Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Title
Now showing items 944-963 of 1283
QR code: The global making of an infrastructural gateway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article traces the history of machine-readable data encoding standards and argues that the QR code has become an infrastructural gateway. Through the analysis of patents, corporate documents and advertising, ethnographic ... -
Quantification: theoretical perspectives
(Chapter, 2021)The study of quantificational expressions is one of the central domains in the field of natural language semantics. Probably every language has means of expressing quantification, but quantifiers in natural languages are ... -
Question-answer pairs in Russian Sign Language: A corpus study
(Journal article, 2021)We describe basic morphosyntactic and semantic properties of question-answer pairs (QAPs) collected from the online corpus of Russian Sign Language (RSL). We identified two classes of QAPs: classical and discourse QAPs, ... -
Rabulist i store sko Komedie, modernisme og realisme i Pippi Langstrømpe
(Master thesis, 2004) -
Rare relasjoner hos Arne Lygre: Ingenting av meg (2013) og Meg nær (2019) i lys av dagligspråksfilosofi
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)Denne masteravhandlingen tar for seg Arne Lygres dramaer Ingenting av meg fra 2013 og Meg nær fra 2019. Dramaene handler om hver sin kvinnelige hovedperson som på febrilsk vis forsøker å oppnå nære relasjoner med andre ... -
Realisme og underliggjøring i Tor Ulvens lyrikk og kortprosa
(Master thesis, 2013-05-14)Oppgaven analyserer et utvalg tekster av Tor Ulven med fokus på forholdet til de viktigste retningene innenfor litteraturvitenskapens realisme, og til de russiske formalistenes begrep om underliggjøring og «den vanskeliggjorte ... -
Receptive and productive oral vocabulary knowledge in second language acquisition. An experimental study comparing correctness and reaction time scores between low- and high-educated adult learners of Norwegian at the early stage of language acquisition.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-25)Η παρούσα μελέτη διερευνά πειραματικά την προσληπτική και παραγωγική γνώση του προφορικού λεξιλογίου ενηλίκων μαθητών Γ2 της Νορβηγικής με χαμηλό και υψηλό εκπαιδευτικό επίπεδο στο αρχικό στάδιο της γλωσσικής κατάκτησης, ... -
The Recovery of Reason. Reification and literary praxis in Jorge Semprún's holocaust novels
(Master thesis, 2008-11-19)This thesis analyses literature's possibilities to give account of a highly reified event, the Holocaust. It examines three autobiographical novels of the Spanish-French writer Jorge Semprún: "Le grand voyage" (1963), "Quel ... -
Referansebasert analyse av referentkopling: Forslag til ein operasjonell modell
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Denne artikkelen gjer greie for framstillinga av referentkopling i nokre sentrale verk innanfor tekstbindingsfeltet, sett med skandinaviske auge, og diskuterer problema som kan oppstå når ein brukar desse framstillingane ... -
Regular and compositional aspects of NPN constructions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The article proposes a novel analysis of NPN constructions, exemplified by English expressions like back to back and year after year. An NPN is typically composed of two identical bare singular count nouns with a preposition ... -
Reification, aura and innovation: A study of technological sound reproduction and artist authenticity
(Master thesis, 2015-11-20)Today the potential for artists to retake control of artistic value of their own music may have come to a tipping point. While digital technology has provided groundbreaking opportunities for musical creativity, the ... -
Religiøse motiv i Jon Fosses Septologien (2019-2021)
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)I denne oppgåva blir nokre av dei religiøse motiva i Septologien (2019-2022) analysert. Det har blitt gjort eit utval av nokre motiv som eg tykkjer er sentrale for lesinga. I oppgåva blir funksjonen dei ulike motiva har ... -
Remixing Games: A Survey of Video Game Modders' Practices
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)This thesis investigates the practices of video game modding, focusing on how and why modders, creators of video game mods, create mods. A video game mod is a modification of professionally published video games. It is a ... -
‘Repercussions’: Literary gaming for increasing awareness of mental health support
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)Seriøse spill og andre typer medier kan brukes til å utdanne spillere. I denne masteroppgaven utforsket forfatteren hvordan et litterært spill kan hjelpe til med å øke bevisstheten om mental helsestøtte for en venn i nød. ... -
Representations of Machine Vision Technologies in Artworks, Games and Narratives: a Dataset
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This data paper documents a dataset that captures cultural attitudes towards machine vision technologies as they are expressed in art, games and narratives. The dataset includes records of 500 creative works (including 77 ... -
Responsgruppas plass i fagfornyelsen
(Master thesis, 2020-06-19)Masteroppgava handler om responsgrupper som del av et prosessorientert skriveforløp. I oppgava skriver jeg om hvordan elevene kan bruke responsgrupper som læringsstrategi underveis i skrivinga. Oppgava bygger på et ... -
Restaurering som forskyving. Om gjenbruk og forvaltning av Lyse klosterruin
(Master thesis, 2015-11-20)Lyse klosterruiner er ruinane etter klosteret Heilage Maria Kloster i Lyse (1146) eller betre kjend som bare Lyse kloster, dotterkloster av Fountains Abbey i England. Lyse klosterruin er lokalisert i Os kommune cirka 24 ...