Browsing Master theses by Title
Now showing items 75-94 of 147
Mapping of the Prosopis-Juliflora (Mesquite) invasion and its effects on pastoralist livelihoods in the Red Sea State, Sudan – a remote sensing approach
(Master thesis, 2022-08-01)Land cover management policies and land use changes are among the risks facing pastoral lands in eastern Sudan. Land use/land cover (LULC) changes play a major role in the study of global change. LULC and human/natural ... -
Maternal Mortality and Choice of Birth Attendants in Kenya A system dynamic Approach
(Master thesis, 2021-08-13) -
Medvirkning i utforming av blågrønn struktur: en casestudie av prosjektet bystrand og ny Lungegårdspark
(Master thesis, 2022-05-16)Innen diskursen om en bærekraftig urban utvikling, ser byer i økt grad til blågrønn struktur for å håndtere flere samfunnsutfordringer. Blågrønn struktur blir ansett som et miljøgode med de mange økosystemtjenestene som ... -
Midt- til sein-holosen stormvariabilitet ved Lista, Sør-Noreg, basert på transport og sedimentasjon av flygesand i lakustrine sediment
(Master thesis, 2021-08-02)I denne studia er stormvariabilitet rekonstruert frå midt- til sein-holosen (5500 kal. år BP) til i dag ved Lista i Sør-Noreg. Rekonstruksjonen tek utgangspunkt i ei rekkje høgoppløyselege analysar av ei UVITEC-kjerne (111 ... -
Mind the Gap: Dynamic social inclusion and sustainable mobility in Bergen, Norway
(Master thesis, 2021-05-19)Scholars have claimed that regimes of urban automobility have reached their functional and ideological limits. Many cities are pursuing policies to restrict private vehicle use and prioritize walking, cycling and public ... -
Misperceptions and mismanagement in a weight loss regime A gaming experimental analysis on weight loss strategies
(Master thesis, 2019-06-26)There is a significant number of people who do not succeed in reaching their desired weight after a weight loss regime. It has been argued that this inability to achieve the goal is because of the misperception of the ... -
Modelling Endogenized Human Behavior: A System Dynamics Based Integration of Pro-Environ- mental Intention in Integrated Assessment Modelling
(Master thesis, 2024-06-28)This thesis investigates the system dynamic representation of human behavior, i.e. pro-environmental behavior, within Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs). The research is grounded in psychological theories, i.e. Theory of ... -
Modern glacier and climate fluctuations reflected as geodetic mass balance, calculated using historical and UAV imagery at Fannaråkbreen in Jotunheimen, central southern Norway
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Fannaråkbreen, a mountain glacier in southern Norway, presents immediate responses to climatic fluctuations through its mass balance, making such data important for analysing climate change and glacier state. This study ... -
Motivasjoner og reservasjoner: En studie av bruken og spredningen av klimakalkulatoren blant bønder i Nordland
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)In 2019 the agricultural organizations in Norway signed a letter of intent with the Norwegian government, with the goal of cutting 5 million tons of CO2-equvalents from the agricultural sector by 2030, both through direct ... -
Multi-Method Approach of System Dynamics And Agent-Based Modeling: A Practical Case Study of the Norwegian Dairy Supply Chain
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)A multi-method, hybrid model was developed combining system dynamics and agent-based modeling for the Norwegian dairy product supply chain. The model and relevant data was adapted from an ongoing work in developing a purely ... -
Nabolagsorganisering og sosial bærekraft
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å sette miljøvennlige handlinger i et nytt lys. For å gjøre det er det utført en studie som ser på mennesker som har fokus på bærekraft på en lokal skala; nemlig nabolaget. Masteroppgaven ... -
Natur i endring: Skogekspansjon og gjengroing i et kystlandskap over 70 år - En studie i Isdalen, Bergen kommune
(Master thesis, 2021-08-02)Flere steder i Norge og verden er det observert at skog- og tregrenser har ekspandert gjennom de siste 100 årene. Spesielt alpine områder har vært mye undersøkt, mens kystlandskapet til dels er blitt neglisjert. Målet for ... -
Navigating Demographic Transitions: Analyzing Refugee Population Dynamics and Urban Relocation in the Kinn Municipality
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis explores the demographic challenges and policy responses within Kinn Kommune, focusing on the projected population decline and regional strategies aimed at mitigating outmigration and fostering community ... -
Nye tanker om bolig i Bergen - en studie av Delegården og sosial bærekraft i boligutvikling
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Observation of cetaceans’ population dynamic in the Black Sea waters including the negative impact of Russian Invasion: A System Dynamics Approach
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)This research focuses on the representation of the population dynamics of cetaceans in the Black Sea. The impact of a full-scale Russian invasion is also taken into account. With the help of the approach of System Dynamics, ... -
Perceptions of individual lifestyle changes in Norway's sustainability transition
(Master thesis, 2022-05-16)By ratifying the Paris Agreement in 2015, Norway pledged to attempt to keep the global temperature rise to below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Through the agreement, Norway has committed to cutting 40% of emissions, ... -
Pilot Study: Effectiveness of System Dynamics based Interactive Learning Environment SD/ILE as an interdisciplinary educational tool in K-12 classrooms
(Master thesis, 2021-06-14)Systems thinking is a methodology used to explore and understand the interrelationships within complex systems. One of the key concepts in systems thinking are the feedback loops. This research aims to assess the effectiveness ... -
Plast i produksjonssystem - en studie av fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen i Hordaland
(Master thesis, 2020-06-20)Marin plastforsøpling har fått stor oppmerksomhet den siste tiden. Dette har medført et økt fokus rundt problemstillinger vedrørende bærekraftig plastavfallsbehandling. Dette studiet tar utgangspunkt i fiskeri- og ... -
Population dynamic modeling to further improve the understanding of the impact of the level of the Proportion of Illegally Killed Elephants (PIKE) on elephant populations at a Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) site in Kenya.
(Master thesis, 2021-08-17)Elephants play an important role in ecosystem function and help maintain suitable habitats for many other species as well as maintain ecosystem health. However, African Elephant populations have declined by 60% over the ... -
Raw Material Inventory Control Analysis: A Case Study for a Manufacturing Firm in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)