Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Subject "711727"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Agentless constructions in English. A Contrastive study with Spanish.
(Master thesis, 2015-05-04)In the present work we have described and classified agentless constructions in English with side views to similar constructions in Spanish, Russian and German. Since reflexives account for the major part of agentless ... -
Akkusative subjekt og antikausativitet i norrønt
(Master thesis, 2011-05-11)Antikausativitet kan markeres på flere måter i norrønt. En av disse er å markere subjektet med et ikke-nominativt kasus, i dette tilfellet akkusativ. I denne undersøkelsen argumenterer jeg for at akkusative subjekt bør ses ... -
Analysis of Hen and Gradable adjectives in Mandarin Chinese
(Master thesis, 2017-06-13)In Mandarin Chinese, gradable adjectives map the properties of the arguments into abstract representations. The intensifiers can modify gradable adjectives. Hen, an intensifier, is widely used in Mandarin Chinese. There ... -
Balancing bilingualism down the garden path
(Master thesis, 2016-05-17)Many factors affect how difficult a sentence is to read. Gibson (2006; 1998) proposed that people combine (a) context-dependent syntactic expectations (top-down statistical information) and (b) context-independent ... -
Codeswitching on Ghanaian radio talk-shows: "Bilingualism as an asset"
(Master thesis, 2015-05-13)Codeswitching (CS) between Akan and English in recent times has become a tool used on Akan radio, to disseminate information in Ghana. This study explored the functions CS plays during formal interaction on Akan radio ... -
Control and raising: Gone with(out) a trace?
(Master thesis, 2017-06-13) -
"Den neste hevnlystne terroristen kan lure bak det neste hjørnet" - Kritisk metafor og metoymianalyse av det politiske ordskiftet rundt terror
(Master thesis, 2018-10-09)Denne avhandlinga undersøker den politiske terrordiskursen på Stortinget i Norge. Ved hjelp av innsikter og premisser fra teorien om begrepsmetaforer og -metonymi (som så dagens lys med Lakoff og Johnson) utforsker oppgava ... -
A descriptive analysis of the nature and formation of amharic internal reduplication: A copu and association model
(Master thesis, 2017-12-20) -
Ei undersøking av finansterminologi i undervisning og formidling
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)I denne masteroppgåva har eg undersøkt finansterminologi i undervisning og formidling. Eg har delt ut ei haldningsundersøking til økonomistudentar for å sjå kva haldningar dei har til bruken av engelsk i ei elles norsk ... -
Exploring lexical relations in a Norwegian dictionary
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Lexical relations, especially meaning relations between words, are useful for a variety of applications. Various research efforts have been aimed at compiling machine-readable networks of lexically related words (wordnets). ... -
Failing to listen: A study of the silencing of sexual refusals
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20)I denne oppgaven argumenterer jeg for påstanden om at fortielsen av seksuelle avvisninger utgjøres av at tilhøreren ikke har sikret perlokusjonært opptak i tolkningskonteksten. Jeg underbygger min påstand med fire ... -
Iconicity in Verb Serialisation. Re-analyzing Akan SVCs
(Master thesis, 2015-05-14)The extant works on serial verb constructions (SVCs) in the Akan language categorize verb serialization into clause chaining (CC) and integrated serial verb (ISV) constructions based on the notion of the degree of semantic ... -
The Impact of Norwegian language proficiency on effective communication, employee engagement and development.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31) -
"Litt vanskeleg og litt keisamt, eigentleg" - Ei gransking av normoppfatningar hjå unge nynorskbrukarar
(Master thesis, 2018-10-09)Denne granskinga har som hovudmål å få djupare innsikt i kva for oppfatningar unge nynorskbrukarar har av nynorsknormalen, med omsyn til følgjande spørsmål: 1. Samsvarar elevane sin oppfatta normal med den faktiske normalen? ... -
Om nominal tellelighet
(Master thesis, 2013-05-09)This thesis aims to investigate aspects of nominal countability, mainly in Norwegian common nouns. There is a constant debate on how best to describe the countability of nouns, typically claimed for Indo-European languages. ... -
On the consciousness of anglicisms in Norwegian youth language
(Master thesis, 2009-08-27)In Europe, English language, as the language of national integration, is the most dominant word-donor to other less popular languages. But, is usage of English words a sign of cosmopolitanism or rather a sign of strange ... -
Priming adult beginner learners: A study of cross-linguistic lexical priming in German and Spanish learners of Norwegian
(Master thesis, 2016-05-17)In a previous experiment, Stremme, Troland, and Johansson (2014) found that beginner learners of Norwegian also experience an effect of meaning related words in a primed lexical decision task. The study tested the effect ... -
Production and comprehension deficit in Broca's Aphasia: A test in Bengali
(Master thesis, 2017-06-14)This thesis aims to examine the nature of language production and comprehension deficits of Bengali speaking Broca’s aphasics. Two grammatical aspects have been the focus of the present research: postpositions and word ... -
Receptive and productive oral vocabulary knowledge in second language acquisition. An experimental study comparing correctness and reaction time scores between low- and high-educated adult learners of Norwegian at the early stage of language acquisition.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-25)Η παρούσα μελέτη διερευνά πειραματικά την προσληπτική και παραγωγική γνώση του προφορικού λεξιλογίου ενηλίκων μαθητών Γ2 της Νορβηγικής με χαμηλό και υψηλό εκπαιδευτικό επίπεδο στο αρχικό στάδιο της γλωσσικής κατάκτησης, ... -
A study of cross-linguistic form and meaning priming through reaction times in lexical decision tasks
(Master thesis, 2015-11-20)In a series of open priming lexical decision tasks, the influences of meaning form and lexical reaction time were investigated. All experiments used the same stimuli in order to be able to compare the collected reaction ...