Master theses
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Bærekraftig interaksjonsdesign innen avfallshåndtering av farlig avfall
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)Forskningsområdet i denne oppgaven er Sustainable interactiondesign forkortet til (SID), fra Blevis (2007) som handler om å få bærekraft inn i Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) og interaksjonsdesign. Oppgaven handler om å ... -
Identifying Journalistic Angles
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)Journalism is facing significant financial challenges, with declining advertisement and loss of revenues while the increased pressure and competition from free online distribution channels pushes on. Despite this, digital ... -
Gameworld Interfaces: How can the interface be adapted to the interaction modality when gaming in VR and on PC
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)This study explores the differences in user needs when gaming on different devices. In this context, a "Research through Design" process is utilized. After summarizing related research and defining the differences between ... -
Programmeringsspråk som verktøy for beskrivelse og formidling av problemløsninger
(Master thesis, 1991) -
Classifying Users in a Norwegian Twitter Network Using Network Structure and Text Analysis
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)The goal of this thesis is to understand the network structure of a constructed network of Twitter data in Norwegian about Covid-19. The network was constructed by using the users as nodes and retweets as the links between ... -
«Kan me få litt hype i chatten?» Utforsking av politisk engasjement på Twitch: Eit brukarsentrert perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)Denne masteroppgåva undersøker Twitch-chat som ein digital arena for politisk kengasjement, med fokus på korleis plattforma legg til rette for deltaking og diskusjon. Frå å vere ei plattform for spelstrøyming, har Twitch ... -
Integrating Digital Landscape Model Datasets as Knowledge Graphs. Exploring the German ATKIS datasets
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Recently, the Knowledge Graph (KG) based approach has become increasingly popular for integrating geospatial data. This popularity is due to the flexible nature of the graph data model that KGs have, and the ability to ... -
An Application for Promoting Effective Antibiotic Stewardship
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Antibiotic stewardship programs have become essential in dealing with the threat of antibiotic resistance. These programs aim to improve antibiotic prescribing practices to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use and also slow ... -
Large language models for document classification
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis is a research endeavor to explore the efficacy of large language models in conjunction with document classification. This thesis started out as a project started together with the "Byggebot"- project, started ... -
Managing Norwegian Geospatial Data through Virtual Knowledge Graphs
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis examines the use of Virtual Knowledge Graphs (VKG) to manage and query geospatial data, focusing on evaluating the performance and functionality of three different Knowledge Graph (KG)systems: Virtuoso, Ontop, ... -
Bruk av ChatGPT for klassifisering av byggesaksdokumenter: En studie i prompt engineering
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan ChatGPT, en avansert språkmodell utviklet av OpenAI, kan anvendes for å effektivisere nyhetsdeteksjon og -produksjon. Hovedmålet er å utvikle en pipelinje som kan klassifisere ... -
Personalized Advertisement Recommendations Using Implicit Feedback
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Online advertising is a big part of everyday life for the average internet user, and an important source of income for most mass media companies. Studies have shown that users often prefer ads that are relevant to their ... -
VR Memory Palaces: Can Walking Improve Memorization?
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The method of loci is an ancient, tried and tested mnemonic technique, utilizing human spatial awareness to remember large amounts of non-spatial information.Though traditionally performed in the mind, imagined walking ... -
Blackboard Model for Rich Text Annotation
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This project investigates the application of a Blackboard model for rich-text annotation, focusing on the research, development, and practical use of such a model. The research method employed in this project is the ... -
Vi må get with the program, eller fuck off. En kvalitativ studie av hvordan komikere erfarer humorregime i Norge i dag.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Debatten rundt humor er like dagsaktuell som den alltid har vært, både i medier og hos publikum. Med utgangspunkt i debatten rundt humor, tar denne masteroppgaven for seg hva, hvor og hvordan komikere anser de uskrevne ... -
AI i Schibsted News Media
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Schibsted har som et av Nordens fremste mediekonsern, vært en drivkraft for teknologisk innovasjon på mediemarkedet. I 2022 lanserte OpenAI språkmodellen ChatGPT, en milepæl i utviklingen og forståelsen av kunstig intelligens ... -
Generating Semantic Descriptions of Arbitrary Sentences with Large Language Models
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The exponential improvement in Artificial Intelligence performing language-related tasks has reached the point of closely simulating the abilities to that of a human. The nature of language is extremely complex, built up ... -
Kunstig intelligens i lokal nyhetsjournalistikk
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Kunstig intelligens blir stadig viktigere i journalistisk arbeid. Mange lokale redaksjoner har imidlertid begrensede ressurser, og dermed ikke de samme mulighetene til å implementere ny teknologi på samme måte som større ... -
Leveraging Digital Twins for Clinical Pathways: Exploring Arthroplasty Registry and Clinical Database
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis investigates the integration of digital twins into clinical pathways to improve predictive modeling of patient outcomes. Within the Digital Twin Project we have analyzed two different data sources; Data from ... -
Smidig utvikling innen mediesektoren
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker anvendelsen av smidige utviklingsmetoder innenfor mediebransjen, med et særlig fokus på hvordan disse metodene bidrar til innovasjon, effektivitet og tilpasningsdyktighet i lys av bransjens ...