Blar i Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design på tittel
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What Else Can Grieg’s Historical Recordings Tell Us? Performance Practice as Musical Poetry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Between 1903 and 1906, Edvard Grieg recorded several of his most popular pieces on piano rolls and gramophone discs for commercial use. Like many of his peers, Grieg, as a composer and virtuoso, grasped the opportunity of ... -
Wounded Healers i musikkterapi: Musikkterapeuters livserfaringer med egne psykiske helseutfordringer, egenomsorg og opplevelse av stigma.
(Master thesis, 2022-09-01)In this thesis the focus is on the experiences of music therapists working in mental health care and substance abuse care presenting themselves with mental health issues. I explore the informants’ experiences through the ... -
Å finne sin stamme - Samfunnsmusikkterapi og capoeira
(Master thesis, 2020-07-02)Statistics show an increase in challenges related to solitude and social isolation. There is an indisputable need for arenas of participation within various facets of social experience. The field of music therapy offers ... -
Åpen form – en utvidet utøverrolle
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-02-29)