetvedt, Maksim Melnik; Stratmann, P.; Strazzi, S.; Stylianidis, C.P.; Suaide, A.A.P.; Suire, C.; Suljic, M.; Sumberia, V.; Sumowidagdo, S.; Swain, S.; Szabo, A.; Szarka, I.; Tabassam, U.; Taghavi, S.F.; Taillepied, G.; Takahashi, J.; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Tang, S.; Tang, Z.; Tapia Takaki, Takaki; Tapus, N.; Tarasovicova, L.A.; Tarzila, M.G.; Tauro, A.; Telesca, A.; Terlizzi, L.; Terrevoli, C.; Tersimonov, G.; Thakur, S.; Thomas, D.; Tieulent, R.; Timmins, A.R.; Tkacik, M.; Tkacik, T.; Toia, A.; Toppi, M.; Torales-Acosta, F.; Tork, T.; Torres Ramos, Ramos; Trifiró, A.; Triolo, A.S.; Tripathy, S.; Tripathy, T.; Trogolo, S.; Trubnikov, V.; Trzaska, W.H.; Trzcinski, T.P.; Turrisi, R.; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Ullaland, Kjetil; Ulukutlu, B.; Uras, A.; Urioni, M.; Usai, G.L.; Vala, M.; Valle, N.; Vallero, S.; van Doremalen, Doremalen; van Leeuwen, Leeuwen; van Veen, Veen; van Weelden, Weelden; Vande Vyvre, Vyvre; Varga, D.; Varga, Z.; Varga-Kofarago, M.; Vasileiou, M.; Vázquez Doce, Doce; Vercellin, E.; Vergara Limón, Limon; Vermunt, L.; Vértesi, R.; Verweij, M.; Vickovic, L.; Vilakazi, Z.; Villalobos Baillie, Baillie; Vino, G.; Virgili, T.; Vislavicius, V.; Volkel, B.; Völkl, M.A.; Voloshin, S.A.; Volpe, G.; von Haller, Haller; Vorobyev, I.; Vrláková, J.; Wagner, Boris; Wang, C.; Wang, D.; Weber, M.; Wegrzynek, A.; Weiglhofer, F.T.; Wenzel, S.C.; Wessels, J.P.; Weyhmiller, S.L.; Wiechula, J.; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Wilk, G.; Wilkinson, J.; Willems, G.A.; Windelband, B.; Winn, M.; Wright, J.R.; Wu, W.; Wu, Y.; Xu, R.; Yadav, A.K.; Yalcin, S.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Yamakawa, K.; Yang, Shiming; Yano, S.; Yin, Zhongbaao; Yoo, I.-K.; Yoon, J.H.; Yuan, Shiming; Yuncu, A.; Zaccolo, V.; Zampolli, C.; Zanoli, H.J.C.; Zanone, F.; Zardoshti, N.; Závada, P.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, M.; Zhi, Y.; Zhou, Zhuo; Zhu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Zinovjev, G.; Zurlo, N. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The production of the W± bosons measured in p–Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon collision \( \sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} \) = 8.16 TeV and Pb–Pb collisions at \( \sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} \) = 5.02 TeV ...
    • X chromosome associations with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and related phenotypes: an X chromosome-wide association study 

      Hayden, Lystra P.; Hobbs, Brian D.; Busch, Robert; Cho, Michael H.; Liu, Ming; Lopes-Ramos, Camila M.; Lomas, David A.; Bakke, Per S.; Gulsvik, Amund; Silverman, Edwin K.; Crapo, James D.; Beaty, Terri H.; Laird, Nan M.; Lange, Christoph; DeMeo, Dawn L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background The association between genetic variants on the X chromosome to risk of COPD has not been fully explored. We hypothesize that the X chromosome harbors variants important in determining risk of COPD related ...
    • X-chromosome variants are associated with aldosterone producing adenomas 

      Dutta, Ravi Kumar; Larsson, Malin; Arnesen, Thomas; Heie, Anette; Walz, Martin K.; Alesina, Piero; Gimm, Oliver; Söderkvist, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs) are a major cause of primary aldosteronism (PA) and are characterized by constitutively producing aldosterone, which leads to hypertension. Several mutations have been identified in ...
    • The X-factor in ART: does the use of assisted reproductive technologies influence DNA methylation on the X chromosome? 

      Romanowska, Julia; Nustad, Haakon Egdetveit; Page, Christian Magnus; Denault, William Robert Paul; Lee, Yunsung; Magnus, Maria Christine; Haftorn, Kristine Løkås; Gjerdevik, Miriam; Novakovic, Boris; Saffery, Richard; Gjessing, Håkon K.; lyle, robert; Magnus, Per Minor; Håberg, Siri Eldevik; Jugessur, Astanand (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) may perturb DNA methylation (DNAm) in early embryonic development. Although a handful of epigenome-wide association studies of ART have been published, none have investigated ...
    • XAB2 promotes Ku eviction from single-ended DNA double-strand breaks independently of the ATM kinase 

      Sharma, Abhishek; Erasimus, Hélène; Pinto, Lia; Caron, Marie-Christine; Gopaul, Diyavarshini; Peterlini, Thibault; Neumann, Katrin; Nazarov, Petr V.; Fritah, Sabrina; Klink, Barbara; Herold-Mende, Christel C.; Niclou, Simone Pierrette; Pasero, Philippe; Calsou, Patrick; Masson, Jean-Yves; Britton, Sébastien; Van Dyck, Eric (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Replication-associated single-ended DNA double-strand breaks (seDSBs) are repaired predominantly through RAD51-mediated homologous recombination (HR). Removal of the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) factor Ku from resected ...
    • Xeno-free generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from donor-matched fibroblasts isolated from dermal and oral tissues 

      Ali, Hassan Abdel-Raouf Abdel-Wahab; Suliman, Salwa; Osman, Tarig Al-Hadi; Carrasco Fernandez, Manuel; Bruland, Ove; Costea, Daniela Elena; Ræder, Helge; Mustafa, Kamal Babikeir Elnour (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) can be generated from various somatic cells and can subsequently be differentiated to multiple cell types of the body. This makes them highly promising for cellular therapy ...
    • Xeno-free spheroids of human gingiva-derived progenitor cells for bone tissue engineering 

      Shanbhag, Siddharth; Suliman, Salwa; Bolstad, Anne Isine; Stavropoulos, Andreas; Mustafa, Kamal Babikeir Eln (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Gingiva has been identified as a minimally invasive source of multipotent progenitor cells (GPCs) for use in bone tissue engineering (BTE). To facilitate clinical translation, it is important to characterize GPCs in xeno-free ...
    • Xenobiotic metabolism and its physiological consequences in high‑Antarctic Notothenioid fishes 

      Strobel, Anneli; Lille-Langøy, Roger; Segner, Helmut; Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia; Goksøyr, Anders; Karlsen, Odd André (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The Antarctic ecosystem is progressively exposed to anthropogenic contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). So far, it is largely unknown if PAHs leave a mark in the physiology of high-Antarctic fish. ...
    • Xenophobia, Political Society and the Mechanism of the Imitation of Affects 

      De Cuzzani, Paola Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    • Xerostomia in 75–85-year-olds: A longitudinal population study 

      Johansson, Ann-Katrin; Omar, Ridwaan; Mastrovito, Berit; Sannevik, Josefin; Carlsson, Gunnar E.; Johansson, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background: Xerostomia can pose significant problems for many elderly people. Objectives: To investigate longitudinal changes in prevalence, persistence, progression, remission and incidence of xerostomia from age 75 ...
    • XNLP-Completeness for Parameterized Problems on Graphs with a Linear Structure 

      Bodlaender, Hans L.; Groenland, Carla; Jacob, Hugo; Jaffke, Lars; Lima, Paloma Thome de (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In this paper, we showcase the class XNLP as a natural place for many hard problems parameterized by linear width measures. This strengthens existing W[1]-hardness proofs for these problems, since XNLP-hardness implies ...
    • Xpert MTB/RIF ultra for rapid diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in a high‑income low‑tuberculosis prevalence setting 

      Hoel, Ida Marie; Syre, Heidi; Skarstein, Ingerid; Mustafa, Tehmina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) is often challenging due to paucibacillary nature of the disease. Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra (Ultra) has been developed to improve detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex ...
    • Young adults with depression: A registry-based longitudinal study of work-life marginalisation. The Norwegian GP-DEP study 

      Hetlevik, Øystein; Smith-Sivertsen, Tone; Haukenes, Inger; Ruths, Sabine; Baste, Valborg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Aims: To explore the association between a depression diagnosis in young adulthood and risk of marginalisation at age 29 years, among those who had completed upper secondary school and those who had not completed at age ...
    • Young ischaemic stroke incidence and demographic characteristics - The Norwegian stroke in the young study - A three-generation research program 

      Nawaz, Beenish; Eide, Geir Egil; Fromm, Annette; Øygarden, Halvor; Sand, Kristin Modalsli; Thomassen, Lars; Næss, Halvor; Waje-Andreassen, Ulrike (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Introduction: Norwegian Stroke in the Young Study (NOR-SYS) is a three-generation research program of young ischaemic stroke. In this study, we assessed ischaemic stroke incidence, education and work status among young ...
    • “Your heart keeps bleeding”: lived experiences of parents with a perinatal death in Northern Uganda 

      Arach, Anna Agnes Ojok; Kiguli, Juliet; Nankabirwa, Victoria; Nakasujja, Noeline; Mukunya, David; Musaba, Milton W.; Napyo, Agnes Kasede; Tumwine, James K; Ndeezi, Grace; Rujumba, Joseph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-15)
      Background: Worldwide, two million babies are stillborn and 1.8 million babies die before completing seven days of life. Approximately 4% of pregnant women in Uganda experience perinatal death. The response following a ...
    • Youth Advantage Versus Gender Penalty: Selecting and Electing Young Candidates 

      Belschner, Jana Birke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Young people are under-represented in formal politics. While this may be a mere projection of their lack among voters and party members, the article investigates whether being young is a disadvantage in election processes, ...