• Leveraging Soil Moisture Assimilation in Permafrost Affected Regions 

      Pradhan, Ankita; Nair, Akhilesh Sivaraman; Indu, J.; Makarieva, Olga; Nesterova, Nataliia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-10)
      The transfer of water and energy fluxes between the ground and the atmosphere is influenced by soil moisture (SM), which is an important factor in land surface dynamics. Accurate representation of SM over permafrost-affected ...
    • Limited Influence of Localized Tropical Sea-Surface Temperatures on Moisture Transport into the Arctic 

      Dunn-Sigouin, Etienne; Li, Camille; Kushner, Paul J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Arctic moisture transport is dominated by planetary-scale waves in reanalysis. Planetary waves are influenced by localized Sea-Surface Temperature (SST) features such as the tropical warm pool. Here, an aquaplanet model ...
    • A Linear Model for Orographic Precipitation in meteorological and climatological downscaling 

      Caroletti, Giulio Nils (Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-24)
      Orographic precipitation has always been a major field of study in atmospheric sciences, because of its major role in the water budget and its influence on environmental hazards like floods and droughts - and thus on human ...
    • The linear stationary wave response to Arctic amplification related heating 

      Sellevold, Raymond (Master thesis, 2015-06-01)
      There has been a raft of manuscripts which claim to show that Arctic amplification (AA) is responsible for changes in the large-scale wintertime midlatitude atmospheric circulation. Responses to these studies have shown ...
    • The link between eddy-driven jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector 

      Madonna, Erica; Li, Camille; Grams, Christian M; Woollings, Tim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-10)
      This study reconciles two perspectives on wintertime atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic–European sector: the zonal‐mean framework comprising three preferred locations of the eddy‐driven jet (southern, central, ...
    • Linking Instantaneous and Climatological Perspectives on Eddy-Driven and Subtropical Jets 

      Spensberger, Clemens; Li, Camille; Spengler, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The distinction between eddy-driven and subtropical jets is conceptually important and well-founded based on different driving mechanisms and dominant types of variability. This climatological perspective may be augmented ...
    • Linking Northern High-Latitude Cryospheric Changes to Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation 

      Knudsen, Erlend Moster (Doctoral thesis, 2015-03-20)
      Warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe, the northern high-latitudes arguably show the clearest evidences of observed and projected climate changes. Two of these are the rapid loss of Arctic sea ice and the shrinking ...
    • Linking Sub-Tropical Evaporation and Extreme Precipitation Over East Antarctica: An Atmospheric River Case Study 

      Terpstra, Annick; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Sodemann, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We investigate an intense snowfall event between 15 and 18 February 2011 over the East Antarctic coastal region which contributed to roughly 24% of the annual snow accumulation. The event was previously associated with an ...
    • Local flow conditions in the Bergen valley based on observations and numerical simulations 

      Valved, Aslaug Skålevik (Master thesis, 2012-10-16)
      The complex topography and variability in surface roughness in the Bergen valley aff-ects the flow conditions in a multitude of ways. The steep mountains give shelter during strong synoptic flow, but the orography of Bergen ...
    • Local-scale deposition of surface snow on the Greenland ice sheet 

      Zuhr, Alexandra M.; Münch, Thomas; Steen-Larsen, Hans Christian; Hörhold, Maria; Laepple, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Ice cores from polar ice sheets and glaciers are an important climate archive. Snow layers, consecutively deposited and buried, contain climatic information from the time of their formation. However, particularly ...
    • The Lofoten Basin Eddy: three years of evolution as observed by Seagliders 

      Yu, Lusha; Bosse, Anthony; Fer, Ilker; Orvik, Kjell Arild; Bruvik, Erik Magnus; Hessevik, Idar; Kvalsund, Karsten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-08)
      The Lofoten Basin in the Norwegian Sea is an area where the warm Atlantic Water is subject to the greatest heat losses anywhere in the Nordic Seas. A long-lived, deep, anticyclonic eddy is located in the central part of ...
    • Lofoten eddies observed by Seagliders 

      Løvseth, Hauk Morten (Master thesis, 2018-11-22)
      When the Norwegian Atlantic Current passes the Lofoten Basin, it loses a large amount of mass and heat to mesoscale eddies as a result of instabilities of the mean current along the Norwegian Slope. The eddies subsequently ...
    • Long term simulations of potential oil spills around Cuba 

      Hole, Lars Robert; Martins de Aguiar, Victor; Dagestad, Knut-Frode; Kourafalou, Vassiliki H.; Androulidakis, Yannis; Kang, Heesook; Le Hénaff, Matthieu; Calzada, Amilcar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Simulations over eight years of continuous surface oil spills around Cuba are carried out to identify the most likely stranding (beaching) locations. The open source Lagrangian oil drift model OpenOil is applied with high ...
    • Long-term intercomparison of two pCO2 instruments based on ship-of-opportunity measurements in a dynamic shelf sea environment 

      Macovei, Vlad A.; Voynova, Yoana G.; Becker, Meike; Triest, Jack; Petersen, Wilhelm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in surface seawater is an important biogeochemical variable because, together with the pCO2 in the atmosphere, it determines the direction of air–sea carbon dioxide exchange. ...
    • Long-Term Retrospective Analysis of Mackerel Spawning in the North Sea: A New Time Series and Modeling Approach to CPR Data 

      Jansen, Teunis; Kristensen, Kasper; Payne, Mark; Edwards, Martin; Schrum, Corinna; Pitois, Sophie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-06-21)
      We present a unique view of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the North Sea based on a new time series of larvae caught by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey from 1948-2005, covering the period both before and after ...
    • Long-Term Statistics of Observed Bubble Depth Versus Modeled Wave Dissipation 

      Strand, Kjersti Opstad; Breivik, Øyvind; Pedersen, Geir; Vikebø, Frode Bendiksen; Sundby, Svein; Christensen, Kai Håkon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Air bubble penetration depths are investigated with a bottom‐mounted echosounder at a seabed observatory in northern Norway. We compare a 1‐year time series of observed bubble depth against modeled and estimated turbulent ...
    • Long-term surface pCO2 trends from observations and models 

      Tjiputra, Jerry; Olsen, Are; Bopp, Laurent; Lenton, Andrew; Pfeil, Benjamin; Roy, Tilla; Segschneider, Joachim; Totterdell, Ian; Heinze, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-05-19)
      We estimate regional long-term surface ocean pCO2 growth rates using all available underway and bottled biogeochemistry data collected over the past four decades. These observed regional trends are compared with those ...
    • Long-term trends in surface ocean pH in the North Atlantic 

      Lauvset, Siv Kari; Gruber, Nicolas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-05)
      Presently available direct pH measurements do not have a sufficient data density in space or time in order to determine long-term trends across wider geographic regions, limiting our ability to assess the magnitude and ...
    • Long-term variability of dust events in Iceland (1949-2011) 

      Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Pavla; Arnalds, Olafur; Ólafsson, Haraldur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-12-16)
      The long-term frequency of atmospheric dust observations was investigated for the southern part of Iceland and interpreted together with earlier results obtained from northeastern (NE) Iceland (Dagsson-Waldhauserova et ...
    • Long-time principal geodesic analysis in director-based dynamics of hybrid mechanical systems 

      Gebhardt, Cristian Guillermo; Schubert, Jenny; Steinbach, Marc C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In this article, we investigate an extended version of principal geodesic analysis for the unit sphere S2 and the special orthogonal group SO(3). In contrast to prior work, we address the construction of long-time smooth ...