Blar i Department of Biological and Medical Psychology på tittel
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Laterality across languages: Results from a global dichotic listening study using a smartphone application
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-01-14)Left-hemispheric language dominance has been suggested by observations in patients with brain damages as early as the 19th century, and has since been confirmed by modern behavioural and brain imaging techniques. Nevertheless, ... -
Learning of Linguistic Tonal Cues Follow the same Learning Principle as for other Linguistic Cues
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)This study investigated statistical learning in a natural tonal language, and whether executive functions has an impact on language learning in such learning conditions. In addition, the study investigates whether learning ... -
Left temporal lobe structural and functional abnormality underlying auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-05-01)In this article, we have reviewed recent findings from our laboratory, originally presented in Hugdahl et al. (2008) . These findings reveal that auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia should best be conceptualized as ... -
Letter: In Response: Re: Hägg O, Fritzell P. Letter. Spine 2003; 29: 1160–1.
(Journal article, 2004) -
Letter: The pain of Sognsvann walks
(Journal article, 2000) -
Light mobilization treatment of subacute, non-spesific low back pain
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-02-03)Background: During the last decades there has been a major rise in sick leave due to low back pain, emphasising the need for interventions preventing chronicity and long term sick leave. Early intervention with information, ... -
Listening Difficulties in Children: Behavior and Brain Activation Produced by Dichotic Listening of CV Syllables
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Listening difficulties (LiD) are common in children with and without hearing loss. Impaired interactions between the two ears have been proposed as an important component of LiD when there is no hearing loss, also known ... -
Listening to rhythmic music reduces connectivity within the basal ganglia and the reward system
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-03-28)Music can trigger emotional responses in a more direct way than any other stimulus. In particular, music-evoked pleasure involves brain networks that are part of the reward system. Furthermore, rhythmic music stimulates ... -
"Lita tue kan velte stort lass". Ein analyse av samanhengen mellom arbeidsminne i førskulealder og begynnaropplæring i lesing og skriving.
(Master thesis, 2008-06-05)The aim of this study was to investigate connections between working memory in preschool-children and early reading and writing skills. The purpose was to discover early markers of children at risk of developing dyslexia. ... -
A Literature Review of Stroke-Induced Speech, Language and Swallowing Impairments and Age
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)Research shows that stroke incidence among young adults has increased in the last decades. The aim of this literature review is to investigate whether the presence of strokeinduced aphasia, dysphagia, dysarthria and apraxia ... -
LITMUS SRep: een zinsherhaaltaak voor het Nederlands
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In dit artikel wordt de Nederlandse versie beschreven van een zinsherhaaltaak die ontwikkeld is binnen de Europese COST Action IS0804. De benaming voor de Nederlandse taak is LITMUS SRep NL. De taak stelt de gebruiker in ... -
Logopeders direkte behandling av voksne med afasi i Norge
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)The purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the usage of direct treatment methods by speech language therapists in Norway. To see if the methods are experienced or evidence based, we further focussed us on how ... -
Logopedisk behandling for unilateral rekurrensparese – en scopingstudie om selvevaluering av stemmevansken
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Bakgrunn: Ensidig stemmebåndslammelse (UVFP) er en lidelse som kan påvirke pasienters livskvalitet ved å forstyrre deres fonasjon, pust, og svelgeaktiviteter. Det er fire former for behandling: injeksjon, medisinsk, kirurgisk ... -
Logopediske intervensjoner for barn med pragmatiske språkvansker – en litteraturstudie
(Master thesis, 2020-07-02)Pragmatiske språkvansker i barndommen har blitt forbundet med både språklige, emosjonelle og sosiale problemer senere i livet. Det er derfor viktig at pragmatiske språkvansker oppdages tidlig, slik at tiltak kan ... -
Logopediske intervensjoner ved globus pharyngeus - en litteraturstudie
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Globus pharyngeus refererer ofte til følelsen av å ha en klump i halsen, uten at det er en bakenforliggende strukturell årsak. Symptombildet kan variere, og tilstanden kan være vanskelig å behandle. Dette kan påvirke ... -
Long-term outcomes of an internet-delivered cognitive enhancement intervention targeting residual cognitive deficits after major depressive disorder: a 2-year follow-up of an open trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Cognitive deficits are common and disabling residual symptoms following major depressive disorder (MDD) and are related to increased risk of relapse. Residual cognitive deficits should thus be considered an ... -
A longitudinal 5-year follow-up study of cognitive function after first episode major depressive disorder: Exploring state, scar and trait effects
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Major depression (MDD) is associated with cognitive deficits in processing speed and executive function (EF) following first episode (FE). It is unclear whether deficits are state or trait related. Studies following FE MDD ... -
Longitudinal and cross-sectional investigations of long-term potentiation-like cortical plasticity in bipolar disorder type II and healthy individuals
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-05-24)Visual evoked potential (VEP) plasticity is a promising assay for noninvasive examination of long-term potentiation (LTP)-like synaptic processes in the cerebral cortex. We conducted longitudinal and cross-sectional ... -
Longitudinal relations between impaired executive function and symptoms of psychiatric disorders in childhood
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background Malfunctioning of executive functions correlates with psychopathology in children. However, the directionality, the extent to which the relation varies for various disorders, and whether prospective relations ... -
Longitudinal stability of the brain functional connectome is associated with episodic memory performance in aging
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The brain functional connectome forms a relatively stable and idiosyncratic backbone that can be used for identification or “fingerprinting” of individuals with a high level of accuracy. While previous cross‐sectional ...