Blar i Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies på tittel
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Scythia or Elysium? The Land of the Hyperboreans in Early Greek Literature
(Cursor Mundi; 31, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)In Ionic literary tradition, the Hyperborean people are more or less consistently portrayed as ethnically and geographically Scythian. Several details in the tenth Pythian and third Olympian odes, including the location ... -
Seeds for New Beginnings? Ecological Uncertainty, Blurry Ideology, and Speculative Design at the Universitas symposium, 1972
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In 1972, designer Emilio Ambasz (b. 1943) organized the symposium “The Universitas Project” at MoMA in New York City. The issue at stake was how the field of design should tackle the possibly irresolvable societal, political, ... -
Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2014-10-03)Selfies, blogs and lifelogging devices have become important ways in which we understand ourselves. Jill Walker Rettberg analyses these and related genres as three intertwined modes of self-representation: visual, written ... -
Seksualitet og identitet - En psykoanalytisk lesning av Jelineks roman Pianolærerinnen
(Master thesis, 2008-11-13)En psykoanalytisk lesning av Jelineks roman Pianolærerinnen -
Self-Representation in Social Media
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
«Selv allverdens sol er ikke nok.»: En økokritisk lesning av noen Rolf Jacobsen-dikt
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Denne oppgaven tar for seg fem dikt skrevet av Rolf Jacobsen. De utvalgte diktene er «Flammen» fra Jord og jern (1933), «Sol i sorg» fra Hemmelig liv (1954), «Hyss – –» fra Headlines (1969), «Antenneskog» fra Pusteøvelse ... -
Semantic Prosody of Adverbial Maximizers in Hotel Reviews
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20)Denne oppgaven undersøker semantisk prosodi, som er et ords tendens til å opptre sammen med positivt eller negativt ladde ord. Med fokus på maksimerende adverb som utterly, completely, totally, entirely, og terribly, blir ... -
The semantic web from a humanities perspective - using the Discovery Project as an annotation to the semantic landscape
(Master thesis, 2008-05-29)This thesis will address the semantic web, not from a technical view, but from a proximity and interaction view reflecting upon the purpose and usability of the semantic web and what it can offer. It is a field that has ... -
Semantics driven anaphora resolution
(Master thesis, 2015-11-20)This thesis describes a method for generating semantically motivated antecedent candidates for use in pronominal anaphora resolution. Predicate-argument structures are extracted from a large corpus of text parsed by the ... -
Semantisk imperialisme? Ein kritisk diskursanalyse av styringsdokument i skuleverket
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Føremålet med oppgåva er å sjå korleis nyare stortingsmeldingar om skulepolitikk representerer verda gjennom språket, med hovudfokus på kunnskap'. I tillegg ser eg på korleis avsendaren sin identitet kjem til uttrykk, og ... -
Semantiske netteknologier for formidling av humanistisk forskningsmateriale XML Topic Maps som publiseringsverktøy for humaniora
(Master thesis, 2006-02)Semantic Web technologies for publication of humanistic research data. XML Topic Maps as a publishing tool for the humanities. Part 1 (chapters 1 through 3) of this master’s thesis consists of a critical discussion of why ... -
Sentience Stream: How can we challenge anthropocentrism through posthumanist video game design?
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)This Practice-based Research project resulted in the creation of a video game and accompanying written exegesis. The game "Sentience Stream", developed in Construct 3, is rooted in theoretical concepts from posthumanism ... -
«Ser eg noko svartan svart» – Øyvind Rimbereids dyr i et mørkt økologisk perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2019-06-21)Denne masteroppgaven er en analyse av et utvalg av de ulike dyreskikkelsene i Rimbereids poesi, hovedsakelig hesten «Jimmen» fra diktet med samme navn fra 2011. Jimmen er et episk langdikt med to subjekter – ett menneskelig ... -
Serious and Adventure Video Games as Tools in the Deaf Education of Children
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Deaf education is characterized by specific challenges and needs. Studies showed, that deaf and hard-of-hearing children experience special difficulties in two fields – in learning a national verbal language, and in ... -
setInterval(): Time-Based Readings of Kinetic Poetry
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-02-02)setInterval() is a study of digital kinetic poetry by English, French, and Portuguesespeaking poets whose work defies the very act of writing and reading. It places an emphasis on the historical, cultural, and technological ... -
Shetlan wirds. En studie av kjennskap til og oppfatninger om det shetlandske dialektordforrådet
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Signs of globalism Refleksjoner om globalisering og kunsten med utgangspunkt i et studie av YINKA SHONIBAREs kunstverk
(Master thesis, 2006-03-15) -
Sigrid Undset’s Problematic Propaganda: The Call for Democracy in 'Return to the Future'
(Worlds of Memory;7, Chapter, 2021) -
Simplification in 43 varieties of urban Norwegian
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This paper investigates the linguistic outcomes of contact situations in 43 Norwegian urban towns, comparing the urban varieties’ noun systems to those of the rural dialects surrounding each town. Two questions are explored: ... -
Situated data analysis: a new method for analysing encoded power relationships in social media platforms and apps
(Journal article, 2020)This paper proposes situated data analysis as a new method for analyzing social media platforms and digital apps. An analysis of the fitness tracking app Strava is used as a case study to develop and illustrate the method. ...