Browsing Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care by Document Types "Master thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 313
Adolescents' perceptions of masculinity and femininity in the context of sexual and reproductive health in Southern Province, Zambia
(Master thesis, 2017-06-28)Adolescence is a very critical period in which gender norms develop for young people and are carried into adulthood. The gender norms of how adolescents construe themselves as fitting the masculine ideal for boys or the ... -
Akutt Ambulant Team - kva innverknad kan opningstida ha?
(Master thesis, 2011-03)Bakgrunn: Psykisk helsevern har dei siste tiåra gjennomført ein modernisering og omstilling av sine behandlingstilbod frå tradisjonell institusjonsbehandling til meir polikliniske og ambulante tenester. Det har vore satsa ... -
Akutt intermitterende porfyri- kartlegging av funksjonelle og termodynamiske eigenskapar til hydroksymetylbilan syntase og utvalte mutantar
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is an inherited disorder. The majority of patients diagnosed with AIP have half-normal activity of hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS), the third enzyme in the heme- pathway. Although the ... -
Analyse av variasjon i representative doser ved Computed-tomografi undersøkelser
(Master thesis, 2008-11-04)Background: Radiation doses from CT examinations vary much between different hospitals and X-ray institutes, and the increased numbers of examinations are the reason for the increase in collective effective dose. The aim ... -
Arbeidsmiljø, helseplagar og sjukefråvær i forpleining offshore – før, under og etter koronapandemien
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Bakgrunn: Arbeidsoppgåver og arbeidsbelasting endra seg i forpleining offshore (kokkar, reinhaldsoperatør og forpleiningsleiar) under koronapandemien som følgje av smittevernstiltak. Dette kan ha påverka risiko for helseplagar ... -
Assessment of dietary intake and body mass index in a nutritionally deprived population in rural Democratic Republic of Congo
(Master thesis, 2015-06-10)Introduction: In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), about 70% of the total population and more than 40% of children under the age of 5 are undernourished. In such an area, assessment of nutritional adequacy is ... -
Assessment of the utility of repeat tuberculin testing: a prospective study of adolescents in a high tuberculosis prevalence setting in South India
(Master thesis, 2012-04-11)Background -Under-nutrition is associated with sub-optimal or false -negative tuberculin responses, while BCG vaccination may produce false-positive reactions. The two-step tuberculin test may be of value in populations ... -
Association between social media as a stress factor and drug use among young people. Findings from the "LifeOnSoMe"-study.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Objectives: To investigate associations between experiencing own use of social media as stressful and use of illegal drugs among young people. Methods: This study is based on data from the school-based "LifeOnSoMe"-study, ... -
The association of prepregnancy body mass index and changes of prepregnancy BMI/ body weight between pregnancies with risk of preeclampsia: a birth registry study from Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2014-05-29)Objective: Preeclampsia is among the three leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide, occurs in 6-8% of all pregnancies, and is estimated to account for at least nine percent of maternal deaths in Africa. ... -
Avviksregistrering, prosedyrer og dokumentasjon. Sammenheng eller motsetninger?
(Master thesis, 2015-06-14)Background: Adverse events are an important issue that gives consequences for all involved parts. Nationally several changes have been made in order to try to reduce the number of adverse events. The challenge is to find ... -
Awareness and prevalence of acute mountain sickness and prevalence of obstructive airflow limitation among Nepalese porters: A cross-sectional study in Khumbu Valley, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2009-06-26)Background: Acute mountain sickness is a major public health problem in high altitudes. Similarly, anecdotal evidence suggests that there is high prevalence of tobacco smoking among this group though prevalence of obstructive ... -
"Å leve med visshet om Huntingtons sykdom" : En kvalitativ studie om erfaringer med å ha testet positivt på presymptomatisk test for Huntingtons sykdom
(Master thesis, 2010-05-16)Huntington's disease is a severe, dominantly inherited disease in which there is no curative treatment for. A person at risk can take a pre-symptomatic test that provides a safe answer if the person has inherited the ... -
Balance Control in Chronic Neck Pain Subjects: a Clinical Assessment.
(Master thesis, 2014-10-30)Background: Balance has been found to be decreased in chronic neck pain (CNP) patients of both idiopathic and traumatic onset. Balance has been recommended to be tested in CNP patients. However, there exists no clinical ... -
Barn med cerebral parese - erfaringer med regelmessig trening hos fysioterapeut. En kvalitativ intervjustudie
(Master thesis, 2010-05-14)Objective: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) will need continuous and lifelong treatment, this include regular physiotherapy treatment. Physiotherapy for children is a field that needs to take into consideration a diversity ... -
Barn og ungdom med astma - erfaringer med og tanker om fysisk aktivitet. En kvalitativ intervjustudie
(Master thesis, 2012-10-05)Background: Many children have asthma. Physical activity is recommended as part of the treatment of asthma. There are few norwegian studies that have examined in depth how children and adolescents with asthma experience ... -
«Barrierer og mestringstro i relasjon til fysisk aktivitet hos personer med artrose» En tverrsnittsundersøkelse
(Master thesis, 2022-11-18)Bakgrunn: Artrose er en av de vanligste leddsykdommene på verdensbasis med en økende prevalens grunnet økende alder i befolkningen. Sykdommen utgjør dermed en stor samfunnsøkonomisk byrde. Det finnes ingen behandling som ... -
Behandling av langvarige nakkeplager. Manuellterapi eller Redcord neurac behandling, en randomisert kontrollert pilotstudie
(Master thesis, 2014-10-29)Background: Nonspecific neck pain is one of the most frequent causes associated with musculoskeletal pain. There is a wide range of treatment modalities, but there is no national- or international consensus regarding best ... -
Behandling av langvarige nakkesmerter med manipulasjon og artikulering i kombinasjon med øvelser. Et Single Subject Experimental Design
(Master thesis, 2016-10-30)Background and Theory: Many patients that contact a manual therapist have neck- and shoulder pain. Approximately 70 % of the population have neck pain and the prevalence amongst working people is about 27 - 48 %, and more ... -
Behandling av pasienter med hofteleddsartrose: Er manuellterapi og trening bedre enn trening alene?
(Master thesis, 2014-10-30)Background: Previous studies have shown that both exercise and manual therapy can reduce pain and improve function in patients with hip osteoarthritis, but no added benefit of combining the two interventions has been shown. ... -
Behandling og retur til arbeid for sykemeldte pasienter med langvarige nakke- og ryggplager. - En studie av data fra Norsk nakke- og ryggregister
(Master thesis, 2020-09-15)Bakgrunn: En fjerdedel av sykemeldingene i Norge kommer fra nakke- og ryggplager, som har store personlige omkostninger for den enkelte og tapt produktivitet som følge av fravær fra jobb. Hensikt: Studien har som hensikt ...