Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title
Now showing items 844-863 of 4014
E-Borges: Stuart Moulthrop’s Victory Garden
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)This essay analyses Stuart Moulthrop’s Victory Garden (1991), a singular hyperfiction within the context of hypertextual narratives released during the 90s. Taking into consideration the campus novel and anti-war novel ... -
The Earliest Footprint of a Messianic Queen: Sarah the Ashkenazi in Amsterdam
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A record from 1 November 1655 of a donation to a certain Sarah from Poland is probably the first documented historical appearance of Sarah the Ashkenazi, future wife of messiah Sabbatai Tsevi. Individually recorded donations ... -
Earliest human burial in Africa
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The origin and evolution of hominin mortuary practices are topics of intense interest and debate1,2,3. Human burials dated to the Middle Stone Age (MSA) are exceedingly rare in Africa and unknown in East Africa1,2,3,4,5,6. ... -
Early anthropogenic use of hematite on Aurignacian ivory personal ornaments from Hohle Fels and Vogelherd caves, Germany
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Aurignacian (ca. 43–35 ka) of southwestern Germany is well known for yielding some of the oldest artifacts related to symbolic behaviors, including examples of figurative art, musical instruments, and personal ornaments. ... -
Early Christianity in East Africa and Red Sea/Indian Ocean Commerce
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-11-18)The ancient East African kingdom of Aksum gradually adopted Christianity from the early- to mid-fourth-century reign of Ezana onwards. The well-known narrative of the late Roman church-historian Rufinus relates a top-down ... -
Early Dutch presence in North America. The West India Company`s relationship with its Dutch patroonship
(Master thesis, 2017-10-07)Denne oppgaven tar oss tilbake til sekstenhundre tallet og til den nederlandske kolonien i Nord-Amerika. Nærmere bestemt vil oppgaven ta for seg det Nederlandske vest-indiske Handelskompaniet, samt det nederlandske ... -
Early human impacts and ecosystem reorganization in southern-central Africa
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-05)Modern Homo sapiens engage in substantial ecosystem modification, but it is difficult to detect the origins or early consequences of these behaviors. Archaeological, geochronological, geomorphological, and paleoenvironmental ... -
Early Modern English Relativisers: A Corpus–Based Study on which and the which
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)The aim of this thesis is to investigate the development of relative the which in Early Modern English scientific prose. The relative pronoun was common in Late Middle English and throughout the 1500s, but is reported to ... -
Early pilgrimage traditions in South Asia
(Chapter, 2021)This chapter looks at early history of pilgrimage in South Asia. Sacred sites that were believed to offer rewards to those who visited them have been a significant feature of South Asian religious traditions since at least ... -
Eastward and northward: a geographical conception of ‘Norðmannaland’ in Ohthere’s Voyage and its analogues in old Norse/Icelandic literature
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The Old English account known as Ohthere’s Voyage preserves a ninth-century description of ‘Norðmannaland’ (the land of the Northmen) given by Ohthere, a sailor from northern Norway, at the court of Alfred the Great. In a ... -
Ecclesiastical reform in historiographical context
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-05-26)The article initially discusses recent approaches to ecclesiastical reform and the Investiture Contest. In particular, it discusses the extent to which recent scholarship's concern with “power,” “local units,” “social ... -
An Echo of Chaos A Search for Order in John Webster
(Master thesis, 2008) -
An ecological niche shift for Neanderthal populations in Western Europe 70,000 years ago
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Middle Paleolithic Neanderthal populations occupied Eurasia for at least 250,000 years prior to the arrival of anatomically modern humans. While a considerable body of archaeological research has focused on Neanderthal ... -
Economuseum og profilering av regional matkultur. Bruk av kultur i regionaliseringsprosesser
(Master thesis, 2009-05-15) -
Edinburgh Jockney? A socio-phonological study of accent variation and change in Edinburgh English
(Master thesis, 2013-05-14)Since the 1980s, several studies (particularly Stuart-Smith et al. 2007) have shown an increase in the use of non-local, English- English variants in various Scottish English accents. London English features like TH Fronting, ... -
Edition and Analysis of four Old Norwegian Law Fragments from Norway’s Riksarkivet
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02) -
Editorial Approaches to Wittgenstein’s Nachlass: Towards a Historical Appreciation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-07)Building on the unpublished correspondence between Ludwig Wittgenstein's literary executors Rush Rhees, Elizabeth Anscombe and Georg Henrik von Wright, this paper sketches the historical development of different editorial ... -
Editorial: High-Quality Knowledge for Climate Adaptation: Revisiting Criteria of Credibility, Legitimacy, Salience, and Usability
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Editorial on the Research Topic High-Quality Knowledge for Climate Adaptation: Revisiting Criteria of Credibility, Legitimacy, Salience, and Usability Climate adaptation in human systems is a process of learning and ... -
"Educación, Estado y religión en el Diario de los Niños (1839-1840)"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Este trabajo se centra en el Diario de los Niños (1839-1840), primera publicación periódica infantil moderna de México. Aunque estudios anteriores lo han situado en el contexto de la formación de México como nación emergente, ... -
Edvard Munch og Ekelyperioden. En undersøkelse av utvalgte malerier fra Munchs Ekelyperiode med vekt på billedtitler, resepsjon og nyfortolkning
(Master thesis, 2018-06-15)When the world famous Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863-1944) died, he left his entire collection of artwork to the city of Oslo. The collection included 1099 paintings from Munch’s artistic career. Among these paintings, ...