Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 419-438 of 544
Re-envisioning health promotion: Thinking and acting salutogenically towards equity for historically resilient communities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This paper explores how the salutogenic theory can enable us to re-envision health promotion work with marginalized communities, towards an approach that acknowledges and honours their resilience. We use the three core ... -
Reason for concern? Reflections on how kindergarten staff report on child concern
(Master thesis, 2011-04-12)This study is an attempt at better understanding kindergarten staff's thoughts and feelings about reporting borderline cases to the child welfare authorities (Barnevernet, hereafter called CWA). It also covers staff's ... -
Refugees and mental health interventions
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-05-11)This thesis focuses on refugees and mental health interventions. A literature review and 24 months of participant observation among Tamil refugee parents in Norway form the basis of the findings presented here. The first ... -
Refusjonsordningen for klinisk psykologiske tjenester
(Journal article, 1981) -
Regulering, tidlig samspill og depressive vansker - En studie av to grupper tre måneder gamle spedbarn og deres mødre
(Master thesis, 2016-12-14)Problems with self-regulation is often the core symptom of many mental disorders. It is therefore important to have more knowledge about the factors that have influence on the early development of self-regulation. The ... -
Rehabilitering av voldelige kriminelle: kan psykoterapeutiske intervensjoner i fengsel redusere residivisme?
(Master thesis, 2017-06-13)At all times people have had means of punishing deviants, and prisons have undergone structural and ideological changes throughout history. Crime in general and violence in particular entail significant negative consequences ... -
Rehabilitering, straff og psykisk helse i fengsler - i et kvinneperspektiv
(Master thesis, 2008)This paper presents an overview of literature regarding What Works" in criminal offender rehabilitation, with an emphasis on female offenders. Women in prison generally have another background and other criminogenic risk ... -
Rekrutteringsforholdene for skolepsykologyrket i Norge
(Journal article, 1969) -
A relational perspective on social support between bereaved and their networks after terror: A qualitative study.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-08-09)The aim of this study is to increase the understanding of social network support after traumatic deaths and, by demonstrating the complexities of such encounters, to highlight whether such support may be totally beneficial. ... -
The relationship between childhood trauma and psychosis: The influence of a parental history of mental disorders
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Barndomstraumer (CT) har blitt rapportert som en risikofaktor for schizofrenia-spektrum lidelser (SSDs). Få studier har undersøkt innvirkningen foreldrenes psykiske lidelser kan ha på CT, til tross for at dette kan øke ... -
The Relationship between Self-Regulation in Schoolwork and Physical Activity, and Life-Satisfaction in Adolescents
(Master thesis, 2010-11-23)According to the self-determination theory postulated by Deci and Ryan (1985), fulfillment of the basic needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness is essential for optimal human functioning and life-satisfaction, and ... -
Relationship between Testosterone and Postpartum Mental Health Disorders in Men: A Systematic Review
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Å bli far representerer en betydningsfull livshendelse som medfører både fysiologiske og psykologiske tilpasninger. Forskning indikerer at menn opplever svingninger i testosteronnivå i postpartumperioden, men lite er ... -
Religion sin effekt på mental helse: kan, og burde, religiøse variabler brukes som ressurs i terapi med religiøse pasienter?
(Master thesis, 2015-11-23)Religion is an important factor in many peoples lives and can have an influence on mental health. This paper has examined whether involvement in religious activity, prayer and religious beliefs can have positive effects ... -
A review of cortisol production and child care attendace: The promotion of positive child development
(Master thesis, 2009-11-24)Extensive evidence exist, demonstrating an association between cortisol and child care attendance. Cortisol is regarded as a valid and reliable measure of stress. This review aim to summarize findings regarding child care ... -
Risiko- og beskyttelsesfaktorer for omsorgstretthet og sekundærtraumatisering hos psykoterapeuter: en systematisk litteraturstudie
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)Det er siden 1990-tallet lansert begreper som vikarierende traumatisering, sekundærtraumatisering og omsorgstretthet for å beskrive belastninger personer i hjelpeyrker kan oppleve som følge av sitt yrke. For å undersøke ... -
Robusthet og sikkerhet i en åpen situasjon
(Master thesis, 2008)The aim of this study was to investigate if the evaluation of risk and safety contributes to behavior over and above measures of hardiness and resilience in an open situation. Data was collected from a survey prior to an ... -
Rosenzweigs billed-frustrasjonstest: en diskusjon av dens anvendbarhet belyst ved andres og egne undersøkelser
(Nordisk psykologi's monografiserie;7, Book, 1955) -
Saksbehandleres forståelse av alvorlige atferdsvansker: ungdommens problem og behov
(Master thesis, 2015-04-15)The study explored caseworkers understanding of severe behavioral problems in adolescents associated with the public child welfare service. The purpose was to explore their understanding of youth's problems and needs, and ... -
Samhold og fleksibilitet i fosterfamilien og fosterbarnets psykososiale fungering
(Master thesis, 2008-11-21)The relationship between cohesion and flexibility in the foster family and the foster child's psychosocial functioning was examined. Psychosocial functioning was conceptualized as internalized and externalized problems, ... -
Sammen mot sprøytefobien - Hvordan opplever barn og foreldre å delta i gruppebehandling for sprøytefobi? En kvalitativ evaluering.
(Master thesis, 2022-12-15)Kognitiv atferdsterapi (KAT) er anbefalt behandling for barn med sprøytefobi og gjennomføres vanligvis som individualbehandling. Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ evaluering av KAT-basert gruppebehandling for barn med ...