Wad Habouba-opprøret i Sudan i 1908
This thesis main focus is the Wad Habouba uprising against the Condominium administration in Kamlin, Sudan in May 1908. This was the early period of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium who had occupied Sudan in 1898. Abd al-Qadir and his ansar (followers) killed to officers from the Condominium administration. The next days an uprising that shocked the Anglo-Egyptian colonizers and it happened in Katfia, Kamlin May 1908. The main focus will be to discuss what motives Abd al-Qadir and his men had for the attack on the new regime. In the battle ensued ten of the government troops and thirty-six of Abd al-Qadir's ansars. The thesis will also give an insight in the historical background to these events, to better understand how the colonial system worked. Historians have called the uprising a religious uprising and that Abd al-Qadir was a religious fanatic. It is no doubt that this uprising was religious inspired, but can other motives also be in conclusion? That is the main focus for this thesis.