Case based learning in orthodontic undergraduate education. A pilot study at fourth-year dental students, in Bergen.
Theoretical teaching in orthodontic education is based on traditional lectures. The aim of the present pilot study was to evaluate students’ perceptions after a case-based learning attempt. Forty-two fourth grade dental students were asked to answer questions relative to six patient cases they were given, after theoretical knowledge was provided at a first meeting. Students recorded their responses using a web based application. Discussion on cases took place at a second meeting with the facilitator. At the end of the second meeting the 34 present students were asked to rate their experience. They found case-based learning to promote their attention, interest and learning effectiveness. Most of them found that it enhanced communication with colleagues, additional studying. All students found cases given to be relative to the topic. However, most of them experienced the additional work that was required as a burden to their already, probably due to the examination period, schedule.