Blar i Master theses på tittel
Viser treff 179-198 av 294
Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) cultured in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Effects of density on growth, mortality, and welfare
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Aquaculture is a rapidly growing industry and one of the most vital pillars in addressing the increasing global demand for food. Different farming systems and strategies have been developed to achieve more modern and ... -
Palaeovegetation and environment during Weichselian stadials and interstadials at Mamontovaya Kurja and Sokolova in the Pechora basin, northern Russia
(Master thesis, 2000)The vegetation and climate history of the Pechora area of northwestern Russia during the Early- and Mid Weichselian have been studied. Sediments from two sites have been analysed in this study; from Sokolova and Mamontovaya ... -
Paramoeba perurans and AGD in Norwegian aquaculture: effect of freshwater treatment against AGD on gill health in commercial production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and experimental testing of virulence of Paramoeba perurans
(Master thesis, 2021-06-11)Gill diseases are a major and increasing challenge with respect to fish health and welfare during the marine stage in Atlantic salmon farming. The causative agents for gill diseases are complex, and several pathogens are ... -
'Pasteurella atlantica genomovar salmonicida' - studier av overlevelse, evne til biofilmdannelse og antibiogram
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)Pasteurellose forårsaket av ‘Pasteurella atlantica gv. salmonicida’ er en sykdom som gir store velferdsproblemer hos laks i Norge. Siden 2018 har sykdommen etablert seg som en pågående epidemi på vest-kysten av Norge. Det ... -
´Pasteurella atlantica genomovar salmonicida´- utvikling av selektive vekstmedium og undersøkelse av blåskjell (Mytilus edulis) som mulig reservoar
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Pasteurellose forårsaket av ‘Pasteurella. atlantica genomovar salmonicida’ har siden 2018 blitt et stort velferdsproblem hos norsk oppdrettslaks. Formålet med denne oppgaven var å utvikle en selektiv agar som gjør det ... -
Personlighet og læring blant biologistudenter: En kvantitativ pilotstudie av dyp prosessering og åpenhet for erfaring blant førsteårsstudenter i biologi
(Master thesis, 2019-12)Studenter har ulike måter å tilnærme seg læring på, og dette kan avhenge av for eksempel personlighetstrekk eller hvilken hensikt man har med læringsprosessen. En person som er åpen for nye erfaringer vil gjerne ha en ... -
Perspectives on intended learning outcomes in the field course and their assessment
(Master thesis, 2020-03-31)This thesis examines the assessment practices of biology courses at the University level that feature a fieldwork component (field course). Seven professors who teach and administrate such courses were interviewed about ... -
Piscine orthoreovirus-1 (PRV-1) infection dynamics: Investigation through temporal profiling of factors affecting viral susceptibility, infectiousness, and persistence in Atlantic salmon
(Master thesis, 2024-02-15)In recent years, Norway has accounted for >50% of the global commercial production of Atlantic salmon. This growth in production has also resulted in an increased emergence of several viral diseases. Heart and skeletal ... -
Plastic Degrading Potential of Arctic Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Microbiomes
(Master thesis, 2023-05-16) -
Pollinating bees in fruit orchards of Western Norway: 1. Where the Wild Bees Are: Exploring how the landscape context influences the abundance and diversity of wild bees visiting apple orchards 2.The foraging preference and behavior of managed and wild bees in apple and pear orchards
(Master thesis, 2022-03-14)1) Abstract. Several studies have found that the presence of natural and semi-natural habitats is beneficial, particularly for wild bees visiting crops. These relatively undisturbed areas provide essential foraging and ... -
Pollination, wild bee communities and seed development in apple orchards of Sogn and Hardanger in Western Norway
(Master thesis, 2022-09-06)Human progression has led to and is still creating massive land use changes. This is the main driver of biodiversity loss, and we are currently living in the sixth mass extinction. Increased human populations need increased ... -
Potential use of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) frass in fruit tree pest management
(Master thesis, 2021-11-22) -
Pseudomonas anguilliseptica from lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) in Norwegian aquaculture – phylogenetic analysis and infection challenge
(Master thesis, 2019-06-22)The large-scale production and use of lumpfish (Cycloperus lumpus) as a biological delousing agent in Norwegian aquaculture presents novel pathogenic issues. The bacterium Pseudomonas anguilliseptica has in recent years ... -
Pukkellaks (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) tatt på Vestlandet. - Hvilke parasitter og infeksjoner bærer de på?
(Master thesis, 2019-06-25)Sommeren 2017 ble det rapportert om store forekomster av pukkellaks over hele norskekysten. De ble observert over 230 elver, fordelt fra nord til sør i Norge. Den svartelistede pukkellaksen skapte raskt overskrifter med ... -
Recreational fishing for Atlantic bluefin tuna in Norwegian waters : A detailed look at the fishing effort and economic value of this new fishery.
(Master thesis, 2021-09-24)Recreational fishing is a popular hobby and ecosystem service around the world, yet the impact of recreational fishing on both fish populations and local economies is often overlooked. This thesis will look at the fishing ... -
Refilling behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in submerged sea cages with air-dome
(Master thesis, 2020-12-19)Production of Atlantic salmon in submerged sea cages may solve surface related challenges like sea lice and toxic algae blooms but previous trials have faced problems linked to buoyancy. Korsøen et al. (2012) showed that ...