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dc.contributor.authorHartveit, Espenen_US
dc.contributor.authorZandt, Bas-Janen_US
dc.contributor.authorMadsen, Eiriken_US
dc.contributor.authorCastilho, Aureaen_US
dc.contributor.authorMørkve, Svein Haralden_US
dc.contributor.authorVeruki, Margaret Linen_US
dc.PublishedHartveit E, Zandt B, Madsen E, Castilho A, Mørkve SH, Veruki ML. AMPA receptors at ribbon synapses in the mammalian retina: kinetic models and molecular identity. Brain Structure and Function. 2017eng
dc.description.abstractIn chemical synapses, neurotransmitter molecules released from presynaptic vesicles activate populations of postsynaptic receptors that vary in functional properties depending on their subunit composition. Differential expression and localization of specific receptor subunits are thought to play fundamental roles in signal processing, but our understanding of how that expression is adapted to the signal processing in individual synapses and microcircuits is limited. At ribbon synapses, glutamate release is independent of action potentials and characterized by a high and rapidly changing rate of release. Adequately translating such presynaptic signals into postsynaptic electrical signals poses a considerable challenge for the receptor channels in these synapses. Here, we investigated the functional properties of AMPA receptors of AII amacrine cells in rat retina that receive input at spatially segregated ribbon synapses from OFF-cone and rod bipolar cells. Using patch-clamp recording from outside-out patches, we measured the concentration dependence of response amplitude and steady-state desensitization, the single-channel conductance and the maximum open probability. The GluA4 subunit seems critical for the functional properties of AMPA receptors in AII amacrines and immunocytochemical labeling suggested that GluA4 is located at synapses made by both OFF-cone bipolar cells and rod bipolar cells. Finally, we used a series of experimental observables to develop kinetic models for AII amacrine AMPA receptors and subsequently used the models to explore the behavior of the receptors and responses generated by glutamate concentration profiles mimicking those occurring in synapses. These models will facilitate future in silico modeling of synaptic signaling and processing in AII amacrine cells.en_US
dc.subjectAmacrine cellseng
dc.subjectGlutamate receptorseng
dc.subjectKinetic schemeeng
dc.subjectPatch clampeng
dc.titleAMPA receptors at ribbon synapses in the mammalian retina: kinetic models and molecular identityen_US
dc.typePeer reviewed
dc.typeJournal article
dc.rights.holderCopyright Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017
dc.source.journalBrain Structure and Function
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 178105
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 161217
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 214216
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 213776
dc.identifier.citationBrain Structure and Function. 2018, 223, 769–804.

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