University of Bergen Library: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 136
The Saliva and Muscle Study (SaMu): Rationale and Protocol for Associations between Salivary Microbiome and Accelerated Muscle Ageing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background The gut microbiome is recognized as a pivotal factor in the pathophysiology of sarcopenia—a condition marked by the accelerated loss of muscle strength, mass and function with ageing. Despite this well-known ... -
Embodiment and agency in a digital world
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We are agents and our agency is often best characterized in terms of embodied cognition. However, this is not to deny that there are cognitively significant ways of agentive engagement with the world that may be described ... -
Place-Name Databases - A Spatio-Temporal Mess
(Chapter, 2023) -
The Digital Lab as an arena for teaching and outreach activities connected to the Special Collections at the University Library of Bergen
(Journal article, 2023)The Digital Lab at the University of Bergen Library was established in 2020 and is set up to be an interdisciplinary hub for researchers, lecturers, and students, both on-site and digitally. The lab provides a space to ... -
An Increase in HSF1 Expression Directs Human Mammary Epithelial Cells toward a Mesenchymal Phenotype
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)HSF1 is a well-known heat shock protein expression regulator in response to stress. It also regulates processes important for growth, development or tumorigenesis. We studied the HSF1 influence on the phenotype of ... -
ESX1 gene as a potential candidate responsible for male infertility in nonobstructive azoospermia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Infertility is a problem that affects approximately 15% of couples, and male infertility is responsible for 40–50% of these cases. The cause of male infertility is still poorly diagnosed and treated. One of the prominent ... -
Competency building in a busy working day for librarians and for libraries
(Journal article, 2023)Medical librarians know very well that they must build new competencies to offer relevant services and develop new library services. In a workshop at the EAHIL conference 2023, suggestions for competency building, and how ... -
«Arv og kjærlighet». Om å bytte og å halde på etternamnet for norske menn i heterofile forhold
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In many Western cultures, a shared surname symbolises unity within the nuclear family. In heterosexual couples, choices of surname often confirm a gendered hierarchy, as men usually keep their name and give it to their ... -
Words on Warfare from Christian Nubia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article is an attempt to assemble the vocabulary related to war found in Nubian written sources (primarily manuscripts) and discuss the insights it offers about warfare in Christian Nubia. All four languages used in ... -
Norwegian medical librarians’ views about the future
(Journal article, 2023)The article describe Norwegian medical librarians thoughts about trends and future developments. Results from a survey among library staff in medical and healthcare libraries in Norway in June 2022 are presented. Digital ... -
Alter & Ego. (Auto)fiktionale Altersfigurationen in deutschsprachiger und nordischer Literatur
(Perspektiven. Nordeuropäische Studien zur Deutschsprachigen Literatur und Kultur;, Book, 2022) -
EESSI: A cross-platform ready-to-use optimised scientific software stack
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Getting scientific software installed correctly and ensuring it performs well has been a ubiquitous problem for several decades now, which is compounded currently by the changing landscape of computational science with the ... -
Word banks, dictionaries and research results by the roadside
(Chapter, 2022)Many European languages have undergone considerable changes in orthography over the last 150 years. This hampers the application of modern computer-based analysers to older text, and hence computer-based annotation and ... -
Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy in children and young people with primary hypertension: Meta-analysis and meta-regression
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is the main marker of HMOD in children and young people (CYP). We aimed to assess the prevalence of LVH and its determinants in CYP with primary hypertension (PH). Methods: ... -
Gamle og nye blikk på Sverresoga
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Sverresoga er eit karakteristisk verk som har hatt definerande kraft i norrøn litteratur. Soga var tidleg skriven og tett på hendingane og personane i handlinga, ikkje minst kong Sverre sjølv, som hadde ei aktiv rolle då ... -
Myking – hvad er det for et navn? Et indblik i norske ing-navne
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Som navneklasse er stednavne på -ing stort set blevet overset i Norge, på trods af at der findes hundredevis af navne af denne type. Forundringen bliver ikke meget mindre af at netop ing-navne har nydt stor bevågenhed i ... -
Skranken som læringsrom – redesign av bibliotek for humaniora UiB
(Conference poster, 2022)Skranken er i dag et viktig fysisk og uformelt læringsrom for studentene, hvor de kan møte faktiske personer og få direkte svar på fagrelaterte spørsmål. Men synet på skrankebemanningen er i stadig endring, nasjonalt og ... -
Prince and Pretender: Marian Iconography and Devotion as Political Rhetoric in the Magnificat Window in Great Malvern Priory Church
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article argues that Tudor politics influenced the devotional iconography on display in the Magnificat window in Great Malvern Priory church in Worcestershire, England from 1501. The window proclaims Henry VII’s final ... -
Angel and Sovereign: Henry VII’s Royal Coins, Legitimation, and Relics of Power
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The introduction of the angel and later the Tudor sovereign gold coins in the late 1400s became part of a political rhetoric aimed at mediating the king’s image, power, and wealth. However, it also played a part in the ... -
God informasjon: Jørgen Grindes fotografier fra Midtøsten 1956-59
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Jørgen Grinde var en norsk fotograf i FNs tjeneste fra 1946-1973. Denne artikkelen tar for seg hans fotografier tatt i Midtøsten 1956–59, og plasserer disse i en historisk kontekst bestående av FNs informasjons- og ...