Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Title
Now showing items 360-379 of 998
Hacking Surveillance Cameras, Tricking AI and Disputing Biases: Artistic Critiques of Machine Vision
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In the field of AI, troublesome machine behaviour is a recurring problem, and is particularly worrying when the governance of populations is externalised to machines. This article will focus on machine vision and explore ... -
Haldningar til strilemål i og rundt Bergen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Strilemål er typisk nok ein dialekt som vert snakka av strilar, men er det knytt ulik status til det å vera stril og det å vera frå byen, og er dette i så fall eit uttrykk for ulike maktforhold mellom dialektane? I denne ... -
Halls Haunted by the Past: Old Germanic Heritage and “Völkisch” Architecture in the German Empire
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The article deals with uses of the past in art and architecture within networks and associations of the völkisch movement of the German Empire around 1900. It takes the völkisch painter Hermann Hendrich as an example and ... -
Hand Signs for Lip-syncing: The Emergence of a Gestural Language on as a Video-Based Equivalent to Emoji
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-10-24)Video-based communication is increasingly common online. This article looks at the hand signs that are used in lip-syncing videos on the app and argues that they constitute a codified, non-verbal language of ... -
Handbuch der norrönen Philologie : Bd. 2
(Book, 2021)Seit seinem ersten Erscheinen im Jahr 2004 auf Norwegisch und 2007 auf Deutsch hat sich dieses Handbuch zu einem Standardwerk entwickelt. In der zweiten Auflage 2013 wurde das Handbuch um drei neue Kapitel erweitert und ... -
Handbuch der norrönen Philologie. Bd. 1
(Book, 2020) -
Haptic Media Scenes
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-08-28)The aim of this thesis is to apply new media phenomenological and enactive embodied cognition approaches to explain the role of haptic sensitivity and communication in personal computer environments for productivity. Prior ... -
Harold Pinter's Old Times and the play of indistinction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article analyses the fluid frontiers of imagination, memory and the real in Harold Pinter’s Old Times. While the latter notions of memory and the real in Pinter’s works have been extensively explored, the concept of ... -
Havmannen - et estetisk møte
(Master thesis, 2013-05-13)The politics of spectatorship and the aesthetic writings of the French-Algerian philosopher Jaques Rancière (1940) are the main focal points in this thesis. The aesthetic writings of Rancière have received increased attention ... -
Håp i det håpløse. En studie av Det kom et skip til Bjørgvin i 1349 av Torill Thorstad Hauger og Det mørke lyset av Mette Newth
(Master thesis, 2009-01-12)Can it be said that there is hope? In my thesis, I read two novels: Det kom et skip til Bjørgvin i 1349 (1981) by Torill Thorstad Hauger and Det mørke lyset (1995) by Mette Newth. Both of these novels tell sad and tragic ... -
Headshakes in NGT: Relation between Phonetic Properties & Linguistic Functions
(Chapter, 2024)Non-manual markers (such as facial expressions and head movements) have been shown to fulfil a wide range of grammatical functions across sign languages (Pfau and Quer, 2010). One nonmanual marker that is very wide-spread ... -
Hellig hakkepølse. En allegorisk lesning av Pölsan av Torgny Lindgren
(Master thesis, 2008-11-10)Denne mastergradsavhandlingen i nordisk litteratur er en nærlesing av romanen Pölsan (2002) av Torgny Lindgren. Pölsan handler om noe mer og noe annet enn det man umiddelbart får inntrykk av i møte med bokens tittel. ... -
Hellig handling, grusom gjerning - en studie av menneskeofringsmotivet og -tematikken i Goethes Iphigenie auf Tauris og Schillers Don Karlos
(Master thesis, 2009-05-15)In dieser Masterarbeit werden Menschenopfermotive und -thematik in Johann Wolfgang Goethes Iphigenie auf Tauris (1787) und Friedrich Schillers Don Karlos. Infant von Spanien. (1787) untersucht. Im ersten Kapitel wird das ... -
Helt eller antihelt? En empirisk resepsjonsanalyse av elevers møte med doktor Stockmann
(Master thesis, 2014-05-09)Hovedmålet med oppgaven er å undersøke elevers resepsjon av den litterære karakteren Tomas Stockmann, basert på hvordan elever på tiende klassetrinn har fremstilt ham i skriftlige tekster. Problemstillingen jeg har jobbet ... -
Heritage.exe. The current state and future of Norwegian software preservation - mapping the challenges of preserving locally executable digital artifacts and the strategies needed to overcome them.
(Master thesis, 2016-11-21)A digital culture is expressed through digital media. This means that a part of our cultural heritage is now embodied in digital artifacts including software. Using this as a base premise, this thesis aims to disclose and ... -
"Hermetisert" tradisjon eller modernisering? Kvinnenamna på Voss og i den nordlege delen av Indre Hardanger gjennom 1800-talet
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)This master thesis is a study on female names at Voss and in the Northern and inner parts of Hardanger found in the censuses from 1801, 1865 and 1900. Through this thesis, it will be revealed how the female names have been ... -
The Hero and his Values
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-27)In this article, I argue that the portrayals of Sigurðr Fáfnisbani as a hero that emerge from the narratives about the slaying of the dragon in the Prose Edda and in the Saga of the Volsungs are rather different. A hero’s ... -
«Hev de sett nok no» - En komparativ analyse av samtidspoesien sin framstilling av dyret
(Master thesis, 2018-06-06)Denne masteroppgava er en utforsking av dyrets tilstedeværelse i de fire diktene Kvitekråkas song av Terje Dragseth, Ung trost klokken fem om morgenen i en brusende alm av Geir Gulliksen, I kråkekrins av Kjartan Hatløy og ... -
Hiarta mit ok licamr mín fagnaðo með guði lifanda" - en studie av kroppsmotivet i Gammel norsk homiliebok
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Eline Margrete Hansens masteravhandling Hiarta mit ok licamr mín fagnaðo með guði lifanda" - en studie av kroppsmotivet i Gammel norsk homiliebok undersøker kroppsmotivet i Gammel norsk homiliebok, AM 619 4°. Dette ...