Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1284
A Cross-linguistic Form and Meaning Priming Study on Mandarin Chinese Multilingual Speakers
(Master thesis, 2020-06-20) -
A Homage to the Past? Antique Receptions in Italian Contemporary Sculpture: Classical Materiality and the Aesthetic Ideal of the Fragment
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)En hommage til fortiden, eller et resultat av manglende kreativitet og innovasjon? Denne avhandlingen undersøker antikke resepsjoner i den neoneoklassisistiske skulpturen, med et særlig fokus på den italienske kunstneren ... -
“A strange feeling of disquiet, of foreboding” Om uhygge og ubehag i Jane Eyre (1847) og Rebecca (1938)
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)Denne avhandlingen tar for seg Jane Eyre (1847) av Charlotte Brontë og Rebecca (1938) av Daphne du Maurier. I løpet av oppgaven vil jeg sammenligne disse to romanene med utgangspunkt i rom og karakterer som har en uhyggelig ... -
Academic writing in the Baltic States: Introducing the Bwrite project
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In the project Bwrite (Academic Writing in the Baltic States: Rhetorical Structures through Cultures and Languages), we aim to address the lack of an empirically grounded holistic understanding of non-Anglophone writing ... -
Access as transaction. A discourse analysis of users’ construction of value and cost on Facebook, Netflix and
(Master thesis, 2014-11-19)Internet services are big business, but what exactly are the service providers selling, with no physical product? And what are the costumers paying, when so often, the services are evidently free? Truth is, it really doesn't ... -
Ad notandum, inveniendum, memorandum: Funksjonen av Notamonogrammer i et Cistercienser-manuskript fra sent 1100-tall
(Master thesis, 2016-05-25)The subject of my Master thesis is the function of Nota-signs in the margins of a late 12th century manuscript, Ms.28, owned by the Library of the University of Bergen. The signs in question are 107 monograms of the word ... -
Addere, subtrahere, revidere eller maltraktere: elevenes revisjonskompetanse brukt i egen tekst
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)Denne masteravhandlingen bygger på kognitiv skriveforskning og teori. Masterprosjektet antar at elevenes forståelse av skriveoppgavene de skal løse, påvirker deres evne til å se tilbake i teksten etter andre måter å uttrykke ... -
Addressing Significant Societal Challenges Through Critical Digital Media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Just as novels, beyond their aesthetic and entertainment value, have always served as reflections of the cultural values, political debates, and societal challenges of the time in which they were produced, contemporary ... -
Adjektivlæring hos vaksne innlærarar av norsk – ein empirisk studie
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Denne artikkelen utforskar empirisk nokre sider ved læring og bruk av adjektiv hos vaksne innlærarar av norsk som andrespråk. Han er basert på ein kvantitativ tverrsnittstudie av adjektivbruken i 300 tekstar frå Norsk ... -
Aeschylus' Supplices: Introduction and Commentary on vv. 1-523
(Book, 2005)Aeschylus’ (525–456 B.C.) drama the Suppliant women (Greek Hikétides, Lat. Supplices) is all certain to be the first in a trilogy of tragedies with appurtenant comic epilogue, ‘satyr-play’. The other two tragedies and the ... -
Aeschylus, Supplices 86–95, 843–910, and the early transmission of antistrophic lyrical texts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007)The symmetrical inter-displacements of corresponding blocks of text between strophes and antistrophes in lyrical odes, earlier proposed for A. Supp. 88–90 ~ 93–95, 872–75 ~ 882–84, and 906–7 ~ 909–10, have affected all ... -
Aesthetics at its very limits: Art History meets cognition
(Master thesis, 2016-05-18)The aim with this master thesis is to prove that prehistoric art is worth the Westerners attention, not the least the attention of art historians. I am interested in placing prehistoric art/cave art in the spotlight, by ... -
Aetiology and Justice in the Danaid Trilogy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Danaid trilogy showcased the aition of the birth of the Danaans, the heroic Greeks of epic poetry. In the Suppliant maidens, Danaus and his daughters are staged as basically positive characters, in particular through ... -
Af hverju góðlátlegur en ekki *góðleglátur? Um leyfilegar og óleyfilegar viðskeytaraðir í íslensku
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Í greininni er sagt frá rannsókn á viðskeytaröðum í íslensku með nafnorðs- og lýsingarorðsviðskeytum í fyrsta sæti, hversu algengar þessar raðir eru og hvaða valhömlur (e. selectional restrictions) eru ráðandi í viðskeytingunni. ... -
Affekt, hybriditet og trans-figurasjon i Nina Bouraouis Garçon manqué
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-10-04)In this reading of Nina Bouraoui’s auto-fictional novel Garçon manqué (2000), using Franz Fanon’s concepts of affectivity and hybridity, as well as Senghor’s notion of rhythm, I explore the narrator/protagonist Nina’s ... -
An affirmative look at a domesticity in crisis: Women, Humour and Domestic Labour during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Age and Ethics in 'Þorsteins þáttr stangarhǫggs'
(Beiträge zur nordischen Philologie;72, Chapter, 2022) -
Agentless constructions in English. A Contrastive study with Spanish.
(Master thesis, 2015-05-04)In the present work we have described and classified agentless constructions in English with side views to similar constructions in Spanish, Russian and German. Since reflexives account for the major part of agentless ...