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dc.contributor.authorSeniczak, Anna
dc.contributor.authorSeniczak, Stanisław
dc.contributor.authorIturrondobeitia, J. Carlos
dc.contributor.authorMarciniak, Martyna
dc.contributor.authorKaczmarek, Sławomir
dc.contributor.authorMąkol, Joanna
dc.contributor.authorKaźmierski, Andrzej
dc.contributor.authorZawal, Andrzej
dc.contributor.authorSchwarzfeld, Marla D.
dc.contributor.authorFlatberg, Kjell Ivar
dc.description.abstractArachnid orders, Mesostigmata, Trombidiformes, and Sarcoptiformes, commonly known as ‘mites’, are abundant in mires, both as adults and as juveniles. However, due to the challenges of identification, the juvenile forms are often excluded from analyses. This is the first study in mires that included all three mite orders identified to the species level, including juvenile instars. We aimed to compare how diversity and the response to ecological variables differed if only the adults (ad) vs. the total number of specimens (ad+juv) are considered. Samples of 20 Sphagnum species (five subgenera) were collected and mites were extracted using Berlese funnels. Overall, nearly 60,000 mites were analyzed; of these Mesostigmata made up 1.87% of the total, Trombidiformes −0.27%, and Sarcoptiformes −97.86%. The study revealed 154 species (33 Mesostigmata, 24 Trombidiformes, and 97 Sarcoptiformes), the highest diversity of mites ever reported from mires. The inclusion of juveniles increased observed species richness by 6%, with 10 species (one Mesostigmata, six Trombidiformes, and three Sarcoptiformes) represented only by juvenile forms. Seventeen species are new to Norway (four Mesostigmata, one Sarcoptiformes, and 12 Trombidiformes, including five undescribed species of Stigmaeidae and Cunaxidae). Four of these were represented in the samples only by juveniles. Including the juveniles explained a greater amount of the variability of Trombidiformes (explanatory variables account for 23.60% for ad, and 73.74% for ad+juv) and Mesostigmata (29.23% − ad, 52.91% − ad+juv), but had less of an impact for Sarcoptiformes (38.48% − ad, 39.26% − ad+juv). Locality, Sphagnum subgenus and species, wetness, and trophic state significantly affected the mite communities and should be taken into consideration when studying mires. Since juvenile stages contribute significantly to mite diversity in mires, they should also be included in mite studies in other habitats.en_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleInclusion of juvenile stages improves diversity assessment and adds to our understanding of mite ecology – A case study from mires in Norwayen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2022 The Author(s)en_US
dc.source.journalEcology and Evolutionen_US
dc.identifier.citationEcology and Evolution. 2022, 12 (12), e9530.en_US

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