Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title
Now showing items 3872-3891 of 4015
Wad Habouba-opprøret i Sudan i 1908
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)This thesis main focus is the Wad Habouba uprising against the Condominium administration in Kamlin, Sudan in May 1908. This was the early period of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium who had occupied Sudan in 1898. Abd al-Qadir ... -
Waiting as a redemptive state - The ‘Lampedusa in Hamburg’ and the offer from the Hamburg government
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper explores an offer of possible legalization that the Hamburg government gave to a group of 350 illegalized West-African migrants in 2013. Based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out in 2017, when the majority of ... -
Walking, Haunting, and Affirmative Aesthetics: The Case of Women without Men
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01-22)Walking and ‘haunting space’ have become means of political and aesthetic resistance to the invisibility or inhospitality that women face in the public sphere. Power imbalance in spatial habitation—‘power-geometry’ in ... -
THE WALL - Un estudio de las actitudes de los residentes de la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos hacia la migración y las políticas de inmigración recientes de los EE.UU.
(Master thesis, 2019-03-13)This study takes place in the twin border cities of Nogales, Sonora, Mexico and Nogales, Arizona, U.S., where this study focuses on the attitudes of Mexicans and U.S. Americans about the current migration situation between ... -
Was Alois Riegl Colour Blind?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In his formalist art history, Alois Riegl (1858-1905) focuses on figure and ground, light and dark, and tactile versus optical features. Strangely, he shows little interest in colour. Thus, in Stilfragen (1893) and in ... -
Water in the 'Dead Heart': The Impact of Water on the Colonial Development of Central Australia, 1857-1929.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Denne masteroppgaven belyser vannets rolle i Sør-Australias koloniale utvikling av sentrale Australia mellom 1857 og 1929. Australia er verdens tørreste kontinent og selv i dag er det tørre innlandet tynt befolket. Oppgaven ... -
Water, Communication, Sight, and the Location of Fortifications on the Strata Diocletiana (Syria) in Late Antiquity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The Strata Diocletiana was a military road in Late Roman Period Syria. It ran from Damascus to the Euphrates by way of Palmyra. The road was fortified and received its name during the reign of Diocletian (284–305 CE), ... -
Ways of knowing with data visualizations
(Chapter, 2020)Data visualizations combine numeric data with visual representation, and these modes allow them to express certain kinds of knowledge more easily than others. This chapter uses examples of historical data visualizations ... -
"We are famous on the Internet": A study of the Chinese phenomenon of Wanghong
(Master thesis, 2017-12-16) -
WE have had very pearlous times and lost much but through devine providance is blessed with sufficent of the nessarys of life': A study of subject-verb concord in 18th-century Ulster
(Master thesis, 2015-11-20)This thesis investigates subject-verb concord (SVC) in varieties of Irish English in Ulster between 1741 and 1800. The quantitative study is based on the 4747 occurrences of SVC in personal correspondence in a subcorpus ... -
We speak with our hands and voices": Iconicity in the Adamorobe Sign Language and the Akuapem Twi (Ideophones)
(Master thesis, 2015-05-11)Abstract This research drew on the linguistic concept of iconicity and with a period of three months, five deaf signers of the Adamorobe community and some unspecified Akuapem Twi (Akan) speakers were studied and interviewed. ... -
“We wake, work, fight, eat, drink, fight, and we forget to sleep” - A corpus linguistic study of WAR metaphors in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg hvordan Covid-19 pandemien har blitt metaforisk fremstilt i nyhetsartikler og magasiner i USA, Storbritannia og New Zealand. Det vil bli spesielt lagt vekt på krigsmetaforer da de ble brukt ... -
"We wanna see feelings" - ei sjåarstudie av realitysjangeren
(Master thesis, 2004) -
«We were just a metal band, and then we also became educators»: En studie av hvordan metallbandet Sabaton fremstiller fortiden, intensjonene deres og hvordan lytterne reagerer
(Master thesis, 2021-06-16)This thesis is a study on how the Swedish metal band Sabaton conveys the past in their music, their intentions and messaging in their songs, and how listeners respond to this. This is done by analysing a selection of their ... -
The weak variable sharing property
(Journal article, 2023)An algebraic type of structure is shown forth which is such that if it is a characteristic matrix for a logic, then that logic satisfies Meyer's weak variable sharing property. As a corollary, it is shown that RM and all ... -
Web 2.0 et genres discursifs : l’exemple de blogs sur le changement du climat
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)The Internet has become an important source of linguistic data, but it also presents several challenges, such as its characterisation in terms of discourse genres. In this article we present a definition of genre that takes ... -
Weblogs and blogging Constructivist pedagogy and active learning in higher education
(Master thesis, 2007-02) -
Weblogs: Learning in Public
(Journal article, 2005-06-01)Purpose – Seeks to exemplify and discuss how students’ use of weblogs can prepare them for a networked world where writing has consequences outside grades. Design/methodology/approach – Experiences using weblogs with ... -
Weird quantities: characterising monstrous landscapes of extraction in the Anthropocene
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Modern mining operates on enormous scales and quantities that go beyond everyday comprehension, which in turn has existential and metaphysical implications, and this article is an experiment in characterising ‘existentially ...