Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 359-378 of 544
Pakkeforløp i psykisk helsevern: Et kritisk blikk
(Master thesis, 2020)Pakkeforløp er blitt innført i Norge for å gi pasienter eller pårørende et mer omfattende og forutsigbart behandlingsforløp, uten unødvendig ventetid. Men oppfyller de målene som er skissert? Hensikten med studiet var å ... -
Parental income and mental disorders in children and adolescents: prospective register-based study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background Children with low-income parents have a higher risk of mental disorders, although it is unclear whether other parental characteristics or genetic confounding explain these associations and whether it is true ... -
Parental internalizing symptoms as predictors of anxiety symptoms in clinic-referred children
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Mothers’ and fathers’ internalizing symptoms may influence children’s anxiety symptoms differently. Objective: To explore the relationship between parental internalizing symptoms and children’s anxiety ... -
Parental monitoring, involvement and school absence
(Master thesis, 2018)Background: School absence represents a serious problem in adolescents’ development, as it may lead to severe consequences. Being absent from school is associated with social, psychological and health problems, and is the ... -
Parentifisering - konsekvenser i et utviklingsperspektiv
(Master thesis, 2012-04-14)The purpose of this paper is to elucidate parentification as a phenomenon. Parentification can cause a number of personality-related, emotional and social consequences for the children who experience it. Alcohol abuse among ... -
Parenting strategies and sleep in adolescence
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19) -
Party identity and affective polarisation: An empirical study within the Norwegian multiparty system
(Master thesis, 2024-12-16)Den pågående debatten om sammenhengen mellom sosial identitet og affektiv polarisering er preget av konseptuell uklarhet og mangelfull operasjonalisering av sosial identitet. I denne teksten prøver vi å utbedre disse ... -
Pasientens ubevisste plan - et teoretisk holdbart og klinisk meningsfullt begrep?
(Master thesis, 2008)The assumption that patients enter therapy with an unconscious plan puts Control-Mastery theory in a unique position with in psychodynamic theory. This paper discusses to what extent and in what way the plan concept is ... -
Passivt-unnvikende lederskap i en militær setting, konsekvenser for ytelse og som tilstand avhengig av mestringstro og emosjonell attribusjonsstil
(Master thesis, 2018)Poor leadership is related to negative performance outcomes in the workplace. The effect is well established in traditional occupational settings. However, there is a paucity of research in military leadership settings. ... -
Pathological Gambling. Treatment and Personality Factors
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-03-29) -
På sporet av det tapte øyeblikk:En teoretisk undersøkelse av tilstedeværelse her og nå med vekt på hvordan nåtidige møteøyeblikk og følelsesmessig og kroppslig nærvær kan virke endrende i psykoterapi.
(Master thesis, 2009-04-15)In which ways can being present in the here and now lead to change? In this thesis, the experiential dimension of the therapeutic moment of meeting is emphasized as a central component in a persons change process. We discuss ... -
Pedagog eller teknogog? Ein kvalitativ studie av kva studiestøttesystemet Classfronter har å seie for læraren som rettleiar og tilretteleggar for læring
(Master thesis, 2005)Denne studien handlar om tilhøvet mellom studiestøttesystemet Classfronter og læraren i høgare utdaning. Bakgrunnen for prosjektet er Kvalitetsreforma av høgare utdaning og då spesielt St.meld. nr. 27 (2000/2001) ”Gjør din ... -
Pedagogisk-psykologisk forskning: Metodologi og den metodologiske skolering
(Research report, 1971) -
Peer victimization as reported by children, teachers, and parents in relation to children’s health symptoms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-04-06)Background: Victims of bullying in school may experience health problems later in life. We have assessed the prevalence of children’s health symptoms according to whether peer victimization was reported by the children, ... -
Persepsjon av emosjonell nonverbal kommunikasjon i krysskulturelt terapeutisk arbeid.
(Master thesis, 2017)The following study address the research question “What implications could crosscultural variations in perception of nonverbal emotional expressions have for therapeutic work? To answer the research question we have chosen ... -
Personlegdomstesting av plattformsjefkandidatar
(Master thesis, 2012-05-08)Offshore installation managers (OIMs) will function as incident commanders in contingency situations on board. Good incident commanders appear to have certain personality characteristics, refered to as the right stuff". A ... -
Personlige og sosiale faktorers betydning for holdninger til oppdragelsesspørsmål
(Journal article, 1960) -
Physical activity, sports practice and cognitive functioning: The current research status
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The evidence for the benefits of physical activity on cognitive functioning has increased in recent years. Although the relationship between these variables has been analyzed for decades, the development of evaluation ...