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A Face to Love or Trust
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article demonstrates the use of a card sorting game that is suitable for field studies. Subjective judgment in face perception is studied by sorting faces based on attractiveness or trustworthiness. Are beautiful ... -
Face Up and Sing': Nonconformity, Bisexual Consciousness and Transversity in the Work of Ani DiFranco
(Master thesis, 2008-11-11)The thesis focuses on how and where Ani DiFranco can be situated in the context of American nonconformity, how third wave feminism and ideas around sexuality has shaped her subjective conceptual frame, and how her work can ... -
‘‘Facebook is my second home’’. The Kurdish Diaspora’s Use of Facebook in Shaping a Nation
(Master thesis, 2013-11-20)This study strives to understand the use of Facebook as a social network site by the Kurdish diaspora. Academic relevance and expertise is primarily a requirement for basic study, while the social context is drawn into ... -
Facing the tragedy of change in the semiotic process: The role of science
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We offer an interpretation of the concepts of integrity and quality of science based on semiotics. Science is a key component of the semiotic process in society, its role being the selection of representations of relevant ... -
Failing to listen: A study of the silencing of sexual refusals
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20)I denne oppgaven argumenterer jeg for påstanden om at fortielsen av seksuelle avvisninger utgjøres av at tilhøreren ikke har sikret perlokusjonært opptak i tolkningskonteksten. Jeg underbygger min påstand med fire ... -
FAIR Digital Objects for Science: From Data Pieces to Actionable Knowledge Units
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Data science is facing the following major challenges: (1) developing scalable cross-disciplinary capabilities, (2) dealing with the increasing data volumes and their inherent complexity, (3) building tools that help to ... -
Falske og ekte filosofer: Holbergs posisjon i en europeisk 1700-tallsdebatt
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Opplysningstiden har blitt kalt filosofenes århundre. Men var en filosof på 1700-tallet noe annet enn tidligere? Siden antikken har filosofen vært en omstridt skikkelse i litterære og kunstneriske fremstillinger, så vel ... -
Falstad skolehjem 1922-1928: - En konsentrasjonsleir for barn?
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)This master thesis explores the confinement, monitoring and discipline of boys whom the authorities labelled delinquent and sent to Falstad reformatory school during the years between 1922 and 1928. The reformatory school ... -
The Familiar and the Fantastic A Study of Contemporary High Fantasy in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire and Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen
(Master thesis, 2009-05-15)This thesis deals with fantasy as a literary genre, as well as its subgenre "high fantasy," and contemporary genre theorizing. It examines how the cycles A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin and The Malazan Book ... -
Familiealbumet og de vanskelige fortellingene
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Familieerindring og identitet
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)In the aftermath of World War II approximately 12-14 million ethnic Germans were forced to leave their homes in Central and Eastern Europe. About 8 to 10 million of the expelled Germans settled in West Germany. The focus ... -
Family language policy in retrospect: Narratives of success and failure in an Indian–Iranian transnational family
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this study, we investigate family language policy in a transnational family through a collaborative autoethnography. Following the theoretical underpinnings of family language policy (Spolsky in J Multiling Multicult ... -
A Family Reunion: "Hversu Noregr byggðist" and the First Chapter of the "Flateyjarbók Ættartölur" as a Textual Unity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Opprinnelseslegenden Frá Fornjóti ok hans ættmönnum ‘Om Fornjot og slektningene hans’ er bevart i to versjoner i Flateyjarbók, et kjent islandsk samlehåndskrift fra trettenhundretallet. Legenden følger opprinnelsen til ... -
Famous Hyperboreans
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)The individual Hyperboreans appearing in ancient literature are presented with a review of the Greek and Latin sources and collections of references. Most of the mythological characters are briefly discussed, but the ... -
Fana kirke - bygning og landskap
(Master thesis, 2015-11-26)Denne masteroppgaven er en studie middelalderkirken på Fana som en bygning og som et kirkested. Kirkens lange og varierende bygningshistorie, dens geografiske plassering og dens monumentale størrelse har lagt grunnlaget ... -
"Fanger ere som Børn" - Bruken av disiplinærstraff i Norges straffanstalter ca. 1850-1900
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Denne oppgaven omhandler bruken av disiplinærstraff i Norges straffanstalter i siste halvdel av 1800-tallet, hvor den slutter ved fengselsloven av 31. mai 1900. Den tar for seg både de institusjonelle rammene rundt og ... -
Fantastisk realisme. Om Dostojevskijs litterære metode
(Master thesis, 2017-06-20)Dostoevsky is usually regarded as one of the greatest novelists in modern time. His literary method signifies realistic tendencies although his understanding of what realism is, differ from the traditional sense of the ... -
Fantastiske helter. En analyse av hovedpersonenes utvikling i Sigbjørn Mostues Alvetegn-trilogi
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Fantastiske helter. En analyse av hovedpersonenes utvikling Sigbjørn Mostues Alvetegn-trilogi. Masteroppgave i litteratur, vår 2014 av Gunn-Linda Varnes Idsø SAMMENDRAG Utgangspunktet denne masteroppgaven var at jeg ønsket ... -
Fantasy Beyond the Page: Metafiction and Mythmaking in Patrick Rothfuss’ “Kingkiller Chronicle” and J. R. R. Tolkien
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)