Now showing items 6494-6513 of 10672

    • Noen metoder for analyse av alder-periode-kohort-modeller 

      Pedersen, Frank Helén (Master thesis, 2008)
    • Noise and Cluster Size Studies of ALPIDE-CMOS Pixel Sensor for pCT 

      Afroz, Susmita (Master thesis, 2018-07-04)
      The use of proton beam has been introduced in medical physics for therapeutic purposes in cancer treatment and it has been proven much more efficient than conventional X-ray. Treatment planning in proton therapy is usually ...
    • Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis: Generalization of Phase Correlation to the Euclidean Motion Group 

      Loneland, Atle (Master thesis, 2010-06-10)
      This thesis is about noncommutative harmonic analysis, and generalization of phase correlation to the euclidean motion group and application in image processing.
    • Non-conserved C-terminal regions in the histone recognition module CW, determines specificity, stability and affinity towards monomethylated histone tails 

      Ødegård, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2014-11-20)
      Histone modifications have an important role in epigenetic gene regulation and contribute to the cellular memory system. It has been well documented that certain patterns of histone modifications are associated with different ...
    • Non-Constructivity in Kan Simplicial Sets 

      Bezem, Marc; Coquand, Thierry; Parmann, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      We give an analysis of the non-constructivity of the following basic result: if X and Y are simplicial sets and Y has the Kan extension property, then Y X also has the Kan extension property. By means of Kripke countermodels ...
    • Non-Equilibrium Fractionation Factors for D/H and 18O/16O During Oceanic Evaporation in the North-West Atlantic Region 

      Zannoni, Daniele; Steen-Larsen, Hans Christian; Peters, A.J.; Wahl, Sonja; Sodemann, Harald; Sveinbjörnsdóttir, A.E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Ocean isotopic evaporation models, such as the Craig-Gordon model, rely on the description of nonequilibrium fractionation factors that are, in general, poorly constrained. To date, only a few gradient-diffusion type ...
    • Non-Gaussian Ensemble Optimization 

      Nilsen, Mathias Methlie; Stordal, Andreas Størksen; Raanes, Patrick Nima; Lorentzen, Rolf Johan; Eikrem, Kjersti Solberg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Ensemble-based optimization (EnOpt), commonly used in reservoir management, can be seen as a special case of a natural evolution algorithm. Stein’s lemma gives a new interpretation of EnOpt. This interpretation enables us ...
    • Non-invasive studies of multiphase flow in process equipment. Positron emission particle tracking technique 

      Balakin, Boris; Adamsen, Tom Christian Holm; Chang, Yu-Fen; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      Positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) is a novel experimental technique for non-invasive inspection of industrial fluid/particle flows. The method is based on the dynamic positioning of a positron-emitting, flowing ...
    • Non-linear flow modes of identified particles in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV 

      Acharya, Shreyasi; Adamová, Dagmar; Adler, Clemens; Adolfsson, Jonatan; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca; Agnello, Michelangelo; Agrawal, Nikita; Ahammed, Zubayer; Ahmad, Shafiq F.; Alme, Johan; Altenkaemper, Lucas; Djuvsland, Øystein; Eikeland, Viljar Nilsen; Ersdal, Magnus Rentsch; Fionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste; Grøttvik, Ola Slettevoll; Lofnes, Ingrid Mckibben; Nystrand, Joakim; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Røhrich, Dieter; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Ullaland, Kjetil; Wagner, Boris; Yang, Shiming; Yuan, Shiming; Zhou, Zhuo; Arsene, Ionut Cristian; Dordic, Olja; Lardeux, Antoine Xavier; Mahmood, Sohail Musa; Malik, Qasim Waheed; Neagu, Alexandra; Richter, Matthias; Røed, Ketil; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Helstrup, Håvard; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Nesbø, Simon Voigt; Storetvedt, Maksim Melnik; Langøy, Rune; Lien, Jørgen André; Ahn, Sang Un; Akindinov, Alexander; Al-Turany, Mohammed; Alam, Sk Noor; De Albuquerque, Danilo Silva; ALICE, Collaboration (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The pT-differential non-linear flow modes, v4,22, v5,32, v6,33 and v6,222 for π±, K±, K0S , p + p¯¯¯, Λ + Λ¯¯¯¯ and ϕ-meson have been measured for the first time at sNN−−−√ = 5.02 TeV in Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE ...
    • Non-linear flow modes of identified particles in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV with the ALICE detector 

      Mohammadi, Naghmeh; Acharya, Shreyasi; Acosta, Fernando T.; Adamová, Dagmar; Adolfsson, Jonatan; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca; Agnello, Michelangelo; Agrawal, Neelima; Ahammed, Zubayer; Alme, Johan; Altenkaemper, Lucas; Djuvsland, Øystein; Ersdal, Magnus Rentsch; Fionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste; Nystrand, Joakim; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Røhrich, Dieter; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Ullaland, Kjetil; Wagner, Boris; Zhou, Zhuo; Arsene, Ionut Cristian; Bätzing, Paul Christoph; Dordic, Olja; Lardeux, Antoine Xavier; Lindal, Svein; Mahmood, Sohail Musa; Malik, Qasim Waheed; Richter, Matthias; Røed, Ketil; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zhao, Chengxin; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Nesbø, Simon Voigt; Storetvedt, Maksim Melnik; Helstrup, Håvard; Langøy, Rune; Lien, Jørgen André; Ahn, Sang Un; Aiola, Salvatore; Akindinov, Alexander; Al-Turany, Mohammad; Alam, Sk Noor; Albuquerque, D. S. D.; Aleksandrov, Dmitry; Alessandro, Bruno; ALICE, Collaboration (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The non-linear flow modes, v4,22, v5,32 and v6,33 as a function of transverse momentum (pT) have been measured for the first time in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV for identified particles, i.e. charged pions, kaons ...
    • Non-linear retreat of Jakobshavn Isbræ since the Little Ice Age controlled by geometry 

      Steiger, Nadine; Nisancioglu, Kerim H.; Åkesson, Henning; Fleurian, Basile de; Nick, Faezeh M. (Journal article, 2017-09)
      Rapid acceleration and retreat of Greenland's marine-terminating glaciers during the last two decades have initiated questions on the trigger and processes governing observed changes. Destabilization of these glaciers ...
    • Non-Polar Natural Products from Bromelia laciniosa, Neoglaziovia variegata and Encholirium spectabile (Bromeliaceae) 

      Juvik, Ole-Johan; Holmelid, Bjarte; Francis, George William; Andersen, Heidi Lie; De Oliveira, Ana Paula; De Oliveira, Raimundo Gon alves; Da Silva Almeida, Jackson Roberto Guedes; Fossen, Torgils (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-09-06)
      Extensive regional droughts are already a major problem on all inhabited continents and severe regional droughts are expected to become an increasing and extended problem in the future. Consequently, extended use of available ...
    • Non-Slit Solutions to the Loewner Equation 

      Ivanov, Georgy (Master thesis, 2010-04-30)
      We study conditions on the driving term of the Loewner equation which guarantee that the equation generates slits. We construct a new family of examples of non-slit solutions which generalize Kufarev's example, in which ...
    • Non-standard shocks in the Buckley-Leverett equation 

      Kalisch, Henrik; Mitrovic, Darko; Nordbotten, Jan Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-08)
      It is shown how delta shock waves which consist of Dirac delta distributions and classical shocks can be used to construct non-monotone solutions of the Buckley–Leverett equation. These solutions are interpreted using a ...
    • Non-strange and strange D-meson and charm-baryon production in heavy-ion collisions measured with ALICE at the LHC 

      Peng, Xinye; Acharya, Shreyasi; Acosta, Fernando T.; Adamová, Dagmar; Adolfsson, Jonatan; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca; Agnello, Michelangelo; Agrawal, Neelima; Ahammed, Zubayer; Alme, Johan; Altenkaemper, Lucas; Djuvsland, Øystein; Ersdal, Magnus Rentsch; Fionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste; Nystrand, Joakim; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Røhrich, Dieter; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Ullaland, Kjetil; Wagner, Boris; Zhou, Zhuo; Arsene, Ionut Cristian; Bätzing, Paul Christoph; Dordic, Olja; Lardeux, Antoine Xavier; Lindal, Svein; Mahmood, Sohail Musa; Malik, Qasim Waheed; Richter, Matthias; Røed, Ketil; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zhao, Chengxin; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Nesbø, Simon Voigt; Storetvedt, Maksim Melnik; Helstrup, Håvard; Langøy, Rune; Lien, Jørgen André; Ahn, Sang Un; Aiola, Salvatore; Akindinov, Alexander; Al-Turany, Mohammad; Alam, Sk Noor; Albuquerque, D. S. D.; Aleksandrov, Dmitry; Alessandro, Bruno; ALICE, Collaboration (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      We present recent results on strange and non-strange D-meson production measured with ALICE in Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC. In addition, the measurements of the Λ+ c -baryon production and of the Λ+ c /D0 ratio in pp, p–Pb, ...
    • Non-Uniform k-Center and Greedy Clustering 

      Inamdar, Tanmay Nitin; Varadarajan, Kasturi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In the Non-Uniform k-Center (NUkC) problem, a generalization of the famous k-center clustering problem, we want to cover the given set of points in a metric space by finding a placement of balls with specified radii. In ...
    • Non-visual photoreceptive systems in early development of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) 

      Eilertsen, Mariann (Doctoral thesis, 2014-03-28)
      Non-visual photoreception is thought to be involved in a range of behavioural and physiological processes in teleost fishes, such as synchronisation of circadian and circannual rhythms, but also regulation of skin pigmentation, ...
    • Nonemptiness of severi varieties on enriques surfaces 

      Ciliberto, Ciro; Dedieu, Thomas; Galati, Concettina; Knutsen, Andreas Leopold (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Let (S,L) be a general polarised Enriques surface, with L not numerically 2-divisible. We prove the existence of regular components of all Severi varieties of irreducible nodal curves in the linear system |L| , that is, ...
    • Nonholonomic geometry on finite and infinite dimensional Lie groups and rolling manifolds 

      Grong, Erlend (Doctoral thesis, 2012-03-30)
      Part I: We start by giving some background on the topics discussed in this thesis. The main topic of the thesis is nonholonomic geometry. In Chapter 1 we give an introduction of nonholonomic geometry in the context of ...