Blar i Department of Physics and Technology på tittel
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The BABAR detector: Upgrades, operation and performance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-11-21)The BaBar detector operated successfully at the PEP-II asymmetric e+e− collider at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory from 1999 to 2008. This report covers upgrades, operation, and performance of the collider and the ... -
Background removal from global auroral images: Data driven dayglow modelling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Global images of auroras obtained by cameras on spacecraft are a key tool for studying the near-Earth environment. However, the cameras are sensitive not only to auroral emissions produced by precipitating particles, but ... -
Bacterial proteins with cleaved or uncleaved signal peptides of the general secretory pathway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-12-21)Correct protein compartmentalization is a key step for molecular function and cell viability, and this is especially true for membrane and externalized proteins of bacteria. Recent proteomic reports of Bacillus subtilis ... -
Balance functions of (un)identified hadrons in Pb–Pb, p–Pb, and pp collisions at the LHC
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02)In ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, correlations of particles with opposite quantum numbers provide insight into quark production mechanisms and time scales, collective motion, and re-scattering in the hadronic ... -
Bayesian modelling of organ deformations in radiotherapy
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-06-13)Moderne strålebehandling mot kreft er skreddarsydd for å gje ein høg stråledose tilpassa svulsten (målvolumet), mens så lite dose som mogleg vert gitt til det friske vevet omkring. Den totale dosen vert levert over nokre ... -
Beam diffraction effects in guided-wave transmission of fluid embedded elastic plate. Influence of receiver distance and finite aperture.
(Master thesis, 2018-06-23)For the past decades, plate transmission effects have been extensively studied with the incentive of applying the knowledge in GUW methods in the industry. With these studies, multiple anomalous effects have been identified, ... -
Beauty production in pp collisions at √s=2.76 TeV measured via semi-electronic decays
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-11)The ALICE Collaboration at the LHC reports measurement of the inclusive production cross section of electrons from semi-leptonic decays of beauty hadrons with rapidity |y|<0.8 and transverse momentum 1<pT<10 GeV/c, in pp ... -
Bestemmelse av egenskaper til piezoelektriske skiver med lavt diameter/tykkelse forhold
(Master thesis, 2009-11-20)Oppgaven tar for seg mekaniske, elektriske og akustiske målinger i luft på piezoelektriske skiver av typen PZT-5A med et diameter/tykkelsesforhold på 7.5. Målingene blir sammenlignet med teoretiske modeller for skivenes ... -
Beyond cuts in small signal scenarios: Enhanced sneutrino detectability using machine learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We investigate enhancing the sensitivity of new physics searches at the LHC by machine learning in the case of background dominance and a high degree of overlap between the observables for signal and background. We use two ... -
Bifurcated Current Sheet Observed on the Boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)On May 5, 2017 MMS observed a bifurcated current sheet at the boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices (KHVs) developed on the dawnside tailward magnetopause. We use the event to enhance our understanding of the formation and ... -
Birkeland current effects on high-latitude ground magnetic field perturbations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-09-18)Magnetic perturbations on ground at high latitudes are directly associated only with the divergence-free component of the height-integrated horizontal ionospheric current, J⊥,df. Here we show how J⊥,df can be expressed as ... -
Blind-prediction: estimating the consequences of vented hydrogen deflagrations for inhomogeneous mixtures in 20-foot ISO containers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09)This paper summarises the results from a blind-prediction benchmark study for models used for estimating the consequences of vented hydrogen deflagrations, as well as for users of such models. The work was part of the HySEA ... -
Blue Flashes as Counterparts to Narrow Bipolar Events: The Optical Signal of Shallow In-Cloud Discharges
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Narrow Bipolar Events (NBEs) are powerful radio emissions from thunderstorms, which have been recently associated with blue optical flashes on cloud tops and attributed to extensive streamer electrical discharges named ... -
Breakdown of the nonrelativistic approximation in superintense laser-matter interactions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We study the breakdown of the nonrelativistic approximation in the multiphoton ionization of atomic hydrogen by some intense x-ray laser pulse, in a regime where the dipole approximation is no longer valid. To this end, ... -
Bremsstrahlung as a probe of baryon stopping in heavy-ion collisions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In collisions between heavy ions at ultra-relativistic energies the participating protons lose energy, which is converted into new particles. As the protons slow down, they emit bremsstrahlung radiation. The yield and ... -
Bridge over Troubled Water - veien fra akademia til industri - og tilbake
(Report, 2010-04-15) -
Calibration of the ALICE Photon Spectromter (PHOS) using the neutral pion to gamma gamma decay
(Master thesis, 2009-09-01)The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is under construction beneath the border between Switzerland and France. If it is successful, it will accelerate and collide protons at 7 T eV per proton in center of mass. Furthermore, it ... -
Calibration of the photon spectrometer PHOS of the ALICE experiment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The procedure for the energy calibration of the high granularity electromagnetic calorimeter PHOS of the ALICE experiment is presented. The methods used to perform the relative gain calibration, to evaluate the geometrical ... -
Can magnetotail reconnection produce the auroral intensities observed in the conjugate ionosphere?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-06)[1] In a recent case study, Borg et al. (2007) reported that an inverted V structure, caused by a field-aligned potential drop of 30 kV producing very strong X-ray aurora, was found in connection with tail reconnection. ... -
A case-control study of linear energy transfer and relative biological effectiveness related to symptomatic brainstem toxicity following pediatric proton therapy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background and purpose A fixed relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 1.1 (RBE1.1) is used clinically in proton therapy even though the RBE varies with properties such as dose level and linear energy transfer (LET). ...