Unified Enterprise Modelling Ontology (UEMO), 2010-10-29
Unified Enterprise Modelling Ontology (UEMO) is a reformulation of UEML's common ontology in OWL/OWL2 DL form. As a result, the ontology becomes more precise and better supported by automated reasoning tools. The reformulation also ensures that the core of UEML has nice decision problems, i.e., that it is sound, complete and tractable with respect to many of its anticipated uses.
UEMO is based on work contributed by members of the UEML group in the Interop Network of Excellence (2003-2007), including Giuseppe Berio, Raimundas Matulevicius, Mounira Harzallah, Patrick Heymans and Herve Panetto. This version of UEMO has been created using Protege-OWL 4.1 beta.