Browsing Master theses by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 117
The Development of Political trust: A multilevel analysis of cross-curtain differences in State-citizen relationships
(Master thesis, 2011-09-20)This analysis is based on a multidimensional view on political trust, aiming to explore whether there are significant differences in the causal effects of political trust between Western and Eastern Europe. Using the classic ... -
Rasjonelt valg eller skattemoral? - En flermetodisk studie av nordmenns motivasjon til å kjøpe svart arbeid
(Master thesis, 2019-06-13)Taxation is essential for encompassing and universal welfare-states like Norway. However, if citizens opt to free-ride, the result is that someone else loses. In this paper it is applied a multimethod framework to map ... -
Minimum Wage, Minimum Effect
(Master thesis, 2019-06-14)Rising income inequality is one of the greatest challenges that advanced democracies currently face. This thesis analyses to what extent statutory minimum wages can contribute to tackling this challenge. In the existing ... -
Norsk høyreekstremisme på Facebook
(Master thesis, 2019-06-20)This master thesis considers the prevailing definition of right-wing extremist ideology in relation to right-wing extremism in Norway. The aim is to evaluate whether the definition applies in the Norwegian context, or if ... -
Does aid save infants lives? A geospatial impact evaluation of aid effectiveness in Uganda
(Master thesis, 2019-06-21)While there are many studies of how official development aid (ODA) affects economic growth, there are far fewer studies of how aid affects health outcomes. Also, most of the studies of aid effectiveness have been cross-country ... -
Høyrepopulistiske partier i regjering: effekten på valgoppslutning og politikk
(Master thesis, 2019-06-21)In many European countries right-wing populist parties have experienced a dramatic rise in electoral success, and since the 1970s no other party family have seen the same rise in electoral success as the parties which ... -
“ We strongly condemn…”: Norwegian governments’ Foreign Policy Statements as Political Tool or Moral Stance?
(Master thesis, 2019-06-27)In international relations “shaming-policy” is one of the most common and popular “tools” for achieving change in state behavior, concerning human rights and international law. Public exposure leads to pressure, which leads ... -
Complex Relationships: Income Inequality, Trust and Corruption
(Master thesis, 2019-06-28)The goal of this thesis is to investigate the link between income inequality and corruption and poses the following research question: Is there a positive relationship from income inequality to corruption and is this effect ... -
The Winner Takes it All: Investigating the incumbency effect for the Progress Party on the Norwegian municipal level
(Master thesis, 2019-06-28)With this thesis I explore the incumbency effect for the Progress Party in local Norwegian politics. While there seems to be wide-ranging agreement that incumbency indeed has an effect, whether this is an advantage or ... -
Hit ‘em where it hurts: Measuring and testing the impact of economic nonviolent strategies on democratization
(Master thesis, 2019-06-29)The literature on nonviolent political action has found that nonviolence far outpaces violence when it comes to winning political conflicts. Yet which actions nonviolent movements may perform to achieve success has rarely ... -
Snakker kvinnelige politikere annerledes enn menn?
(Master thesis, 2019-06-29)In this thesis, I analyze to what extent the content of speeches from female legislators in the Norwegian parliament differ from their male colleagues with respect to fundamental topics regarding the Norwegian welfare ... -
Amerikansk bruk av etterretningskontraktører - En utfordring for de statlige kjerneoppgavene og voldsmonopol?
(Master thesis, 2019-07-02)Bruken av etterretningskontraktører i den amerikanske forsvarssektoren har siden angrepene 11. september 2001 hatt en voldsom oppblomstring. Manglende ressurser, store personellkutt og tungrodd byråkrati er noe av forklaringen ... -
Korrupsjon i Norge: Hva kan domfellelser fortelle oss?
(Master thesis, 2019-12-03)Corruption has received increased attention from scholars and international organizations over the last 25 years. They have emphasized the importance of reducing corruption because of its detrimental consequences to society. ... -
Dangerous Elections: Causes of Electoral Violence in Unconsolidated Regimes
(Master thesis, 2019-12-10)Most countries in the world today use elections as a method of transferring political power and bring legitimacy to ruling incumbents. However, some elections are marred by wide-spread electoral violence, a specific ... -
Alle piler peker opp En vekstkurveanalyse av kvinner i de høyeste domstolene
(Master thesis, 2019-12-18)Cross-sectional time-series analysis of women’s representation in states’ legislatures has a rich tradition within social sciences. The same cannot be said about women’s representation on the highest courts. This thesis ... -
The absence of climate change mitigation
(Master thesis, 2019-12-19) -
Does direct democracy mean more equal democracy? A study of government responsiveness in advanced democracies
(Master thesis, 2020-06-24)As it constitutes a main feature of contemporary democracy, government responsiveness has provided the basis for large a body of literature, usually finding that public policy tends to reflect the preferences of citizens. ...