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«Pappa, pappa, i dag spelte eg på ein frosk!» - ein kvalitativ studie om deltakarar sine opplevingar av ei musikkterapigruppe på ein barne- og ungdomsklinikk på sjukehus
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)In this thesis the focus is on how participants in a music therapy group in a child- and youth clinic at a hospital experience the group, and how these experiences could be viewed in relation to their general experiences ... -
Patient's and health care provider's perspectives on music therapy in palliative care - an integrative review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-02-20)Background: The use of music as therapy in multidisciplinary end-of-life care dates back to the 1970s and nowadays music therapy (MT) is one of the most frequently used complementary therapy in in-patient palliative care ... -
Patterned silk weaving in ancient times: A study of some silks from central-asia found in the viking area
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Patterned silks came to Scandinavia as small pieces of reused material, but they were still valuable for the Vikings to have been used as trimmings on their garments. In over a millennium, the weave structure of samitum ... -
Pentecostal music in Kampal, Uganda. Exploring the reciprocal relationship between sacred and secular
(Master thesis, 2010-11-22)Abstract In this study, I explore particular aspects in which the relationship between Pentecostal music and secular music has become prominent in Kampala, Uganda. Particularly, I examine how Pentecostal music artists have ... -
(Master thesis, 2021)Dementia shows us human existence without any decoration. We see it is heartbreaking, fragile, and delicate in all details. And we see more similarities than differences in our lives than we might imagine. We are all ... -
Polyphonic perspectives: a focus group study of interprofessional staff’s perceptions of music therapy at an inpatient unit for children in mental health care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Purpose: In an inpatient unit for children in mental health care, a variety of services are provided through interprofessional collaborations. Music therapy is a relatively recent proposition in this context, but there is ... -
Praksis i Musikkterapi - En fortelling: Et autoetnografisk narrativ om en musikkterapistudent i egenpraksis i psykisk helsevern
(Master thesis, 2014-05-30)I denne studien undersøker jeg mine egne opplevelser som musikkterapistudent i egenpraksis i psykisk helsevern. Ved hjelp av refleksiv og narrativ skriving er jeg ute etter å formidle og forstå mine egne opplevelser, ... -
Problemstillingar rundt framføring av transkribert musikk - Ei analyse av Bach/Busoni: Chaconne i d-moll
(Master thesis, 2014-05-14)Ei samanlikning og analyse av Busoni sin transkripsjon av Bach sin Chaconne frå partita nr. 2 for solofiolin. -
A qualitative multiple case study with multiple perspectives on what music therapy affords for individuals with severe traumatic brain injury
(Master thesis, 2018-03-09)Traumatic brain injury is known as a complex and comprehensive injury that leaves a devastating blow to the lives of the individuals affected by the traumatic incident both on a personal level and on a global scale. The ... -
(Re)Presenting The Present: The Act Of Documenting An Event
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Recovery-orientert musikkterapi for psykosepasienter i lys av selvdetermineringsteorien Et nytt teoretisk rammeverk?
(Master thesis, 2020-07-02)Det siste tiåret har musikkterapi fått et stadig større fotfeste innen den norske psykiatrien, og særlig psykosefeltet. I Helsedirektoratets nasjonalfaglige retningslinjer for behandling av psykoselidelser anbefales også ... -
Relasjon i musikkterapi for barn med autismespekterforstyrrelse
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20) -
Relasjonelle øyeblikk - En kvalitativ studie om hvordan relasjon kan oppstå i musikkterapi med mennesker rammet av demens
(Master thesis, 2018-06-08)A qualitative study that examines how relations can be created in music therapy with people with dementia. This is a qualitative study that examines how music therapists experience relationships with people with dementia. ... -
Relasjonen mellom musikk og helse: "Moll og dur og alle nyansene i mellom" - en kvalitativ intervjustudie av hvordan bruk av musikk på ulike måter i hverdagen kan ha en tilknytning til helse
(Master thesis, 2017-06-15)Denne masteroppgaven ser nærmere på sammenheng mellom musikk og helse, hvor formålet er undersøke hvorvidt ulik bruk av musikk i hverdagen hos fire utvalgte informanter, kan ha en positiv tilknytning til helse. Musikkterapi ... -
Resource-oriented music therapy for psychiatric patients with low therapy motivation : protocol for a randomised controlled trial [NCT00137189]
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2005-10)Background: Previous research has shown positive effects of music therapy for people with schizophrenia and other mental disorders. In clinical practice, music therapy is often offered to psychiatric patients with low ... -
Rethinking “musical excellence” from a decolonial perspective: Disruptive autobiographical experiences among doctoral scholars
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This collaborative autoethnography was developed by recent doctoral students in music from Southern Europe, Eurasia, East Asia, and North America, along with a professor based in Northern Europe. Our primary research ... -
Rhizomatic Trajectories
(Book, 2020)Topographies of the Obsolete is an artistic research project conceived in 2012 by University of Bergen Professors Neil Brownsword and Anne Helen Mydland, in collaboration with six European HEI’s and the British Ceramics ... -
Rom for liv
(Master thesis, 2016) -
The room is a mess: Exploring the co-creation of space for attunement dynamics between an autistic child and a non-autistic music therapist
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction Music therapy practice and research in the field of autism has often followed medical narratives that reinforce neurotypical normalcy by locating the difficulties of social interaction in the autistic person. ... -
Samtale og musikkterapi i fengsel - En kvalitativ studie om hvordan to musikkterapeuter bruker samtale med innsatte i forbindelse med musikkterapi i mannsfengsel
(Master thesis, 2019-06-19)This study explores how two music therapists in male prisons use verbal conversation with inmates in conjunction with music therapy. This includes conversations within the music therapy session and the before, after and ...