Blar i Department of Psychosocial Science på forfatter "Aarestad, Sarah Helene"
Clinical characteristics of patients seeking treatment for common mental disorders presenting with workplace bullying experiences
Aarestad, Sarah Helene; Einarsen, Ståle; Hjemdal, Odin; Gjengedal, Ragne Gunnarsdatter Hole; Osnes, Kåre; Sandin, Kenneth; Hannisdal, Marit; Bjørndal, Marianne Tranberg; Harris, Anette (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-05)Background: Targets of workplace bullying tend to develop severe mental health complaints, having increased risk of sick leave and expulsion from the workplace. Hence, these individuals are likely to be overrepresented ... -
Ethnicity as a risk factor for gambling disorder: a large-scale study linking data from the Norwegian patient registry with the Norwegian social insurance database
Aarestad, Sarah Helene; Erevik, Eilin K.; Smith, Otto Robert Frans; Griffiths, Mark D.; Leino, Tony Mathias; Mentzoni, Rune Aune; Pallesen, Ståle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background The study investigated ethnicity as a risk factor for gambling disorder (GD), controlling for demographics, citizenship, and years of residency in Norway. Methods The sample comprised 65,771 individuals ... -
Exposure to bullying behaviours, resilience, and return to work self-efficacy in patients with common mental disorders.
Aarestad, Sarah Helene; Harris, Anette Kristoffersen; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne; Gjengedal, Ragne Gunnarsdatter Hole; Osnes, Kåre; Hannisdal, Marit; Hjemdal, Odin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The study investigated relationships between exposure to bullying behaviours, return to work self-efficacy (RTW-SE) and resilience, and if resilience moderates the bullying-RTW-SE relationship among patients on sick leave ... -
Healing the wounds of workplace bullying: Evaluating mental health and workplace participation among victims seeking treatment for common mental disorders
Aarestad, Sarah Helene; Harris, Anette; Hjemdal, Odin; Gjengedal, Ragne Gunnarsdatter Hole; Osnes, Kåre; Sandin, Kenneth; Reme, Silje Endresen; Hannisdal, Marit; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: Victims of workplace bullying represent a group characterised by severe negative health complaints at risk of losing their foothold in working life. To date, very few studies have investigated the effect of ... -
Smartphone Addiction and Subjective Withdrawal Effects: A Three-Day Experimental Study
Aarestad, Sarah Helene; Flaa, Tine Almenning; Griffiths, Mark D.; Pallesen, Ståle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Smartphones have arguably become a common necessity in modern society. While they can be used for many practical purposes, their many features increase the risk of overuse, a key element in behavioral addiction. The present ... -
Smartphone Restriction and its Effect on Subjective Withdrawal Related Scores
Aarestad, Sarah Helene; Eide, Tine Almenning (Master thesis, 2017-06-13)Smartphone overuse is associated with a number of negative consequences for the individual and the environment. In the right end of the distribution of smartphone usage, concepts such as smartphone addiction seem warranted. ... -
Treating the aftermath of exposure to workplace bullying and preventing exclusion from working life : The effect of individual resilience, return to work self-efficacy, and work-focused metacognitive and cognitive treatment
Aarestad, Sarah Helene (Doctoral thesis, 2022-06-17)Workplace bullying is cemented in the literature as a severe social stressor that can lead to devastating consequences for the person involved. Decades of research have established a strong association with both psychological ...