• Trigonometric interpolation on lattice grids 

      Sørevik, Tor; Nome, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      In this paper we construct non-aliasing interpolation spaces and Lagrange functions for lattice grids. We argue that lattice grids are good for trigonometric interpolation and support this claim by numerical experiments. ...
    • TV-Stokes And Its Variants For Image Processing 

      Wu, Bin (Doctoral thesis, 2021-03-30)
      The total variational minimization with a Stokes constraint, also known as the TV-Stokes model, has been considered as one of the most successful models in image processing, especially in image restoration and sparse-data-based ...
    • Two Level Additive Schwarz Preconditioner For Control Volume Finite Element Methods 

      Gundersen, Kristian (Master thesis, 2010-09-22)
      In this thesis we investigate nummerically the convergence properties of the control volume finite element method (CVFEM) preconditioned with a two level overlapping additive Schwarz method. Relevant theory regarding the ...
    • Two phase flow including interfacial area as a variable 

      Nordhaug, Hans Fredrik; Dahle, Helge K.; Espedal, Magne S.; Gray, William G.; Celia, Michael A. (Chapter, 2000)
      Based on the procedure of (Gray & Hassanizadeh 1998) we state macroscale conservation equations for multi phase flow in porous media including interfacial area as a variable. The phases we consider are a solid phase, a ...
    • Two-level simulation of injection-induced fracture slip and wing-crack propagation in poroelastic media 

      Dang, Hau Trung; Berre, Inga; Keilegavlen, Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In fractured poroelastic media under high differential stress, the shearing of pre-existing fractures and faults and propagation of wing cracks can be induced by fluid injection. This paper presents a two-dimensional ...
    • Two-phase flow in porous media: dynamic capillarity and heterogeneous media 

      van Duijn, Cornelius J.; Cao, Xiulei; Pop, Iuliu Sorin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-08-11)
      We investigate a two-phase porous media flow model, in which dynamic effects are taken into account in phase pressure difference. We consider a one-dimensional heterogeneous case, with two adjacent homogeneous blocks ...
    • Two-scale preconditioning for two-phase nonlinear flows in porous media 

      Skogestad, Jan Ole; Keilegavlen, Eirik; Nordbotten, Jan Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      Solving realistic problems related to flow in porous media to desired accuracy may be prohibitively expensive with available computing resources. Multiscale effects and nonlinearities in the governing equations are among ...
    • A two-way nesting procedure for an ocean model with application to the Norwegian Sea. 

      Heggelund, Yngve; Berntsen, Jarle (Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 2000-11)
    • Udvikling af elevers matematiske forståelse gennem helklassediskussion 

      Dahl, Bettina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      I denne artikel vil jeg på baggrund af udvalgt litteratur og empiri diskutere og give eksempler på, hvordan en matematiklærer kan gennemføre en dialog på klassen. Klasserumsdialoger kritiseres ofte, og somme tider med god ...
    • Ulrich bundles on a general blow-up of the plane 

      Ciliberto, Ciro; Flamini, Flaminio; Knutsen, Andreas Leopold (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We prove that on X n , the plane blown-up at n very general points, there are Ulrich line bundles with respect to a line bundle corresponding to curves of degree m passing simply through the n blown-up points, with m ≤ 2√n ...
    • Unconditional uniqueness for the Benjamin-Ono equation 

      Mosincat, Razvan-Octavian; Pilod, Didier Jacques Francois (Journal article, 2023)
      We study the unconditional uniqueness of solutions to the Benjamin–Ono equation with initial data in Hs, both on the real line and on the torus. We use the gauge transformation of Tao and two iterations of normal form ...
    • Unconditionally stable Methods for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations 

      Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl; Risebro, Nils Henrik (Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 2000-05)
    • Understanding learner behaviour in online courses with Bayesian modelling and time series characterisation 

      Johnston, Iain George; Greenbury, Sam; Peach, Robert; yaliraki, sophia; Lefèvre, David; Barahona, Mauricio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The intrinsic temporality of learning demands the adoption of methodologies capable of exploiting time-series information. In this study we leverage the sequence data framework and show how data-driven analysis of temporal ...
    • Undervisning av integrasjon før derivasjon 

      Rongevær, Håkon (Master thesis, 2020-06-25)
    • Unified flash calculations with isenthalpic and isochoric constraints 

      Lipovac, Veljko; Duran Triana, Omar Yesid; Keilegavlen, Eirik; Radu, Adrian Florin; Berre, Inga (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      In the unified flash procedure, a persistent set of unknowns and equations are solved in equilibrium calculations, allowing for simultaneous phase stability and split calculations. For fluids in a subcritical thermodynamic ...
    • A unified multilevel framework of upscaling and domain decomposition 

      Sandvin, Andreas; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Aavatsmark, Ivar (Conference lecture, 2010)
      We consider multiscale preconditioners for a class of mass-conservative domain-decomposition (MCDD) methods. For the application of reservoir simulation, we need to solve large linear systems, arising from finite-volume ...
    • A uniformly accurate scheme for the numerical integration of penalized Langevin dynamics 

      Laurent, Adrien Ange Andre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In molecular dynamics, penalized overdamped Langevin dynamics are used to model the motion of a set of particles that follow constraints up to a parameter ε. The most used schemes for simulating these dynamics are the Euler ...
    • An Upscaled Model for Permeable Biofilm in a Thin Channel and Tube 

      Marban, David Landa; Bødtker, Gunhild; Kumar, Kundan; Pop, Iuliu Sorin; Radu, Adrian Florin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01-21)
      In this paper, we derive upscaled equations for modeling biofilm growth in porous media. The resulting macroscale mathematical models consider permeable multi-species biofilm including water flow, transport, detachment and ...
    • Upscaled modeling of CO2 injection and migration with coupled thermal processes 

      Gasda, Sarah Eileen; Stephansen, Annette; Aavatsmark, Ivar; Dahle, Helge K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      A practical modeling approach for CO2 storage over relatively large length and time scales is the vertical-equilibrium model, which solves partially integrated conservation equations for flow in two lateral dimensions. We ...
    • Upscaling of Nonisothermal Reactive Porous Media Flow under Dominant Péclet Number: The Effect of Changing Porosity 

      Bringedal, Carina; Berre, Inga; Pop, Iulio Sorin; Radu, Florin A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Motivated by rock-fluid interactions occurring in a geothermal reservoir, we present a two-dimensional pore scale model of a thin strip consisting of void space and grains, with fluid flow through the void space. Ions in ...