Department of Philosophy
Nye registreringer
Examen philosophicum fra allmenndannelse til ekspertdannelse
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Denne diskusjonen tar utgangspunkt i vårt arbeid i 2021 med å omorganisere examen philosophicum ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet ved Universitetet i Bergen. På bakgrunn av dette arbeidet, legger vi fram vår ... -
Valuing the Length of Lives in Public Health and Beyond
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-08-26)Denne avhandlinga undersøker nokon normative problem som oppstår som følge av forskjellar i livslengder. Sjølv om personar i vår samtid lever lengre enn gong før i historia, er det framleis usikkert om ein gitt person ... -
Are Ontologies Trees or Lattices?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Ontologies, it is sometimes said, take the form of a hierarchy or tree: each class is subdivided into distinct subclasses with no cross classifications. But if the purpose of an ontology is to make possible useful inferences ... -
Introduction to the special issue ‘The phenomenology of joint action’
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The contributions collected in this special issue explore the phenomenology of joint action from a broad range of different disciplinary and methodological angles, including philosophical investigation (both in the analytic ... -
Hva er en rettferdig modell for inntak på videregående skole?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Debatten om inntak til videregående skole er sentral i norsk utdanningspolitikk. Men selv om mange refererer til rettferdighetsidealer i debatten, blir disse sjelden systematisk undersøkt. Artikkelen analyserer fire modeller ... -
The international regime of drug control may violate the human right to life and security
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Critics of the international regime of drug control have often pointed to its criminogenic effects, maintaining that drug criminalization gives rise to a profitable illicit drugs market which in turn sustains organized ... -
Unhealthy behaviors associated with mental health disorders: a systematic comparative review of diet quality, sedentary behavior, and cannabis and tobacco use
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: There are well-established literatures documenting the associations between mental disorders and unhealthy behaviors such as poor diet quality, sedentary behavior, and cannabis and tobacco use. Few studies have ... -
Ethical Evaluation in Film: Exploring the Moral Responsibility of the Filmmaker
(Master thesis, 2024-05-22) -
Intentionality in Pain: Individual Responses and Outcomes in the Experience of Pain
(Master thesis, 2024-05-30)This study investigates why individuals who experience the same pain instance may have different long-term outcomes, focusing on the mental and emotional transformations that follow pain rather than immediate reactions. ... -
Relevance through topical unconnectedness: Ackermann and Plumwood’s motivational ideas on entailment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Ackermann’s motivational spin on his theory of rigorous implication is analyzed and it is shown to contain en equivalent idea to Plumwood’s notion of suppression freedom. The formal properties these ideas back turn out to ... -
Kva blir det genredigerte mennesket? Ei filosofisk antropologisk undersøking av Jürgen Habermas' "Den mennneskelige naturs fremtid" og Peter Sloterdijks "Menneskedrivhuset"
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Det blir ofte sagt at den nye bioteknologien reiser filosofiske spørsmål, og denne oppgåva tek som sitt utgangspunkt at desse spørsmåla ikkje berre er av ein moralfilosofisk karakter. I møte med moglegheitene genredigeri ... -
THE PATH TO VIRTUE Character Improvement in Seneca’s Philosophical Writings
(Master thesis, 2024-05-22)Denne oppgaven argumenterer for at Seneca mener den Stoiske progressoren – en person som henvender seg til Stoiske lærere med mål om å forbedre seg selv – kan skaffe seg dyd – et perfekt rasjonelt sinn bestående av praktisk ... -
On the impossibility of free will in a probabilistic universe
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15) -
Sinking Islands, Rising Duties: Insights from theories of territory on climate exiles
(Master thesis, 2024-05-22)Denne avhandlingen tar for seg «klimaeksiler», mennesker som er fordrevet fordi hele territoriet deres har blitt ubeboelig på grunn av klimaendringer. Det sentrale spørsmålet i avhandlingen er om klimaeksiler bør gis de ... -
Equality of Opportunity and Inheritance Taxation
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this chapter, the relationship between inheritance and equality of opportunity is examined within the context of the increasing socioeconomic inequality in recent years. While equality of opportunity is often cited as ... -
Wittgenstein on Mathematical Symbolism: A Response to Stenlund’s Historical Interpretation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In recent work, Sören Stenlund (2015) contextualizes Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics as aligned with the tradition of symbolic mathematics. In the early modern era, mathematicians began using purely formal methods ... -
Premature Death as a Normative Concept
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The practical goal of preventing premature death seems uncontroversial. But the term ‘premature death’ is vague with several, sometimes conflicting definitions. This ambiguity results in several conceptions with which not ... -
Reactivity in the Human Sciences
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The reactions that science triggers on the people it studies, describes, or theorises about, can affect the science itself and its claims to knowledge. This phenomenon, which we call reactivity, has been discussed in many ... -
Why the Moral Equality Account of Hypocrisy Does Not Fail After All
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The Moral Equality Account of Hypocrisy (ME) is a prominent theory of why hypocrites lack moral standing to blame. Hypocrites make exceptions for themselves and thereby implicitly deny moral equality, which is an essential ... -
Logical Instrumentalism and Anti-exceptionalism about Logic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper critically examines logical instrumentalism as it has been put forth recently in the anti-exceptionalism about logic debate. I will argue that if one wishes to uphold the claim that logic is significantly similar ...