• The experimental dose ranges influence the LET_d dependency of the proton minimum RBE (RBE_min) 

      Rørvik, Eivind; Thørnqvist, Sara; Ytre-Hauge, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-23)
      Cell experiments have shown the proton relative biological effectiveness (RBE) to vary with dose and linear energy transfer (LET), which has led to development of variable RBE models. The RBE is normally estimated from two ...
    • Exploration of differentiability in a proton computed tomography simulation framework 

      Aehle, Max; Alme, Johan; Gábor Barnaföldi, Gergely; Blühdorn, Johannes; Bodova, Tea; Borshchov, Vyacheslav; van den Brink, Anthony; Eikeland, Viljar Nilsen; Feofilov, Gregory; Garth, Christoph; Gauger, Nicolas R; Grøttvik, Ola Slettevoll; Helstrup, Håvard; Igolkin, Sergey; Keidel, Ralf; Kobdaj, Chinorat; Kortus, Tobias; Kusch, Lisa; Leonhardt, Viktor; Mehendale, Shruti Vineet; Ningappa Mulawade, Raju; Odland, Odd Harald; O'Neill, George; Papp, Gábor; Peitzmann, Thomas; Pettersen, Helge Egil Seime; Piersimoni, Pierluigi; Pochampalli, Rohit; Protsenko, Maksym; Rauch, Max Philip; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Richter, Matthias; Röhrich, Dieter Rudolf Christian; Sagebaum, Max; Santana, Joshua; Schilling, Alexander; Seco, Joao; Songmoolnak, Arnon; Sudár, Ákos; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Tymchuk, Ihor; Ullaland, Kjetil; Varga-Kofarago, Monika; Volz, Lennart; Wagner, Boris; Wendzel, Steffen; Wiebel, Alexander; Xiao, Renzheng; Yang, Shiming; Zillien, Sebastian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Objective. Gradient-based optimization using algorithmic derivatives can be a useful technique to improve engineering designs with respect to a computer-implemented objective function. Likewise, uncertainty quantification ...
    • Helium radiography with a digital tracking calorimeter—a Monte Carlo study for secondary track rejection 

      Pettersen, Helge Egil Seime; Volz, Lennart; Sølie, Jarle Rambo; Alme, Johan; Barnaföldi, Gergely Gábor; Barthel, Rene; van den Brink, Anthony; Borshchov, Vyacheslav; Chaar, Mamdouh; Eikeland, Viljar Nilsen; Genov, Georgi; Grøttvik, Ola Slettevoll; Helstrup, Håvard; Keidel, Ralf; Kobdaj, Chinorat; van der Kolk, Naomi; Mehendale, Shruti Vineet; Meric, Ilker; Odland, Odd Harald; Papp, Gábor; Peitzmann, Thomas; Piersimoni, Pierluigi; Protsenko, Maksym; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Richter, Matthias; Samnøy, Andreas Tefre; Seco, Joao; Shafiee, Hesam; Songmoolnak, Arnon; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Tymchuk, Ihor; Ullaland, Kjetil; Varga-Kofarago, Monika; Wagner, Boris; Xiao, Renzheng; Yang, Shiming; Yokoyama, Hiroki; Röhrich, Dieter Rudolf Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Radiation therapy using protons and heavier ions is a fast-growing therapeutic option for cancer patients. A clinical system for particle imaging in particle therapy would enable online patient position verification, ...
    • Image quality of list-mode proton imaging without front trackers 

      Sølie, Jarle Rambo; Volz, Lennart; Pettersen, Helge Egil Seime; Piersimoni, Pierluigi; Odland, Odd Harald; Røhrich, Dieter; Helstrup, Håvard; Peitzmann, Thomas; Ullaland, Kjetil; Varga-Kofarago, Monika; Mehendale, Shruti Vineet; Grøttvik, Ola Slettevoll; Eikeland, Viljar Nilsen; Meric, Ilker; Seco, Joao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      List mode proton imaging relies on accurate reconstruction of the proton most likely path (MLP) through the patient. This typically requires two sets of position sensitive detector systems, one upstream (front) and one ...
    • Implementation of a double scattering nozzle for Monte Carlo recalculation of proton plans with variable relative biological effectiveness 

      Fjæra, Lars Fredrik; Indelicato, Daniel J.; Stokkevåg, Camilla Hanquist; Muren, Ludvig Paul; Hsi, Wen C.; Ytre-Hauge, Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      A constant relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 1.1 is currently used in clinical proton therapy. However, the RBE varies with factors such as dose level, linear energy transfer (LET) and tissue type. Multiple RBE ...
    • An organ deformation model using Bayesian inference to combine population and patient-specific data 

      Rørtveit, Øyvind Lunde; Hysing, Liv Bolstad; Stordal, Andreas Størksen; Pilskog, Sara Margareta Cecilia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Objective. Organ deformation models have the potential to improve delivery and reduce toxicity of radiotherapy, but existing data-driven motion models are based on either patient-specific or population data. We propose to ...
    • A systematic approach for calibrating a Monte Carlo code to a treatment planning system for obtaining dose, LET, variable proton RBE and out-of-field dose 

      Tjelta, Johannes; Fjæra, Lars Fredrik; Ytre-Hauge, Kristian Smeland; Boer, Camilla Grindeland; Stokkevåg, Camilla Hanquist (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Objective. While integration of variable relative biological effectiveness (RBE) has not reached full clinical implementation, the importance of having the ability to recalculate proton treatment plans in a flexible, ...
    • Uncertainty-aware spot rejection rate as quality metric for proton therapy using a digital tracking calorimeter 

      Schilling, Alexander; Aehle, Max; Alme, Johan; Barnaföldi, Gergely Gábor; Bodova, Tea; Borshchov, Vyacheslav; van den Brink, Anthony; Eikeland, Viljar Nilsen; Feofilov, Gregory; Garth, Christoph; Gauger, Nicolas R.; Grøttvik, Ola Slettevoll; Helstrup, Håvard; Igolkin, Sergey; Keidel, Ralf; Kobdaj, Chinorat; Kortus, Tobias; Leonhardt, Viktor; Mehendale, Shruti Vineet; Ningappa Mulawade, Raju; Odland, Odd Harald; O'Neill, George; Papp, Gábor; Peitzmann, Thomas; Pettersen, Helge Egil Seime; Piersimoni, Pierluigi; Protsenko, Maksym; Rauch, Max Philip; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Richter, Matthias; Röhrich, Dieter; Santana, Joshua; Seco, Joao; Songmoolnak, Arnon; Sudár, Ákos; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Tymchuk, Ihor; Ullaland, Kjetil; Varga-Kofarago, Monika; Volz, Lennart; Wagner, Boris; Wendzel, Steffen; Wiebel, Alexander; Xiao, Renzheng; Yang, Shiming; Zillien, Sebastian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Objective. Proton therapy is highly sensitive to range uncertainties due to the nature of the dose deposition of charged particles. To ensure treatment quality, range verification methods can be used to verify that the ...