Blar i Master theses på tittel
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Identifisering av potensielle virulensfaktorer hos Pasteurella atlantica gv. salmonicida
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Pasteurellose hos atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) forårsaket av P. atlantica genomvar salmonicida har siden 2018 blitt en betydelig trussel mot fiskevelferden og den bærekraftige produksjonen i norsk akvakultur. Det er derfor ... -
Immune responses and efficacy mediated by vaccination with a live attenuated vaccine against Piscirickettsia salmonis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Salmonid Rickettsial Septicaemia (SRS), caused by Piscirickettsia salmonis, has plagued Chilean salmonid aquaculture since 1989. The bacterium evades immune responses by hiding in antigen-presenting cells, rendering ... -
Immunologiske responsar i huda hos sjøaure (Salmo trutta) ved infeksjon av lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) i preadulte stadiet
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01)Sjøaure er den anadrome delen av bestanden til brunaure (Salmo trutta). Arten gyter i elvar og bekkar før den smoltifiserer og vandrar ut i kystvatn for å finne større tilgang til føde og dermed vokse seg større. I kystvatn ... -
Immunrespons hos atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) ved infestasjon av lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis): Endringer i genuttrykk og histologiske forandringer i hud
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)Sammendrag Lakselus blir ansett som den største utfordringen knyttet til oppdrett i dag. Disse utfordningene kommer i form av redusert fiskehelse, økte produksjonskostnader samt tiltak og lovverk som begrenser vekst for ... -
Impact of cysteine 106 oxidation on function and localisation of the Parkinson’s disease-related protein DJ-1
(Master thesis, 2019-06-22) -
Improved stock estimation for Iceland scallops (Chlamys islandica) in the Svalbard area
(Master thesis, 2023-06-03)Iceland scallops (Chlamys islandica) were commercially harvested in the Svalbard fishery protection zone (FPZ) from 1986 to 1992, when the fishery ended due to overfishing. After approximately 30 years of prohibition, a ... -
Infection dynamics of marine Eubothrium sp. (Cestoda) in farmed Atlantic salmon
(Master thesis, 2019-06-21)Infections with marine tapeworms have been reported as an increasing problem in aquaculture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Norway over the last few years. These are caused by the cestode Eubothrium sp. Little is ... -
Influence of temperature and feeding on early sexual maturation commitment in male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.) during the freshwater stage
(Master thesis, 2021-01-20)The intensification of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolt production to enhance growth performance has promoted a rise in precocious male maturation rates. Unlike traditional parr maturation, which seems to be highly ... -
Integrated taxonomic revision of Afrotropical Xyleborinus reveals an extraordinary recent radiation on Madagascar
(Master thesis, 2020-06-26)Collection efforts on Madagascar have previously revealed a high species diversity in the Scolytinae genus Xyleborinus Reitter, 1913 compared with the African mainland. This study has produced a well supported phylogeny ... -
Interaksjoner mellom marine næringsstoffer og dioksiner hos mus med human AhR
(Master thesis, 2021-11-22)Dioksiner og dioksinlignende PCB er en gruppe kjemiske forbindelser dannet via industrielle prosesser, som grunnet høy persistens vil akkumulere i fettvev hos mennesker og dyr. Fet fisk regnes som den største kilden til ... -
Interpreting the polychromatic variation of the European nudibranch Polycera quadrilineata (O. F. Müller, 1776), with the description of a new species
(Master thesis, 2019-11)The polychromatic variability exhibited by the dorid nudibranch species Polycera quadrilineata (O. F. Müller, 1776) (Family Polyceridae) has long fascinated marine scientists. The species was originally described from the ... -
Investigating Bromate Formation in Ozonated Saltwater RAS, used for rearing of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Post-smolt
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne studien utforsker effekten av ozonering i saltvanns resirkulerende akvakultursystem (RAS) for Atlantisk laks post-smolt (Salmo salar), med fokus på bromatdannelse. Norsk akvakultur står overfor et teknologisk skifte ... -
Investigating endosomal pathway regulation of Liver Kinase B1 in Drosophila Melanogaster
(Master thesis, 2022-11-21)Within a cell, efficient intracellular trafficking is essential for various functions, including cellular polarity, cell signalling, and maintenance of homeostasis by regulation of cellular energy. Liver kinase B1 (LKB1), ... -
Investigating hydroxylation of the acetyltransferase NAA10 as a potential regulation mechanism
(Master thesis, 2019-12-14) -
Investigating shifts in epifaunal communities in Zostera marina meadows and Fucus serratus beds in the Norwegian Skagerrak
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Coastal ecosystems are under increasing pressure from climate change and other anthropogenic stressors, including along the coast of Norway. Seagrass meadows and macroalgal beds are two highly productive coastal ecosystems ... -
Investigating the genetic origin of three Fucus morphotypes using microsatellite analysis
(Master thesis, 2021-06-30) -
Investigating the Potential Introduction of Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus in Norwegian Ecosystems by Implementing Species Specific eDNA-sampling
(Master thesis, 2022-09-01)Over the last 150 years, various human activities have altered or weakened ecological barriers. In marine environments the most damaging activity is the ever-increasing, global commercial fleet. By passively transporting ... -
Investigations of the CEL VNTR by cellular experiments and in silico analyses
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)Carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) is a digestive enzyme which is secreted by acinar cells in the pancreas and released into the intestines. In addition to the globular domain responsible for lipase activity, CEL contains a ... -
Is a warmer Arctic a more contaminated Arctic? Atlantification of Kongsfjorden in relation to contaminant levels in seabirds
(Master thesis, 2022-01-31)The Arctic, and Svalbard in particular, is experiencing a more rapid warming compared to the global average. Such Atlantification of the Arctic may change food webs in a way that can also affect the contaminant levels in ...