Ocak, Gurbey; Boenink, Rianne; Noordzij, Marlies; Bos, Willem Jan W.; Vikse, Bjørn Egil; Cases, Aleix; Kerschbaum, Julia; Helve, Jaakko; Nordio, Maurizio; Arici, Mustafa; Mercadal, Lucile; Wanner, Christoph; Palsson, Runolfur; Hommel, Kristine; De Meester, Johan; Kostopoulou, Myrto; Santamaria, Rafael; Rodrigo, Emilio; Rydell, Helena; Bell, Samira; Massy, Ziad A.; Jager, Kitty J.; Kramer, Anneke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
Importance: During the past decades, improvements in the prevention and management of myocardial infarction, stroke, and pulmonary embolism have led to a decline in cardiovascular mortality in the general population. ...