Browsing Registrations from Cristin by Title
Now showing items 4831-4850 of 11278
‘I am not only beneficial to the community but to the entire country, I am trained as a researcher now’: Developing health research skills in low-income countries
(Journal article, 2021)Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions in the global South and North have potential for building capacity in public health research in low-resource countries. We present experiences of partners involved in a ... -
I Am... Bothered About D&D
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Is Dungeons & Dragons receiving too much attention in game studies compared to other tabletop role playing games? And what, if any, are the issues with this? In this commentary the author creates an overview of the ... -
I Buy Medicines From the Streets Because I Am Poor: A Qualitative Account on why the Informal Market for Medicines Thrive in Ivory Coast
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The informal market for medicines has been growing. In Ivory Coast, this informal market is an unofficial core part of the health system. Given the risks associated with the informal market for medicines, it is important ... -
“I came to escort someone”: Men’s experiences of antenatal care services in urban Ghana—a qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background Male involvement in maternal healthcare has been widely recognized as essential for positive health outcomes for expectant mothers and their unborn babies. However, few studies have explored men’s experiences ... -
I Can See Clearly Now: Clairvoyant Assertions for Deadlock Checking
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Static analysers are traditionally used to check various correctness properties of software. In the face of refactorings that can have adverse effects on correctness, developers need to analyse the code after refactoring ... -
‘I can't go to her when I have a problem’: sexuality communication between South African adolescent girls and young women and their mothers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Parent–adolescent sexuality communication, the process in which parents and their adolescent children discuss sexuality and sexual and reproductive health, is a key component for adolescents’ protective behaviours. Open ... -
I Do Not Want Her to be Doing Anything Stressful’: Men’s Involvement in Domestic Work during pregnancy in Ghana
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Drawing on qualitative research from rural and urban areas, this article contributes to evolving social research in Ghana on possible changes in the gendered distribution of domestic labour. Formulated within debates on ... -
"I Do Not Write a Life": Hamsun, Psychiatry and Life Narrative
(Chapter, 2021)Life narratives are written in many different forms. This chapter discusses two such life narratives, constituting two textual explorations of the same ageing self, that of the Norwegian novelist Knut Hamsun. As part of a ... -
“I feel good when I drink”—detecting childhood-onset alcohol abuse and dependence in a Ugandan community trial cohort
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background Alcohol, substance use, and mental health disorders constitute major public health issues worldwide, including in low income and lower middle-income countries, and early initiation of use is an important predictor ... -
“I feel like it’s giving me a lot as a language teacher to be a learner myself”: Factors affecting the implementation of a multilingual pedagogy as reported by teachers of diverse languages
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)To boost the foreign language learning process, language teachers need to know how to implement a multilingual pedagogy, that is, they should be able to draw on their and their students’ knowledge of other languages during ... -
“I felt so small”: A qualitative study of migrant nursing assistants' experiences in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background In the wake of an increasingly ageing population, Norway has a growing need for healthcare workers, especially in nursing homes. This study explored the employment experiences of migrant nursing assistants ... -
I love you, but you let me down! How hate and retaliation damage customer-brand relationship
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The literature on the dark side of the customer-brand relationship is still evolving. Admittedly, scholars have given it noteworthy attention in the recent past, yet gaps persist related to the products and services, ... -
I politi- og påtalerettens grenseland. Lovregulering av enkelte gråsoner mellom politioppgaver og påtaleoppgaver?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Artikkelen tar for seg ulike praktiske krysningspunkter hvor politiretten og påtaleretten møtes, hvor regelvalg og ansvarslinjer er – eller kan oppfattes å være – uklare og hvor det bør vurderes en nærmere rettslig regulering. -
I sentralbankens blindsoner
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Ansettelsen i 2020 av ny sjef for Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) har igjen skapt debatt om skatteparadiser som har vært et økende internasjonalt tema siden finanskrisen i 2008. Artikkelen analyserer Norges Banks ... -
I skyggen av likestillingen – voldsutsatte mødre i Norge
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Målet med artikkelen er å undersøke voldsutsatte mødres erfaringer i lys av det likestilte foreldreskapet som rettslig realitet, politisk ambisjon og kulturelt ideal i Norge. Artikkelen er et bidrag til å knytte vold i ... -
“I smile, but Without Showing My Teeth”: The Lived Experience of Cleft, Lip, and Palate in Adults
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Objective: To explore and describe the experience of growing up with unilateral cleft lip and palate (CLP) in adults. Design: Face-to-face interviews. Giorgi’s phenomenological method was used for analysis. Parti ... -
I starten var det Hofteregisteret- så ble vi flere. Nasjonalt Register for Leddproteser, Nasjonalt Hoftebruddregister, Nasjonalt Korsbåndregister og Nasjonalt Barnehofteregister
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)De 4 ortopediske registrene Nasjonalt Register for Leddproteser, Nasjonalt Hoftebruddregister, Nasjonalt Korsbåndregister og Nasjonalt Barnehofteregister er lokalisert til Helse Bergen og presenteres her med eksempler på ... -
“I Turned to Things That Mean More to Me”: Unpacking the Activist Trajectories of Syrians in Oslo
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The article examines how Syrians’ activist trajectories have evolved in exile contexts of small Syrian communities and limited mobilization structures. Based on in-depth interviews with Syrians in Oslo, I argue that the ... -
I want to play a game: Examining sex differences in the effects of pathological gaming, academic self-efficacy, and academic initiative on academic performance in adolescence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Although research has investigated the association between pathological gaming and academic performance in adolescence, the complexity of the relationship has not been thoroughly examined. This short longitudinal study ... -
‘I wanted to go, but they said wait’: Mothers’ bargaining power and strategies in careseeking for ill newborns in Ethiopia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Introduction To prevent the 2.6 million newborn deaths occurring worldwide every year, health system improvements and changes in care-taker behaviour are necessary. Mothers are commonly assumed to be of particular importance ...