Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Document Types "Doctoral thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 40
The Accountability Function within a One-party Regime: The Case of China’s Local People’s Congress
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-04-27)This is a study of Chinese local legislatures, the Local People’s Congresses (LPCs), and their accountability function within the one-party regime. The focus is to what extent, how, and why LPCs can promote political ... -
Between a Rock and a Hard Place. The Islamic Council of Norway and the Challenge of Representing Islam in Europe
(Doctoral thesis, 2020)In several European countries the authorities have sought to institutionalize and regulate the Islamic or Muslim presence in their countries through Islamic Representative Councils (IRCs) that can function as interlocutors ... -
Change in Local Voluntary Associations
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-09-04) -
Climate change: Challenging democracies, challenging parties
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-12-04)Climate change has emerged as the most prominent contemporary environmental issue, and poses several challenges to democratic processes. Democracies are struggling to integrate climate concern, and political parties attempt ... -
Consistent Citizens? Exploring and Explaining Mechanisms of Opinion Change
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-12-20)This dissertation examines patterns of public opinion change and their determinants from the perspectives of both internal and external theories of opinion change. Based on new and original panel data on Norwegian citizens’ ... -
The Controversial Populist Radical Right Through the Eyes of the Public: Disliked, yet Tolerated?
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-06-28)This thesis is about the populist radical right and why we need to study this group of parties. I ask the following research question: Why is there exceptional political controversy around the populist radical right? To ... -
Creating Democratic Citizens? An analysis of Mock Elections as Political Education in School
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-11-04)Mock elections at school have been a part of the political education in Norway since the end of the Second World War, and have become an institution of political education. One of the main objectives of democratic institutions ... -
Decent Work: Principles, policies and programmes of the International Labour Organisation
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-19) -
Democratic Reflections : To what extent do representatives mirror their constituents, and how does it affect the challenges modern, representative democracy are facing?
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-02-18)This thesis addresses the important challenges that contemporary, representative democracies are facing, and shows how (better) representation can contribute to tackling them. In doing so, I limit the scope to one specific ... -
The Democratisation of Eastern Europe 1989-2004. A closer look at how Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria have handled the challenges of economic development, good governance, nationalism and xenophobia
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-06-23)In the period since the fall of communism in 1989-1991, Eastern Europe has gone through massive societal turmoil. This dissertation takes a closer look at how five East European countries, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary ... -
Diaspora Mobilization for Justice During Conflict : The Case of Syria
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-12-15)This dissertation asks how diaspora mobilization for transitional justice evolves during conflict. Mobilization for transitional justice typically “deals with the past” and focuses on retrospective attempts to deal with ... -
Economic Inequality and Political Power in Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-03-03)Så lenge demokratiske styreformer har eksistert har folk diskutert om økonomisk ulikhet undergraver det demokratiske idealet om politisk likhet. Har borgere med vidt forskjellige økonomiske ressurser i virkeligheten lik ... -
Explaining Scandinavian Immigration Policy 1985-2010. Parties, Press, and Public Opinion
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-11-30)This thesis is concerned with explaining Scandinavian immigration policy from 1985- 2010. The overarching research question – what determines immigration and immigration policy in Scandinavia – is approached from three ... -
Going Regional: Regional and Multilevel Electoral Democracy in Western Europe in Times of Decentralization (1945-2019)
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-10-31)I vest-europeiske land har regionalforvaltning opplevd en betydelig forandring siden andre verdenskrig. Denne forandringen involverer etableringen av nye regioner, forsterkning av mange eksisterende regioner og innføringen ... -
Humanitarian Diplomacy at the United Nations
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-08-09)I en verden preget av kriser, langvarige væpnede konflikter og hyppigere naturkatastrofer på grunn av klimaendringer, forventes humanitære behov på tvers av landegrenser og kontinenter å øke. Dette tvinger humanitære aktører ... -
I rettsoppgjørets lange skygger. Andre generasjons problemer i lys av moderne transisjonsteori
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-04-13)In the long shadows of Norway’s post-war purge: Second generation’s problems in lightof modern transition theory.The first «wave» of transitions from authoritarian rule to democracy in modern times inSouthern Europe in the ... -
The institutional trajectory of Hamas: From radicalism to pragmatism—and back again?
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-03-06)This thesis explains Hamas’s development, from its modest beginnings to the political force it is today, by analyzing it as a case of party institutionalization. The analytical framework, based on elements from the literature ... -
Leaping into the unknown: Comparing, testing, and applying methods of predicting elections
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-05-11)The purpose of this dissertation is to compare, test, and apply methods of predicting election outcomes. It discusses the premises of the predictions and what kind of information is gathered and processed to form expectations ... -
Messy Issues, Policy Conflict and the Differentiated Polity: Analysing Contemporary Policy Responses to Complex, Uncertain and Transversal Policy Problems
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-04-07)At present, a surprisingly wide variety of commentators and observers seem toagree that Europeans are failing to tackle urgent policy challenges. As a result,so the argument does, Europeans are falling further and further ... -
The metapolitics of settler colonialism : Individual rights, collective boundaries, and Indigenous (de)colonization
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-06-19)Metapolitics are like the forces inside the atom, so constitutive of the world around us that they hide in plain sight. If domestic politics happens within polities, and geopolitics happens between them, metapolitics decides ...