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dc.contributor.authorSkogen, Ann-Magritt Vambesetheng
dc.description.abstractLa tesis trata de los mineros subcontratados de la Compañía Minera Casapalca S.A. y su lucha para mejoramientos laboral-sindicales. Se estudia los factores que han actuado a favor y en contra de la sindicalización de este grupo de mineros, analiza cómo su lucha se ha articulado y reflexiona alrededor cómo han podido ganar una influencia modesta sobre su situación laboral. Pese a enfrentar numerosos desafíos, entre otros los prácticas anti-sindicales de sus empresarios, el apoyo al sindicato y su influencia parece haber incrementado debido a la atención que han podido llamar a través de sus huelgas y bloqueos de carretera.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis deals with the labour movement of the subcontracted miners of Cía. Minera Casapalca S.A. in Peru, a mine company established in 1987. The main objective is to analyse which factors have animated or discouraged the miners to unionize, in which manner their struggle for better labour- and trade union conditions have been characterized, and also to reflect upon the way this group of miners have gained influence through their combined efforts. A survey carried out among 65 of the Casapalca miners and interviews with persons involved in the labour conflict have special importance in the search for answers to these questions. Throughout the analysis we learn that various factors have prevented the miners from objecting to their difficult working conditions, including the anti union practices of their employers. Even so, in January 2007 they managed to confront their preoccupation and established their first trade union with the ambition to improve their situation. In their unionist struggle they have met numerous challenges, such as acts of punishments of their employers, violent confrontations with the police and the corruption of some of their unionist leaders. Although the miners have achieved some benefits by uniting their efforts, their influence is limited compared to that of their employers, the government and the police, who recurrently try to restrain their influence. Nevertheless, through striking and blocking the roads the miners have gained increased attention and support in the local as well as the international community. In the end, this can make it harder for the mine company and the government to ignore the rights and the demands of this group of miners in the future.en_US
dc.format.extent2187292 byteseng
dc.publisherThe University of Bergeneng
dc.titleLa lucha de los mineros peruanos para mejorar sus condiciones laboral-sindicales. Un estudio de caso de los mineros subcontratados de la Compañía Minera Casapalca S.A. del Perú (1987-2009)eng
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.rights.holderCopyright the author. All rights reserved
dc.rights.holderThe authoreng
dc.description.degreeMaster i Spansk språk og latinamerikastudier
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Humaniora: 000::Historie: 070::Ikke-europeisk/-vestlig historie: 085
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Sosiologi: 220

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