• Are ABM explanations in the social sciences inevitably individualist? 

      Kincaid, Harold; Zahle, Julie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Agent-based models (ABMs) are increasingly important in social science research. They have two obvious apparent virtues: they can model complex macrosociological phenomena without strong assumptions about agents and without ...
    • Examen philosophicum fra allmenndannelse til ekspertdannelse 

      Zahle, Julie; Huvenes, Torfinn Thomesen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Denne diskusjonen tar utgangspunkt i vårt arbeid i 2021 med å omorganisere examen philosophicum ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet ved Universitetet i Bergen. På bakgrunn av dette arbeidet, legger vi fram vår ...
    • Objective Data Sets in Qualitative Research 

      Zahle, Julie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Qualitative researchers sometimes talk about objectivity in relation to qualitative data sets. In this paper, I defend a reconstructed notion of objective qualitative data sets that may serve as a useful and reachable ...
    • Reactivity and Good Data in Qualitative Data Collection 

      Zahle, Julie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Reactivity in qualitative data collection occurs when a researcher generates data about a situation with reactivity, that is, a situation in which the ongoing research affects the research participants such that they, say, ...
    • Reactivity in the Human Sciences 

      Marchionni, Caterina; Zahle, Julie; Godman, Marion (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The reactions that science triggers on the people it studies, describes, or theorises about, can affect the science itself and its claims to knowledge. This phenomenon, which we call reactivity, has been discussed in many ...