Advection Upscaling for Heat Transport in Fractured Geothermal Reservoir
The main objective in this thesis is to give numerical solution for advection term of heat transport equation in fractured geothermal reservoir. To get better insight in the fracture influence on the processes we will present all numerical results for domain with and without fracture field. Fracture field is modeled explicitly using discrete fracture model. Advection term of heat transport equation is discretized in space using upwind scheme for time discretization we use implicit method: Euler's backward scheme. For advection term upscaling we use the known flux values that we get from numerical solution of pressure equation. To get comutationally more efficient transport solver we will use upscaling and upgridding. We will use flow-based indicators for upgridding fine scale grid. In the case of fractured domain beside standard flow-based indicators: permeability, velocity and time of flight we will use distance to the nearest fracture and the combination of distance and time of flight as indicators. At the end we will compare results on different coarse grids with result on fine scale grid.