Browsing Department of Chemistry by Document Types "Doctoral thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 64
Advanced Free Energy Methods in Retrospective and Prospective Drug Design: Application to Serine Proteases
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-12-13)Beregninger av relativ fri bindingsenergi (eng. RBFE) har vokst frem som en foretrukket metode for å veilede kostbare og tidkrevende synteser og andre eksperimenter i legemiddelutvikling på grunn av metodens nærmest ... -
Advancing Discovery of Polar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons via UHPLC-HRMS
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-29)Industrielle utslipp fra offshore petroleumsvirksomhet introduserer polysykliske aromatiske hydrokarboner (PAH-er) i marine miljøer. Miljøovervåkning av petroleum-relaterte PAH-er i fisk innebærer måling av et sett av deres ... -
Analysis of Polymer Injectivity in Porous Media
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-07-01)Polymers are chemical substances that occur both naturally or synthesized and consist of large macromolecules. They are created by the process of polymerization of many smaller molecules also known as monomers. Due to their ... -
Analysis of polyphenolic content in marine and aquatic angiosperms from Norwegian coastal waters
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-04-26)In this work, the polyphenolic content in extracts of Zostera marina L., Zostera noltii Hornemann, Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande and Ruppia maritima L. from Norwegian coastal waters was characterized for the first time. ... -
Analysis of Polyphenols from Laminaria hyperborea for application as Life Science ingredients
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-09-01)Makroalger, også kjent som tang og tare, er anerkjent som en verdifull kilde til bioaktive forbindelser. Av disse har polyfenoler fått særlig oppmerksomhet. Polyfenoler har blitt assosiert med en rekke helsefordeler, og ... -
Antibacterial and Anticancer Drugs - Interaction with DNA
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-06-09)This thesis is concerned with the interactions of drugs with DNA mediated by metal ions. The interactions of two types of drugs were investigated: fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents, represented by ciprofloxacin (cipro), ... -
Application of liquid chromatographymass spectrometry and chemometrics in the automated characterization of molecular lipid species
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-11-05)Lipidomics is an important field that has attracted extensive interest worldwide, due to the increasing awareness of crucial lipid functions in biological systems. Lipidomics aims at detecting, characterizing and quantifying ... -
Characterization of bioactive natural products from edible, medicinal and toxic plants
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-12-15)Research performed during work on this thesis has focused on isolation, structure elucidation and biological activity of natural products. Seven plant species have been examined, namely Bromelia laciniosa Mart. ex Schult ... -
Characterizing mass transport in hydrogels using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-11-08)During the past decades, drug delivery system has become an important research topic in the pharmaceutical field. Conventionally, the therapeutic concentration of a drug in the blood is achieved by repeated administration ... -
Chemical Insights from Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theoretical Modeling
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-08-31)Inner-shell ionization energies provide local probes of the charge distribution in molecules and of the ability of a molecule to accept charge at specific sites. As such, core-ionization energies are related to and may ... -
Chemical Properties of Alkenes and Alkynes from Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theory
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-02-27)The field of electron spectroscopy has evolved extensively the last couple of decades. On one hand, the technology at the synchrotron radiation facilities and of electron analyzers has improved, providing experimental data ... -
Chemical studies of cytotoxic natural products from toxic and edible plant sources
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-04-19)Denne doktorgradsavhandlingen fokuserer på isolering og identifikasjon av naturstoffer fra fire utvalgte planter, hvor den cytotoksiske aktiviteten til nyoppdagede og interessante naturstoffer ble testet på blodkreftceller ... -
Chlorine as a substituent – from quantum chemistry and photoelectron spectroscopy
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-02-17)The role of chlorine as a substituent upon ionization, protonation and electrophilic addition of HCl has been studied by means of computational chemistry and photoelectron spectroscopy. Gas-phase carbon 1s photoelectron ... -
Crude oil components with affinity for gas hydrates in petroleum production
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-06-28)Some crude oils are believed to contain natural inhibiting components that can prevent hydrate plugging of oil pipelines in petroleum production. A method for classification of the oils that form hydrate plugs, as opposed ... -
Development, validation and application of in-silico methods to predict the macromolecular targets of small organic compounds
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-12-10)Computational methods to predict the macromolecular targets of small organic drugs and drug-like compounds play a key role in early drug discovery and drug repurposing efforts. These methods are developed by building ... -
The effect of input material pretreatment on product yield and composition of bio-oils from LtL-solvolysis. A continuous process for organosolv fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass and solvolytic conversion of lignin
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-01-27)As the world’s population and subsequent energy demand increases, there is a need to supplement existing energy technology with new and alternative approaches. Lignocellulosic biomass represents the vast bulk of terrestrial ... -
Enhanced Oil Recovery by Combined Low Salinity Water and Polymer Flooding
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-06-19)World energy demand is continuously increasing as the developed and developing countries consume more energy to keep their growing industries running. Significant portion of the energy demand is supplied by fossil energies, ... -
Environmental Remediation: Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Dissertation
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-08-17)Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous persistent semi-volatile organic compounds. They are contaminants that are resistant to degradation and can remain in the environment for long periods due to their ... -
Enzymes for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-06-30)Primary oil recovery by reservoir pressure depletion and secondary oil recovery by waterflooding usually result in poor displacement efficiency. As a consequence there is always some trapped oil remaining in oil reservoirs. ... -
Experimental Studies of N2 - and CO2-Foam Properties in Relation to Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-01)Foams can do more than soften a beard or extinguish a fire. Foam also offers the oil industry better mobility control. The presence of a foaming agent in porous rocks can reduce the mobility of gas and water, stabilize the ...