Master theses
Recent Submissions
A Sense of Place in a Placeless Non-place
(Master thesis, 2024-12-06)The purpose of this thesis is to research a digital sense of place as experienced by roleplayers in World of Warcraft. This is done in an effort to gain a deeper understanding on why people decide to spend a considerable ... -
Hydrogeologi i Glomdalakviferane, Mo i Rana
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)I Glomdalen er det to store og ulike karstsystem med godt utvikla underjordiske dreneringssystem. Tilførselen til kvart system er i hovudsak gjennom eitt større bekkenedløp. Begge systema har utløp gjennom kjelde. Systema ... -
Navigating Demographic Transitions: Analyzing Refugee Population Dynamics and Urban Relocation in the Kinn Municipality
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis explores the demographic challenges and policy responses within Kinn Kommune, focusing on the projected population decline and regional strategies aimed at mitigating outmigration and fostering community ... -
Modelling Endogenized Human Behavior: A System Dynamics Based Integration of Pro-Environ- mental Intention in Integrated Assessment Modelling
(Master thesis, 2024-06-28)This thesis investigates the system dynamic representation of human behavior, i.e. pro-environmental behavior, within Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs). The research is grounded in psychological theories, i.e. Theory of ... -
The green transition in a hybrid totality Heterodox views on the zero-emission prospect
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The thesis takes as research objective the prospect of a pathway to a zero-emission economy in the climate transition literature, coined the Transition Question. It is posited that the prescriptive politics for the climate ... -
The emotional outreach of climate direct actions: alterations of art and space. Stopp Oljeletinga's alliance building strategy from an activist geographic approach
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Stopp Oljeletinga (SOL), Norwegian climate activist campaign, has in late 2022 performed two closely timed protest actions which saw the momentary alteration of Edward Munch’ “Scream” and Gustav Vigeland’s “Monolittplatået” ... -
Socio-technical dynamics of Energy Transition in Polish Silesia
(Master thesis, 2024-06-28)Energy Transition is a shift from a society dependent upon one energy resource and production method to another.It is a complex theme comprising of various sectors, elements, and feedbacks. It also affects a variety of ... -
Modern glacier and climate fluctuations reflected as geodetic mass balance, calculated using historical and UAV imagery at Fannaråkbreen in Jotunheimen, central southern Norway
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Fannaråkbreen, a mountain glacier in southern Norway, presents immediate responses to climatic fluctuations through its mass balance, making such data important for analysing climate change and glacier state. This study ... -
Det Bergenske Potensialet for Urban SOC: En GIS-basert Multikriterie Beslutningsanalyse
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Urbanisering fører til betydelige miljøutfordringer, inkludert økte klimagassutslipp og klimaendringer. En av løsningene som foreslås for å møte disse utfordringene, er karbonlagring i urbane jordsmonn. Denne masteroppgaven ... -
Traces, causes, and consequences of the Glacier Lake Outburst Floods from Austerdalsisen, Mo i Rana, between 1941 to 1958.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) present themselves as large-scale natural hazards being highly destructive and potentially life-threatening. This study investigated traces, causes and consequences of the GLOFs that ... -
Glacier and climate reconstruction during the Holocene with focus on the Little Ice Age in Bjellådalen, Austre Svartisen, northern Norway
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne studien kombinerer geomorfologisk kartlegging med lichenometri og kjerneanalyse (røntgenfluorescens kjerneskanning, magnetisk susceptibilitet, makrofossilanalyse, radiokarbondatering) for å bestemme endringen av ... -
Nye tanker om bolig i Bergen - en studie av Delegården og sosial bærekraft i boligutvikling
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Sirkulærøkonomi i havbruksnæringen - en kvalitativ studie av laksefisknæringen i Norge
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne masteroppgaven i samfunnsgeografi undersøker utbredelsen av sirkulærøkonomiske strategier og praksiser i Norges havbruksnæring. Formålet med studien har vært å kartlegge de praksiser som allerede er iverksatt, og de ... -
Multi-Method Approach of System Dynamics And Agent-Based Modeling: A Practical Case Study of the Norwegian Dairy Supply Chain
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)A multi-method, hybrid model was developed combining system dynamics and agent-based modeling for the Norwegian dairy product supply chain. The model and relevant data was adapted from an ongoing work in developing a purely ... -
Heat Pump Adoption in Germany: A Model-based Study of the Influences on the Diffusion of Innovation in Space heating
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Heating accounts for two-thirds of the final energy consumption of private homes in Germany, with gas and oil heating dominating the market at a 65% share. Decarbonizing heating is crucial for achieving climate neutrality, ... -
Digital teknologi i pleie- og omsorgssektoren En casestudie om implementering og bruk av velferdsteknologi -et leverandør og kommuneperspektiv
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Den økende andelen eldre i befolkingen bidrar til å utfordre det ansvaret norske kommuner har til å gi likeverdige tjenestetilbud lokalt. Bruken av velferdsteknologiske løsninger blir sett på som en mulighet i møte ... -
Sirkulære offentlige anskaffelser Praksis og erfaring basert på casestudier i to kommuner
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Circular public procurement can serve as a tool to meet environmental, social, and economic goals. Public procurers can play a key role in the transition to a circular economy by incorporating environmental and social ... -
The Electric Scooter: a sustainable form of urban micro-mobility transport? A Geographical Overview
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Urbanisation has been overgrown in recent years, and the ever-increasing demand for efficient transportation options has pointed to significant challenges for cities around the globe. It became a pressing concern for ... -
Nabolagsorganisering og sosial bærekraft
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å sette miljøvennlige handlinger i et nytt lys. For å gjøre det er det utført en studie som ser på mennesker som har fokus på bærekraft på en lokal skala; nemlig nabolaget. Masteroppgaven ... -
Fjordforvaltning på Færøyene - Forholdet mellom økende marin areal- og ressursbruk, styringssystem og narrativ i det færøyske samfunnet
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Planlegging av kystsonen er et aktuelt tema i forbindelse med økt utnyttelse av marine arealer og ressurser globalt, nasjonalt og lokal. Denne studien viser til relevansen og behovet for mer forskning på denne tematikken ...