Browsing Master theses by Subject "719906"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
AI and extremism in social networks
(Master thesis, 2019-12-06)Studien utforsker hvordan midler som kunstig intelligens, AI- drevne chatbots, kan være kilder man kan regne med som moralske aktører på digitale plattformer og som kan være identifiserbare opprørsmodeller til bekjempelse ... -
Beyond the tourist gaze: the role of visual media in creating smart tourism approaches - An empirical research on visual social networks
(Master thesis, 2020-07-01)This study analyses the impact and usage of images and videos on social networks in tourism development from the perspective of tourist-users and tourism providers. The aim is to understand to what extent social networks ... -
Building Psychological Resistance Against False Information in Middle School through Digital Games
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)The core concept of this thesis is the search for an innovative method to minimise the consequences of false information for middle school students. Since the integration of the internet and Social Media, information flow ... -
Color and games. The effect of colors in the video game multimodality
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02) -
Computational Creativity in Media Production: At the Crossroad of Progress and Peril
(Master thesis, 2023-05-16)This study focuses on an approach to generate suggested video stories from raw source footage by using a multilayered hierarchical classification structure and narrative generation through the application of common patterns ... -
Connected and disconnected: ICTs, peacebuilding and aesthetic practices of peripheral communities in Colombia
(Master thesis, 2020-06-27)This thesis analyzes how Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) have been introduced in rural regions of Colombia for peacebuilding purposes and strengthening democracy, and how these have had an impact on the ... -
Cross-Platforming on Social Meida: Influencers' Use of Commercial Blogging.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)This thesis explores the phenomenon of commercial blogging by social media influencers and how they cross-platform this type of content. Influencers have a great role in forming platform-specific social media cultures. ... -
Digitaliseringens uutholdelige enkelhet - En utforsking av fenomenet digital tretthet i arbeidslivet
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)Hvilke faktorer i og rundt de digitale grensesnittene er tappende eller givende med hensyn til interaktørens energi i arbeidslivet? Denne masteroppgaven utforsker fenomenet digital tretthet gjennom en analyse av grensesnittene ... -
Disability in a World of Influence: How the presentation of disabled influencers affects body image amongst the disabled community
(Master thesis, 2022-06-03)Within the past ten years, the notion of Influencer has taken over social media platforms and led to the phenomenon of influencer culture. As influencer culture has gained popularity and saturated the Instagram platform, ... -
Discovering music in the streaming era: How online recommendation engines and application design influence users’ habits and discoveries in online music streaming services
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)Framveksten av nettbaserte musikkstrømmetjenester som Spotify, Tidal, og Apple Music har siden slutten av 2000-tallet tatt over som den vanligste måten å konsumere musikk på. Trenden er å ikke lenger eie musikken vår, i ... -
Exploring methods for securing users against potential loss of privacy in the context of the Internet of Things
(Master thesis, 2020-06-26)Følgende avhandling er en analyse og diskusjon av utfordringer knyttet til personvern, sikkerhet, dataeierskap og etikk i teknologien Internet of Things (IoT). Utvikling av teknologi fører til økende sammenfletting av den ... -
Free speech platforms and the impact of the U.S. insurrection: Misinformation in memes
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)The circulation of false information online, whether intentional or unintentional, has become one of the most pressing threats to social cohesion and security for governments around the world. The U.S. insurrection on ... -
From BookTok to Bookshelf: Algorithms and Book Recommendations on TikTok
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)TikTok, a social media platform focused on short-form videos, is gaining a reputation for renewing interest in books (Bateman 2022; Harris 2021). While reviewing and recommending books is not new, the ability to do so on ... -
How do people appraise to what extent TikTok videos are informative? Exploring the processes and factors that play a role in the evaluations of informational content on TikTok
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)TikTok is a short-form video platform that exploded in popularity in recent years. There is plenty of content on this application that focuses on entertainment like dances and memes. However, a substantial part of it is ... -
How technological elevation impact our body, mind, and societies.
(Master thesis, 2021-11-23) -
“I love my AI girlfriend” A study of consent in AI-human relationships.
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15) -
Inn i tåka: Eldre, mestring og digitale banktjenester
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)Det norske samfunnet blir stadig mer digitalisert. Lokale bankfilialer forsvinner, noe som tvinger befolkningen til å ta i bruk digitale banktjenester. De eldre er den gruppen som sliter mest med mediekompetanse. Denne ... -
Perceptions of Selves: Beyond the Skin Bag - Analyzing self-representation and ethos in creative digital artefacts
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)As technological innovations reach new heights, questions regarding how we act, see, and live with machines reveal themselves. What was once viewed as mere tools have become something we perceive as part of our social ... -
Player concerns about MMORPG monetization
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)This master’s thesis is about monetization in video games, focusing on two games from the MMORPG genre, Lost Ark and RuneScape. These two video games are the basis of the research, and the research is a text/game analytical ...