• Changes in Plasma Pyruvate and TCA Cycle Metabolites upon Increased Hepatic Fatty Acid Oxidation and Ketogenesis in Male Wistar Rats 

      Dankel, Simon Nitter; Kalleklev, Tine-Lise; Tungland, siri Lunde; Stafsnes, Marit Hallvardsdotter; Bruheim, Per; Aloysius, Thomas Aquinas; Lindquist, Carine; SKORVE, JON; Nygård, Ottar Kjell; Madsen, Lise; Bjørndal, Bodil; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Berge, Rolf Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Altered hepatic mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation and associated tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity contributes to lifestyle-related diseases, and circulating biomarkers reflecting these changes could have disease ...
    • Commercially available kelp and seaweed products – valuable iodine source or risk of excess intake? 

      Aakre, Inger; Solli, Dina Doblaug; Markhus, Maria Wik; Mæhre, Hanne K; Dahl, Lisbeth; Henjum, Sigrun; Alexander, Jan; Korneliussen, Patrick-Andre; Madsen, Lise; Kjellevold, Marian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background: Seaweeds and kelps, also known as macroalgae, have long been common in the East-Asian diet. During recent years, macroalgae have entered the global food market, and a variety of macroalgae products are now ...
    • Intake of different types of seafood and meat and risk of type 2 diabetes in women: a prospective study supported by a dietary intervention in mice 

      Myrmel, Lene Secher; Øyen, Jannike; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Fjære, Even; Haugvaldstad, Karen; Birkeland, Kåre Inge; Nygård, Ottar Kjell; Kristiansen, Karstein Berge; Egeland, Grace M.; Madsen, Lise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Detailed knowledge regarding the associations between intake of different types of seafood and meat and the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), and insight into possible mechanisms are warranted. In this study we aimed to ...
    • Iodine status and thyroid function in a group of seaweed consumers in Norway 

      Aakre, Inger; Evensen, Lidunn Tveito; Kjellevold, Marian; Dahl, Lisbeth; Henjum, Sigrun; Alexander, Jan; Madsen, Lise; Markhus, Maria Wik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Seaweeds, or macroalgae, may be a good dietary iodine source but also a source of excessive iodine intake. The main aim in this study was to describe the iodine status and thyroid function in a group of macroalgae consumers. ...
    • One-Year Treatment with Olanzapine Depot in Female Rats: Metabolic Effects 

      Ersland, Kari Merete; Myrmel, Lene Secher; Fjære, Even; Berge, Rolf Kristian; Madsen, Lise; Steen, Vidar Martin; Skrede, Silje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05)
      Background: Antipsychotic drugs can negatively affect the metabolic status of patients, with olanzapine as one of the most potent drugs. While patients are often medicated for long time periods, experiments in rats typically ...
    • Plasma 3-hydroxyisobutyrate (3-HIB) and methylmalonic acid (MMA) are markers of hepatic mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in male Wistar rats 

      Bjune, Mona Synnøve; Lindquist, Carine; Stafsnes, Marit Hallvardsdotter; Bjørndal, Bodil; Bruheim, Per; Aloysius, Thomas Aquinas; Nygård, Ottar; Skorve, Jon; Madsen, Lise; Dankel, Simon N; Berge, Rolf Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective: Discovery of specific markers that reflect altered hepatic fatty acid oxidation could help to detect an individual's risk of fatty liver, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease at an early stage. Lipid and ...
    • Role of the Neutral Amino Acid Transporter SLC7A10 in Adipocyte Lipid Storage, Obesity and Insulin Resistance 

      Jersin, Regine Åsen; Tallapragada, Divya Sri Priyanka; Madsen, André; Skartveit, Linn; Fjære, Even; McCann, Adrian; Dyer, Laurence; Willems, Aron; Bjune, Jan-Inge; Bjune, Mona Synnøve; Våge, Villy; Nielsen, Hans Jørgen; Thorsen, Håvard Luong; Nedrebø, Bjørn Gunnar; Busch, Christian; Steen, Vidar M.; Blüher, Matthias; Jacobson, Peter; Svensson, Per-Arne; Fernø, Johan; Rydén, Mikael; Arner, Peter; Nygård, Ottar; Claussnitzer, Melina; Ellingsen, Ståle; Madsen, Lise; Sagen, Jørn V.; Mellgren, Gunnar; Dankel, Simon N (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Elucidation of mechanisms that govern lipid storage, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance may lead to improved therapeutic options for type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related diseases. Here, we find that adipose ...