Browsing Department of Mathematics by Title
Now showing items 441-460 of 982
Machine learning in marine ecology: an overview of techniques and applications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Machine learning covers a large set of algorithms that can be trained to identify patterns in data. Thanks to the increase in the amount of data and computing power available, it has become pervasive across scientific ... -
Marginalized iterative ensemble smoothers for data assimilation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Data assimilation is an important tool in many geophysical applications. One of many key elements of data assimilation algorithms is the measurement error that determines the weighting of the data in the cost function to ... -
Markovmodulerte Poisson-prosessar som modellar for dykketidsdata
(Master thesis, 2010-03-23)Alle pattedyr som lever i sjøen må opp til overlata for å puste, og det er når dyra bryt overflata at det er mogeleg for oss å observere dei. Det er ikkje alltid lett å oppdage dyra, og sannsynligheten for å oppdage eit ... -
Mass Conservative Domain Decomposition for Porous Media Flow
(Chapter, 2012-03-28) -
Mass transport induced by wave motion in a rotating fluid
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1974-10) -
Matching univalent functions and related problems of conformal mappings
(Master thesis, 2008) -
Matematikk 1 En kvalitativ tilnærming til Matematikk 1-kurset i allmennlærerutdanningen høsten 2005
(Master thesis, 2006-06)This master’s thesis concerns the compulsary mathematics course “Mathematics 1” for students of teacher education in primary and lower secondary schools. My intension has been to present qualitatively the experiences of ... -
Matematikk i kjemi. Hva er så vanskelig?
(Master thesis, 2018-06-20)I denne masteroppgaven har matematikk i kjemi hatt hovedfokus. Følgende forskningsspørsmål har vært grunnlag for arbeidet: • Med utgangspunkt i matematikkemner som kreves i kjemi, hvilke matematikkoppgaver viser flest ... -
Matematikk i tenårene - Matematikksamtalen som verktøy
(Master thesis, 2010-05-25)Matematikksamtaler slik begrepet blir brukt i denne teksten legger vekt på kommunikasjon og samarbeid mellom elever som vei til matematisk kunnskap, og bygger således på et sosiokulturelt læringssyn. Samtalene går ut på ... -
Matematikkdidaktikk i ei reformtid - Intervju med åtte matematikklærarar i ungdomsskulen
(Master thesis, 2005) -
Matematisk forståelse ved språk, representasjon og resonnering
(Master thesis, 2024-10-25) -
Mathematical Analysis of Similarity Solutions for Modelling Injection of CO2 into Aquifers
(Master thesis, 2007-06-01) -
Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Flow in Deformable Porous Media
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-11-27)This dissertation focuses on the mathematical analysis and numerical solution of coupled deformation- and flow-related processes in porous media, modeled by the theory of poro-elasticity. It comprises contributions within ... -
Mathematical Imaging with Applications to MRI and Diffusion Tensor MRI
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-03-26) -
A mathematical justification of the momentum density function associated to the KdV equation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Consideration is given to the KdV equation as an approximate model for long waves of small amplitude at the free surface of an inviscid fluid. It is shown that there is an approximate momentum density associated to the KdV ... -
A mathematical model for batch and continous thickening of flocculent suspensions in vessels with varying section.
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 2001-10) -
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation for Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Optimization
(Master thesis, 2016-06)In this study, we developed a mathematical model for 2D microbial EOR technology. It consists of an average pressure formulation of two-phase flow and component advection-diffusion reactive transport models. An IFT reduction ... -
Mathematical modeling of microbial enhanced oil recovery with focus on bio-plug technology: from the pore to the core scale
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-06-14)This dissertation addresses the applications and challenges of both laboratory experiments and mathematical modeling at different scales, where the main character is biofilm. Thus, the first part of this work shows biological, ... -
Mathematical modelling in upper secondary school : A case study of Norwegian curriculum discourses
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-04-26)Innanfor matematikkdidaktisk forsking har matematisk modellering utvikla seg som forskingsfelt, der forskarar frå alle verdsdelar er aktive. Ulike perspektiv på matematisk modellering har vakse fram, og det er identifisert ... -
Mathematical Modelling of Cellular and Evolutionary Processes in Changing Environments
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-10-25)Endrende miljøer er av sentral betydning i biologi, siden egenskapene og atferdene til alle organismer, fra bakterier til dyr, formes av hvor de lever. Dermed er organismer slik de er fordi de tidligere har tilpasset seg ...