Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title
Now showing items 2784-2803 of 3996
Painting blindness and obscuring vision: Rembrandt and the senses
(Master thesis, 2014-05-28)This thesis takes three paintings by seventeenth- century Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn (1606- 1669) and analyses them in the light of the interrelated themes of blindness, sight and touch. The choice of theme originates ... -
Painting, interpretation, education: Tables of knowledge in the imagines of Philostratus the Athenian
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article shows how the descriptions of paintings (Imagines) by the ancient Greek author Philostratus (third century AD) can be viewed as pedagogical tools in the introduction to higher education. Philostratus presented ... -
Palaeoenvironmental and sea level changes during the Holocene in Eastern Saudi Arabia and their implications for Neolithic populations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper presents the key findings of a multidisciplinary study investigating the nature and timing of coastal landscape evolution in eastern Saudi Arabia during the Holocene. To date, most sea level reconstructions for ... -
A Palaeolithic bird figurine from the Lingjing site, Henan, China
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-10)The recent identification of cave paintings dated to 42–40 ka BP in Borneo and Sulawesi highlights the antiquity of painted representations in this region. However, no instances of three-dimensional portable art, well ... -
Palmyrena. Palmyra and the Surrounding Territory. Joint Syrian-Norwegian Project. Surface Survey North of Palmyra, April and May 2009. Preliminary Report, Historical Period
(Palmyrena. City, Hinterland and Caravan trade between Occident and Orient., Research report, 2009) -
Palmyrena. Palmyra and the Surrounding Territory. Joint Syrian-Norwegian Project. Surface Survey North of Palmyra, April and May 2009. Preliminary Report, Prehistoric Periods
(Palmyrena. City, Hinterland and Caravan trade between Occident and Orient., Research report, 2009)The prehistoric team has been surveying along the southern edge of Jebel Abyad, Wadi al- Takara and Jebel Abyad, all within the concession area. The team has survey and registered the following; 1) cisterns 2) caves of ... -
Palmyrena. Palmyra and the Surrounding Territory. Joint Syrian-Norwegian Project. Surface Survey North of Palmyra, Jebel Merah, April and May 2011. Report. Historical Period
(Palmyrena. City, Hinterland and Caravan trade between Occident and Orient., Research report, 2011) -
Palmyrena. Palmyra and the Surrounding Territory. Joint Syrian-Norwegian Project. Surface Survey North of Palmyra. April and May 2011. Preliminary Report. Prehistoric Periods
(Palmyrena. City, Hinterland and Caravan trade between Occident and Orient., Research report, 2013)The prehistoric team has been surveying along the eastern part Jebel Abyad within the concession area, the northern edge of Jebel Abyad, and southern and eastern part of Jebel Merah, all within the concession area. The ... -
Pandemic Didactics - CLT in the virtual classroom
(Master thesis, 2023-05-29)Læreplanen for engelskfaget i den norske skolen legger vekt på at elevene skal tilegne seg muntlige ferdigheter, noe som innebærer å skape mening gjennom å lytte, tale og samtale. De siste tiårene har også læreplanen i ... -
Pandemic Genres: Processing the COVID-19 Pandemic through Electronic Literature
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This essay surveys works of electronic literature and digital art initiated in the earliest months of the pandemic that are reflective of the specific conditions and anxieties of the period. Here, we offer critical readings ... -
The Paradox of Palmyra: An Ancient anomalopolis in the Desert
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Palmyra, the UNESCO world heritage site that tragically made headlines following ISIS’s destruction of several of its key monuments in 2015, was once a thriving city in the heart of the Syrian Desert. Settled from Neolithic ... -
Paragrafer om tilfellet Torgersen. Skisse til en analyse av forholdet mellom rett og litteratur
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-09-04) -
Paraphrase or parasite? The Semiotic Stories of Translation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Translation, for Saussure, assumed the codified rule of language respecting the difference between synchronic and diachronic linguistics. Translation may be regarded as a theoretical possibility, though impossible for the ... -
The Parergon and the Transformation of the Prologues to the Medieval and Early Modern Norwegian 'Landslǫg' (1274–1604)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The Landslǫg was the first national law code of Norway, in force between 1274 and 1687. During this time, several different prologues were appended to the law code. The most ubiquitous were the original prologue from the ... -
Paris som ytre og indre landskap. Byrommet og byens rom hos Colette og Cora Sandel.
(Master thesis, 2014-11-20)Den franske forfatteren Colette (1873 - 1954) var Cora Sandels (1880 - 1974) største litterære forbilde. Det er opplagte tematiske berøringspunkter mellom de to forfatterne, og det verbale uttrykket er hos begge preget av ... -
The Partially Impartial Spectator
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)According to Adam Smith, we appeal to the imagined reactions of an ‘impartial spectator’ when justifying moral judgements of others and aspire to be impartial spectators when making judgements of ourselves. However, ... -
Pasjonens blomster : en lesning av Henrik Wergelands Jan van Huysums Blomsterstykke
(Master thesis, 2007-07-20) -
The Past as a Mirror: Deep Time Climate Change Exemplarity in the Anthropocene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-30)During the past decades, notions of Earth dynamics and climate change have changed drastically, as anthropogenic CO2-emissions are linked to measurable Earth system changes. At the same time, Earth scientists have discovered ... -
The Past is Never Lost
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Pastoral Nomads on the Syrian steppe in the early bronze Age : a study of burial monuments in the hinterland of Palmyra
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The hypothesis for this thesis is that the numerous cairns that were surveyed in the hinterland of Palmyra in 2009 can be connected to a pastoral nomadic population on the Syrian Steppe in the Early Bronze Age (EBA). This ...